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Didn't test but find in char_battle.cpp:

else if (1 == number(1, iGold10DropPct))
		// µ· ĆřĹş˝Ä µĺ·Ó
		for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
			int iGold = number(GetMobTable().dwGoldMin, GetMobTable().dwGoldMax);
			iGold = iGold * CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().GetMobGoldAmountRate(pkAttacker) / 100;
			iGold *= iGoldMultipler;

			if (iGold == 0)

			// NOTE: µ· ĆřĹşŔş Á¦ 3ŔÇ ĽŐ Ăł¸®¸¦ ÇĎÁö ľĘŔ˝
			if ((item = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateItem(1, iGold)))
				pos.x = GetX() + (number(-7, 7) * 20);
				pos.y = GetY() + (number(-7, 7) * 20);

				item->AddToGround(GetMapIndex(), pos);

				iTotalGold += iGold; // Total gold

Try to remove whole else if and check if it's working (save it somewhere maybe in case it wouldn't work).


I didn't notice you also want to remove it from bosses. I have no time right now to adjust it but you can try it on your own. You have everything around this else if I gave you higher.


char_battle.cpp on the beggining add

#include "../../common/service.h"

common/service.h on the end add


char_battle.cpp change in Reward()

	if (GetMobRank() >= MOB_RANK_BOSS && !IsStone() && GetMobTable().dwGoldMax != 0)
		if (1 == number(1, iGold10DropPct))
			iGoldMultipler *= 10; // 1% Č®·ü·Î µ· 10ąč

		int iSplitCount = number(25, 35);

		for (int i = 0; i < iSplitCount; ++i)
			int iGold = number(GetMobTable().dwGoldMin, GetMobTable().dwGoldMax) / iSplitCount;
			if (test_server)
				sys_log(0, "iGold %d", iGold);
			iGold = iGold * CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().GetMobGoldAmountRate(pkAttacker) / 100;
			iGold *= iGoldMultipler;

			if (iGold == 0)
				continue ;

			if (test_server)
				sys_log(0, "Drop Moeny MobGoldAmountRate %d %d", CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().GetMobGoldAmountRate(pkAttacker), iGoldMultipler);
				sys_log(0, "Drop Money gold %d GoldMin %d GoldMax %d", iGold, GetMobTable().dwGoldMax, GetMobTable().dwGoldMax);

			// NOTE: µ· ĆřĹşŔş Á¦ 3ŔÇ ĽŐ Ăł¸®¸¦ ÇĎÁö ľĘŔ
			pkAttacker->GiveGold(iGold / iSplitCount);
			iTotalGold += iGold;
			if ((item = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateItem(1, iGold)))
				pos.x = GetX() + ((number(-14, 14) + number(-14, 14)) * 23);
				pos.y = GetY() + ((number(-14, 14) + number(-14, 14)) * 23);

				item->AddToGround(GetMapIndex(), pos);

				iTotalGold += iGold; // Total gold
	// 1% Č®·ü·Î µ·Ŕ» 10°ł ¶łľî ¶ß¸°´Ů. (10ąč µĺ·ÓŔÓ
	else if (1 == number(1, iGold10DropPct))
		// µ· ĆřĹş˝Ä µĺ·Ó
		for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
			int iGold = number(GetMobTable().dwGoldMin, GetMobTable().dwGoldMax);
			iGold = iGold * CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().GetMobGoldAmountRate(pkAttacker) / 100;
			iGold *= iGoldMultipler;

			if (iGold == 0)

			// NOTE: µ· ĆřĹşŔş Á¦ 3ŔÇ ĽŐ Ăł¸®¸¦ ÇĎÁö ľĘŔ˝
			if ((item = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateItem(1, iGold)))
				pos.x = GetX() + (number(-7, 7) * 20);
				pos.y = GetY() + (number(-7, 7) * 20);

				item->AddToGround(GetMapIndex(), pos);

				iTotalGold += iGold; // Total gold
		// ŔĎąÝŔűŔÎ ąć˝ÄŔÇ µ· µĺ·Ó
		int iGold = number(GetMobTable().dwGoldMin, GetMobTable().dwGoldMax);
		iGold = iGold * CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().GetMobGoldAmountRate(pkAttacker) / 100;
		iGold *= iGoldMultipler;

