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[C++] IP Login problem -> core dumped (10€ for fix)

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I tried to add feature like "IP Login". It locks your IP and you can not login using different IP adress.

I tried to write this code:

	char ip;
	char query[1024];
	snprintf(query, sizeof(query),"SELECT ip FROM account.ip_login WHERE ip = '%s' AND login = '%s'", inet_ntoa(d->GetAddr().sin_addr), login);
	std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> execquery(DBManager::instance().DirectQuery(query));

	MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(execquery->Get()->pSQLResult);
	str_to_number(ip, row[0]);
	if (ip != '0' && execquery->Get()->uiNumRows < 1)
		LoginFailure(d, "IP_MATCH");

But when I run it and try to login, core gets dumped.

I have tried a lot of variations of this code.
One time I could not login when there were not IP adress in table. (It was recognising IP address, but when I cleared table, I could not login due bad IP)


Any solution, please? (I pay 10€ - after solution)

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I may probably sound offtopic but overall I don't think locking player's ip is a good idea... In fact, if someone is using a dynamic ip, a mobile phone connection or if he is living in two different places or just if he moves he won't be able to connect anymore and it will probably be a source of issue more than a protection.

I think you should give the option to enable or disable the check on the fly so that every player will be able to add this security willingly.

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6 hours ago, Galet said:


I may probably sound offtopic but overall I don't think locking player's ip is a good idea... In fact, if someone is using a dynamic ip, a mobile phone connection or if he is living in two different places or just if he moves he won't be able to connect anymore and it will probably be a source of issue more than a protection.

I think you should give the option to enable or disable the check on the fly so that every player will be able to add this security willingly.

Hi, yes. I made it to check if player is in table IP_login, it will check the player.

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