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Mousemodule Problem

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I got this on syserr

Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method CursorImage.__del__ of <mouseModule.CursorImage object at 0x09204630>> ignored
Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method CursorImage.__del__ of <mouseModule.CursorImage object at 0x09204650>> ignored
Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method CursorImage.__del__ of <mouseModule.CursorImage object at 0x09204610>> ignored
Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method CursorImage.__del__ of <mouseModule.CursorImage object at 0x09210B30>> ignored
Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method CursorImage.__del__ of <mouseModule.CursorImage object at 0x092109D0>> ignored
Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method CursorImage.__del__ of <mouseModule.CursorImage object at 0x092109F0>> ignored
Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method CursorImage.__del__ of <mouseModule.CursorImage object at 0x09210A10>> ignored
Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method CursorImage.__del__ of <mouseModule.CursorImage object at 0x09210A30>> ignored
Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method CursorImage.__del__ of <mouseModule.CursorImage object at 0x09210A50>> ignored
Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method CursorImage.__del__ of <mouseModule.CursorImage object at 0x09210A70>> ignored
Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method CursorImage.__del__ of <mouseModule.CursorImage object at 0x092104B0>> ignored
Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method CursorImage.__del__ of <mouseModule.CursorImage object at 0x09210550>> ignored
Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method CursorImage.__del__ of <mouseModule.CursorImage object at 0x09210590>> ignored
Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method CursorImage.__del__ of <mouseModule.CursorImage object at 0x092106B0>> ignored
Exception AttributeError: "'NoneType' object has no attribute '__del__'" in <bound method NumberLine.__del__ of <ui.NumberLine object at 0x092106F0>> ignored
Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method CursorImage.__del__ of <mouseModule.CursorImage object at 0x092045D0>> ignored




import app
import grp
import grpImage
import item
import wndMgr
import player

import skill
import dbg
import grpText

import ui

import systemSetting

import localeInfo

## Mouse Controler
## ¸¶żě˝ş ÄżĽ­¸¦ Á¦ľîÇĎ¸ç ¸¶żě˝ş ÄżĽ­żˇ AttachµÇľî żňÁ÷ŔĚ´Â Objectµé±îÁö Á¦ľîÇŇ Ľö ŔÖ´Ů.

class CursorImage(object):
	def __init__(self):
		self.handle = 0

	def __init__(self, imageName):
		self.handle = 0

	def __del__(self):

	def LoadImage(self, imageName):
			self.handle = grpImage.Generate(imageName)

			import sys
			dbg.TraceError("%s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
			self.handle = 0

	def DeleteImage(self):
		if self.handle:

	def IsImage(self):
		if self.handle:
			return True

		return False

	def SetPosition(self, x, y):
		if self.handle:
			grpImage.SetPosition(self.handle, x, y)

	def Render(self):
		if self.handle:

class CMouseController(object):

	def __init__(self):

		self.x = 0
		self.y = 0

		self.IsSoftwareCursor = False
		self.curCursorName = ""
		self.curCursorImage = 0
		self.cursorPosX = 0
		self.cursorPosY = 0

		self.AttachedIconHandle = 0
		self.AttachedOwner = 0
		self.AttachedFlag = False
		self.AttachedType = 0
		self.AttachedSlotNumber = 0
		self.AttachedCount = 1
		self.AttachedIconHalfWidth = 0
		self.AttachedIconHalfHeight = 0
		self.LastAttachedSlotNumber = 0

		self.countNumberLine = None


		self.callbackDict = {}

	def __del__(self):
		self.callbackDict = {}

	def Create(self):
		self.IsSoftwareCursor = systemSetting.IsSoftwareCursor()