		int iSplitCount;

		if (iGold >= 3 && !LC_IsYMIR()) 
			iSplitCount = number(1, 3);
		else if (GetMobRank() >= MOB_RANK_BOSS)
			iSplitCount = number(3, 10);

			if ((iGold / iSplitCount) == 0)
				iSplitCount = 1;
			iSplitCount = 1;

		if (iGold != 0)
			iTotalGold += iGold; // Total gold

			for (int i = 0; i < iSplitCount; ++i)
				if (isAutoLoot)
					pkAttacker->GiveGold(iGold / iSplitCount);
				else if ((item = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateItem(1, iGold / iSplitCount)))
					pos.x = GetX() + (number(-7, 7) * 20);
					pos.y = GetY() + (number(-7, 7) * 20);

					item->AddToGround(GetMapIndex(), pos);

Didn't test. Yang will be added to character's inventory after killing a boss instead of droping on the ground. Let me know if you want it in another way.

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On 7/9/2017 at 1:26 PM, Den said:

Didn't test but find in char_battle.cpp:

else if (1 == number(1, iGold10DropPct))
		// µ· ĆřĹş˝Ä µĺ·Ó
		for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
			int iGold = number(GetMobTable().dwGoldMin, GetMobTable().dwGoldMax);
			iGold = iGold * CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().GetMobGoldAmountRate(pkAttacker) / 100;
			iGold *= iGoldMultipler;

			if (iGold == 0)

			// NOTE: µ· ĆřĹşŔş Á¦ 3ŔÇ ĽŐ Ăł¸®¸¦ ÇĎÁö ľĘŔ˝
			if ((item = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateItem(1, iGold)))
				pos.x = GetX() + (number(-7, 7) * 20);
				pos.y = GetY() + (number(-7, 7) * 20);

				item->AddToGround(GetMapIndex(), pos);

				iTotalGold += iGold; // Total gold

Try to remove whole else if and check if it's working (save it somewhere maybe in case it wouldn't work).


I didn't notice you also want to remove it from bosses. I have no time right now to adjust it but you can try it on your own. You have everything around this else if I gave you higher.


char_battle.cpp on the beggining add

#include "../../common/service.h"

common/service.h on the end add


char_battle.cpp change in Reward()

	if (GetMobRank() >= MOB_RANK_BOSS && !IsStone() && GetMobTable().dwGoldMax != 0)
		if (1 == number(1, iGold10DropPct))
			iGoldMultipler *= 10; // 1% Č®·ü·Î µ· 10ąč

		int iSplitCount = number(25, 35);

		for (int i = 0; i < iSplitCount; ++i)
			int iGold = number(GetMobTable().dwGoldMin, GetMobTable().dwGoldMax) / iSplitCount;
			if (test_server)
				sys_log(0, "iGold %d", iGold);
			iGold = iGold * CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().GetMobGoldAmountRate(pkAttacker) / 100;
			iGold *= iGoldMultipler;

			if (iGold == 0)
				continue ;

			if (test_server)
				sys_log(0, "Drop Moeny MobGoldAmountRate %d %d", CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().GetMobGoldAmountRate(pkAttacker), iGoldMultipler);
				sys_log(0, "Drop Money gold %d GoldMin %d GoldMax %d", iGold, GetMobTable().dwGoldMax, GetMobTable().dwGoldMax);

			// NOTE: µ· ĆřĹşŔş Á¦ 3ŔÇ ĽŐ Ăł¸®¸¦ ÇĎÁö ľĘŔ
			pkAttacker->GiveGold(iGold / iSplitCount);
			iTotalGold += iGold;
			if ((item = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateItem(1, iGold)))
				pos.x = GetX() + ((number(-14, 14) + number(-14, 14)) * 23);
				pos.y = GetY() + ((number(-14, 14) + number(-14, 14)) * 23);

				item->AddToGround(GetMapIndex(), pos);

				iTotalGold += iGold; // Total gold
	// 1% Č®·ü·Î µ·Ŕ» 10°ł ¶łľî ¶ß¸°´Ů. (10ąč µĺ·ÓŔÓ
	else if (1 == number(1, iGold10DropPct))
		// µ· ĆřĹş˝Ä µĺ·Ó
		for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
			int iGold = number(GetMobTable().dwGoldMin, GetMobTable().dwGoldMax);
			iGold = iGold * CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().GetMobGoldAmountRate(pkAttacker) / 100;
			iGold *= iGoldMultipler;

			if (iGold == 0)

