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chr.GetInstanceType() doesn't work on every channel/for every metin stone

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I downloaded the multi bot of "iPush" ( you can search it on google ) and it has some problems that I don't know how to solve ( on metin2 aeldra )

The bot uses chr.GetInstanceType() == 2 to check for metin stones, it works flawlessly on map1/map2 but then it starts to crash

1)In the valley ( where lv 45 metins are ) it works only on ch5

2)In desert it works only on ch5

3)In Sohan/Forest/Fire country(where the level 75 metins are ) it doesn't work at all on any ch


I find it really weird that it can find metins only on some chs/maps

I check their type with nonplayer.GetTargetVID() and chr.GetInstanceType() and the types are still 2 so it should work but it deoesn't


Has anyone an idea what is going on? It basically just skips those metin stones completely,it's like they don't exist,even if I don't check for their type and I just print in a file the names of every mob in an area,those metin stones are still invisible they are basically considered as NOT AN OBJECT. PS : printing out the names for metin stones map1/map2 or valley ch5 works because the script FIND THEIR OBJECTS...


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