		self.cursorDict = {
			app.NORMAL			: CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor.sub"),
			app.ATTACK			: CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_attack.sub"),
			app.TARGET			: CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_attack.sub"),
			app.TALK			: CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_talk.sub"),
			app.CANT_GO			: CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_no.sub"),
			app.PICK			: CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_pick.sub"),
			app.DOOR			: CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_door.sub"),
			app.CHAIR			: CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_chair.sub"),
			app.MAGIC			: CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_chair.sub"),
			app.BUY				: CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_buy.sub"),
			app.SELL			: CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_sell.sub"),
			app.CAMERA_ROTATE	: CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_camera_rotate.sub"),
			app.HSIZE			: CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_hsize.sub"),
			app.VSIZE			: CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_vsize.sub"),
			app.HVSIZE			: CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_hvsize.sub"),
		self.cursorPosDict = {
			app.NORMAL			: (0, 0),
			app.TARGET			: (0, 0),
			app.ATTACK			: (0, 0),
			app.TALK			: (0, 0),
			app.CANT_GO			: (0, 0),
			app.PICK			: (0, 0),
			app.DOOR			: (0, 0),
			app.CHAIR			: (0, 0),
			app.MAGIC			: (0, 0),
			app.BUY				: (0, 0),
			app.SELL			: (0, 0),
			app.CAMERA_ROTATE	: (0, 0),
			app.HSIZE			: (-16, -16),
			app.VSIZE			: (-16, -16),
			app.HVSIZE			: (-16, -16),


		AttachedCountTextLineHandle = grpText.Generate()
		grpText.SetFontName(AttachedCountTextLineHandle, localeInfo.UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL)
		grpText.SetText(AttachedCountTextLineHandle, "1234")
		grpText.SetPosition(AttachedCountTextLineHandle, 100, 100)
		grpText.SetOutline(AttachedCountTextLineHandle, True)
		grpText.SetFontColor(AttachedCountTextLineHandle, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
		grpText.SetHorizontalAlign(AttachedCountTextLineHandle, wndMgr.TEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER)
		self.AttachedCountTextLineHandle = AttachedCountTextLineHandle

		self.countNumberLine = ui.NumberLine("CURTAIN")

		return True

	# Cursor Control
	def ChangeCursor(self, cursorNum):
			self.curCursorNum = cursorNum
			self.curCursorImage = self.cursorDict[cursorNum]
			(self.cursorPosX, self.cursorPosY) = self.cursorPosDict[cursorNum]

			if False == self.curCursorImage.IsImage():
				self.curCursorNum = app.NORMAL
				self.curCursorImage = self.cursorDict[app.NORMAL]

		except KeyError:
			dbg.TraceError("mouseModule.MouseController.SetCursor - Ŕ߸řµČ ÄżĽ­ ąřČŁ [%d]" % cursorNum)
			self.curCursorName = app.NORMAL
			self.curCursorImage = self.cursorDict[app.NORMAL]

	# Attaching
	def AttachObject(self, Owner, Type, SlotNumber, ItemIndex, count = 0):

		self.LastAttachedSlotNumber = self.AttachedSlotNumber

		self.AttachedFlag = True
		self.AttachedOwner = Owner
		self.AttachedType = Type
		self.AttachedSlotNumber = SlotNumber
		self.AttachedItemIndex = ItemIndex
		self.AttachedCount = count

		if count > 1:


			width = 1
			height = 1

			if Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY or\
				Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_PRIVATE_SHOP or\
				Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_SHOP or\
				Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX or\
				Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_MALL or\

				self.AttachedIconHandle = item.GetIconInstance()

				if not self.AttachedIconHandle:
					self.AttachedIconHandle = 0

				(width, height) = item.GetItemSize()

			elif Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL:
				skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(SlotNumber)
				self.AttachedIconHandle = skill.GetIconInstanceNew(self.AttachedItemIndex, skillGrade)

			elif Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_EMOTION:
				image = player.GetEmotionIconImage(ItemIndex)
				self.AttachedIconHandle = grpImage.GenerateFromHandle(image)

			elif Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_QUICK_SLOT:
				(quickSlotType, position) = player.GetGlobalQuickSlot(SlotNumber)

				if quickSlotType == player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY:

					itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(position)
					self.AttachedIconHandle = item.GetIconInstance()
					(width, height) = item.GetItemSize()

				elif quickSlotType == player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL:
					skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(position)
					skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(position)
					self.AttachedIconHandle = skill.GetIconInstanceNew(skillIndex, skillGrade)

				elif quickSlotType == player.SLOT_TYPE_EMOTION:
					image = player.GetEmotionIconImage(position)
					self.AttachedIconHandle = grpImage.GenerateFromHandle(image)

			if not self.AttachedIconHandle:

			self.AttachedIconHalfWidth = grpImage.GetWidth(self.AttachedIconHandle) / 2
			self.AttachedIconHalfHeight = grpImage.GetHeight(self.AttachedIconHandle) / 2
			self.AttachedIconHalfWidth = grpImage.GetWidth(self.AttachedIconHandle) / 2
			self.AttachedIconHalfHeight = grpImage.GetHeight(self.AttachedIconHandle) / 2
			wndMgr.AttachIcon(self.AttachedType, self.AttachedItemIndex, self.AttachedSlotNumber, width, height)