			// NOTE: µ· ĆřĹşŔş Á¦ 3ŔÇ ĽŐ Ăł¸®¸¦ ÇĎÁö ľĘŔ˝
			if ((item = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateItem(1, iGold)))
				pos.x = GetX() + (number(-7, 7) * 20);
				pos.y = GetY() + (number(-7, 7) * 20);

				item->AddToGround(GetMapIndex(), pos);

				iTotalGold += iGold; // Total gold
		// ŔĎąÝŔűŔÎ ąć˝ÄŔÇ µ· µĺ·Ó
		int iGold = number(GetMobTable().dwGoldMin, GetMobTable().dwGoldMax);
		iGold = iGold * CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().GetMobGoldAmountRate(pkAttacker) / 100;
		iGold *= iGoldMultipler;

		int iSplitCount;

		if (iGold >= 3 && !LC_IsYMIR()) 
			iSplitCount = number(1, 3);
		else if (GetMobRank() >= MOB_RANK_BOSS)
			iSplitCount = number(3, 10);

			if ((iGold / iSplitCount) == 0)
				iSplitCount = 1;
			iSplitCount = 1;

		if (iGold != 0)
			iTotalGold += iGold; // Total gold

			for (int i = 0; i < iSplitCount; ++i)
				if (isAutoLoot)
					pkAttacker->GiveGold(iGold / iSplitCount);
				else if ((item = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateItem(1, iGold / iSplitCount)))
					pos.x = GetX() + (number(-7, 7) * 20);
					pos.y = GetY() + (number(-7, 7) * 20);

					item->AddToGround(GetMapIndex(), pos);

Didn't test. Yang will be added to character's inventory after killing a boss instead of droping on the ground. Let me know if you want it in another way.

And if it's from monsters how you do it?

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#### Src/game/char_battle.cpp

	if (GetMobRank() >= MOB_RANK_BOSS && !IsStone() && GetMobTable().dwGoldMax != 0)
	DBManager::instance().SendMoneyLog(MONEY_LOG_MONSTER, GetRaceNum(), iTotalGold);

//Replace all function with:

	if (GetMobRank() <= MOB_RANK_BOSS && !IsStone() && GetMobTable().dwGoldMax != 0)
		if (1 == number(1, iGold10DropPct))
			iGoldMultipler *= 10; // 1% È®·ü·Î µ· 10¹è

		int iSplitCount = number(25, 35);

		for (int i = 0; i < iSplitCount; ++i)
			int iGold = number(GetMobTable().dwGoldMin, GetMobTable().dwGoldMax) / iSplitCount;
			if (test_server)
				sys_log(0, "iGold %d", iGold);
			iGold = iGold * CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().GetMobGoldAmountRate(pkAttacker) / 100;
			iGold *= iGoldMultipler;

			if (iGold == 0)
				continue ;

			if (test_server)
				sys_log(0, "Drop Moeny MobGoldAmountRate %d %d", CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().GetMobGoldAmountRate(pkAttacker), iGoldMultipler);
				sys_log(0, "Drop Money gold %d GoldMin %d GoldMax %d", iGold, GetMobTable().dwGoldMax, GetMobTable().dwGoldMax);

			// NOTE: µ· ÆøźÀº Á¦ 3ÀÇ ¼Õ 󸮸¦ ÇÏÁö ¾ÊÀ½
			int give_money = number(1, 25);
			pkAttacker->GiveGold(iGold *give_money);
			iTotalGold += iGold;

	DBManager::instance().SendMoneyLog(MONEY_LOG_MONSTER, GetRaceNum(), iTotalGold);



#### Bin/root/game.py

	def OnPickMoney(self, money):
		chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.GAME_PICK_MONEY % (money))
//Edit like:
	def OnPickMoney(self, money):



Let me know if you found any bug

if pc.get_sex() == true and npc.get_sex() == false then


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