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"[Sell price]" yellow message above item price

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Here is a small check:

		s_Color = [0xffFFC700, 0xffFFC700]
		if (12010 <= itemVnum and itemVnum <= 12019):				# 12010 | 12011 | 12012 | 12013 | 12014 | 12015 | 12016 | 12017 | 12018 | 12019
			self.AppendTextLine("Description for item 12019 <= 12019!", s_Color[0])
		if (1 <= itemVnum and itemVnum <= 20009):				# 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 etc  etc...max 20009
			self.AppendTextLine("Description for all items!", s_Color[1])

And if u want to add extented line simple:

			if itemVnum in (50011, 50012, 50013):
				pItem_list = {
					50011 : ["[i]", "Item description 1!", "ServerName: %s" % "|cFF6af200" + localeInfo.APP_TITLE],
					50012 : ["[i]", "Item description 2!", "ServerName: %s" % "|cFF6af200" + localeInfo.APP_TITLE],	
					50013 : ["[i]", "Item description 3!", "ServerName: %s" % "|cFF6af200" + localeInfo.APP_TITLE]}							
				for i in xrange(len(pItem_list[itemVnum])):
					self.AppendTextLine(pItem_list[itemVnum][i], self.SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR)	


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45 minutes ago, VegaS said:


		s_Color = [0xffFFC700, 0xffFFC700]
		if (12010 <= itemVnum and itemVnum <= 12019):				# 12010 | 12011 | 12012 | 12013 | 12014 | 12015 | 12016 | 12017 | 12018 | 12019
			self.AppendTextLine("Description for item 12019 <= 12019!", s_Color[0])
		if (1 <= itemVnum and itemVnum <= 20009):				# 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 etc  etc...max 20009
			self.AppendTextLine("Description for all items!", s_Color[1])


		if (12010 <= itemVnum and itemVnum <= 12019):				# 12010 | 12011 | 12012 | 12013 | 12014 | 12015 | 12016 | 12017 | 12018 | 12019

		if (1 <= itemVnum and itemVnum <= 20009):				# 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 etc  etc...max 20009

Hmm... 12010 <= it checks values less than 12010 too. The same with the other conditional.

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48 minutes ago, Shang said:

		if (12010 <= itemVnum and itemVnum <= 12019):				# 12010 | 12011 | 12012 | 12013 | 12014 | 12015 | 12016 | 12017 | 12018 | 12019

		if (1 <= itemVnum and itemVnum <= 20009):				# 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 etc  etc...max 20009

Hmm... 12010 <= it checks values less than 12010 too. The same with the other conditional.

it check values starting from 12010 to 12019 for fu.ck sake.

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