		except Exception, e:
			dbg.TraceError("mouseModule.py: AttachObject : " + str(e))
			self.AttachedIconHandle = 0

	def IsAttachedMoney(self):
		if True == self.isAttached():
			if player.ITEM_MONEY == self.GetAttachedItemIndex():
				return True

		return False

	def GetAttachedMoneyAmount(self):
		if True == self.isAttached():
			if player.ITEM_MONEY == self.GetAttachedItemIndex():
				return self.GetAttachedItemCount()
		return 0

	def AttachMoney(self, owner, type, count):

		self.LastAttachedSlotNumber = self.AttachedSlotNumber

		self.AttachedFlag = True
		self.AttachedOwner = owner
		self.AttachedType = type
		self.AttachedSlotNumber = -1
		self.AttachedItemIndex = player.ITEM_MONEY
		self.AttachedCount = count
		self.AttachedIconHandle = grpImage.Generate("icon/item/money.tga")
		self.AttachedIconHalfWidth = grpImage.GetWidth(self.AttachedIconHandle) / 2
		self.AttachedIconHalfHeight = grpImage.GetHeight(self.AttachedIconHandle) / 2
		wndMgr.AttachIcon(self.AttachedType, self.AttachedItemIndex, self.AttachedSlotNumber, 1, 1)

		if count > 1:
		#grpText.SetText(self.AttachedCountTextLineHandle, str(count))

	def DeattachObject(self):

		self.LastAttachedSlotNumber = self.AttachedSlotNumber

		if self.AttachedIconHandle != 0:

			if self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY or\
				self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_PRIVATE_SHOP or\
				self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_SHOP or\
				self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX or\
				self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_MALL:


			elif self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL:

			elif self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_EMOTION:

		self.AttachedFlag = False
		self.AttachedType = -1
		self.AttachedItemIndex = -1
		self.AttachedSlotNumber = -1
		self.AttachedIconHandle = 0

		if self.countNumberLine:

	def isAttached(self):
		return self.AttachedFlag

	def GetAttachedOwner(self):

		if False == self.isAttached():
			return 0

		return self.AttachedOwner

	def GetAttachedType(self):

		if False == self.isAttached():
			return player.SLOT_TYPE_NONE

		return self.AttachedType

	def GetAttachedSlotNumber(self):

		if False == self.isAttached():
			return 0

		return self.AttachedSlotNumber

	def GetLastAttachedSlotNumber(self):

		return self.LastAttachedSlotNumber

	def GetAttachedItemIndex(self):

		if False == self.isAttached():
			return 0

		return self.AttachedItemIndex

	def GetAttachedItemCount(self):

		if False == self.isAttached():
			return 0

		return self.AttachedCount

	# Update
	def Update(self, x, y):

		self.x = x
		self.y = y

		if True == self.isAttached():
			if 0 != self.AttachedIconHandle:
				grpImage.SetDiffuseColor(self.AttachedIconHandle, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5)
				grpImage.SetPosition(self.AttachedIconHandle, self.x - self.AttachedIconHalfWidth, self.y - self.AttachedIconHalfHeight)
				self.countNumberLine.SetPosition(self.x, self.y - self.AttachedIconHalfHeight - 3)

		if self.IsSoftwareCursor:
			if 0 != self.curCursorImage:
				self.curCursorImage.SetPosition(self.x + self.cursorPosX, self.y + self.cursorPosY)
	# Render
	def Render(self):

		if True == self.isAttached():
			if 0 != self.AttachedIconHandle:

		if self.IsSoftwareCursor:
			if True == app.IsShowCursor():
				if 0 != self.curCursorImage:
			if False == app.IsShowCursor():
				if True == app.IsLiarCursorOn():
					if 0 != self.curCursorImage:
						self.curCursorImage.SetPosition(self.x + self.cursorPosX, self.y + self.cursorPosY)

	def SetCallBack(self, type, event=lambda *arg:None):
		self.callbackDict[type] = event

	def RunCallBack(self, type, *arg):

		if not self.callbackDict.has_key(type):


	def ClearCallBack(self):
		self.callbackDict = {}

mouseController = CMouseController()
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