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Posts posted by Ph0enix

  1. Karma System

    Will exist 2 types of karma, as always : PositiveNegative

    You can gain Karma (both types) in those 4 manners: 

    • Killing Bosses
    • Killing Monsters
    • Killing Metins
    • Zen Beans

    There won't be any other method to gain karma.

    You will not lose items if you have Negative Karma.

    Now let's make a little distinction

    Positive Karma will be gained by doing those things.

    Negative Karma, on the other hand, will need an item that you can buy from the General Store, the Fruit of Discord.

    The Fruit of Discord must be actived to gain Negative Karma (like the Anti-Exp rings).

    Now let's analyze in detail:

    Positive Karma :

    there will be 6 grades of Positive Karma, in ascending order

    • Friendly +10.000 a +39.999
    • Good +40.000 a +79.999
    • Noble +80.000 a +119.999
    • Chivalric +120.000 a +199.999
    • Paladin +200.000 a +399.999
    • Legend +400.000 a +1.000.000

    Positive Karma will grant you: +Drop Rate.

    As I have mentioned before, the 4 ways to gain Positive Karma will be:

    • Killing Bosses : +100
    • Killing Monsters : +0.2
    • Killing Metins : +50
    • Zen Beans: +6000

    The Zen Bean will be obtained exclusively from the daily missions.

    Negative Karma :

    there will be 6 grades of Negative Karma, in descending order:

    • Aggressive -10.000 a -39.999
    • Fraudulent -40.000 a -79.999
    • Malicious -80.000 a -119.999
    • Cruel -120.000 a -199.999
    • Joker -200.000 a -399.999
    • Antihero -400.000 a -1.000.000

    The Negative Karma will gran you: +Drop Yang.

    As I have mentioned before, the 4 ways to gain Negative Karma will be:

    • Killing Bosses : -100
    • Killing Monsters: -0.2
    • Killing Metins : -50
    • Lucy Ring : -6000

    The Lucy Ring will be obtained exclusively from the daily missions.

    Usefull Items for the Kar:

    • Sage King's Symbol: Positive Karma Points x2.
    • Sage King's Glove: Negative Karma Points x2.
    • Fugitive's Cape: When worn, hides your Karma grade.

    Those items can be obtained by fishing.


    Buffi System

    What is the Buffi System?
    Buffi System is a seal that will permit you to call a Portable Shaman, in few worlds.
    You will find it as a Chest (that can be trade, sell and everything)


    Inside the Buffer Chest you will find the


    Buffer Seal that will be  binded to the character, so you will not be able to trade, put in the storage and sell.

    The Buffer Seal will have differents expirations time, 7 , 14 e 30 days.
    The 7 days one can be obtained in game, the others will be just inside the Shop.
    Before you say "Pay To Win" i will explain you how to obtain the 7 days seal:
    from level 30 you will get a new quest: "Your faithful ally", the mission will be repeatable 1 time every 14 days.

    The quest tasks:

    • Kill 20 Metin of the Valley
    • Kill 10 Bestial Captain
    • Collect 50.000.000 Yang
    • Posses 20 Zander

    As I said the quest will be repeatable every 14 days, so every month you will have 14 days of Buffer.

    The Buffi System will be like this, and the skill will have a defined order:

    1. Blessing - Lv.30
    2. Critical - Lv.50
    3. Reflect - Lv.70
      Hide contents







    The "Nome: Buff" its the name of the player, the Buffer won't have any name.


    NB: You will be the only one who can see your buffer.

    Skill Upgrade
    To increase the skill of your Buffer you will need the special item caleld
    Diary, they will have 3 grades:


    Grade 1 Diary : Increase the Buffers Skills from 1 to M1


    Grade 2 Diary : Increase the Buffers Skills from M1 to G1


    Grade 3 Diary : Increase the Buffers Skills from G1 to P

    The skill won't be like the ones of the characters, they will be a little bit different:

    • 1 to M1: 10 points (es. from 4 to 5, one Grade 1 Diary) - 1 minute cooldown
    • M1 tio G1: 10 points - (es. from M7 to M8, 1 Grade 2 Diary) - 3 minute cooldown
    • G1 to P: 10 Points - (es. from G10 to P, 1 Grade 3 Diary) - 5 minute cooldown

    Those items can be acquired in differents methods like:

    • Grade 1 Diary : Fishing, Drop in Sawyer Seabed
    • Grade 2 Diary : Mining, Drop in Sawyer Seabed
    • Grade 3 Diary : Drop in Sawyer Seabed

    The cooldown can be reset with the60002.pngDiary Reset Scroll

    NB: The Buffer Skills will be ALWAYS saved even if the Seal Expires.
    NB2: The Buffer Skills will have lower % compared to the Shaman Class


    Skill Upgrade

    We thought to a new method for the skill upgrading from M1 to G1 and from G1 to P

    • M1 to G1 : Antasya Splinter
    • G1 to P : Antasya Stone

    As you can probably understand, the Antasya Splinter will be used by all the characters (body,black magic,healing etc...) to upgrade the skill from M1 to G1.

    The Antasya Stone is like the usual Soul Stone, will upgrade your skill from G1 to P.

    The Exorcism Scroll doesn't exist anymore, have been deleted, the Concentrated Reading will be inside the NPC and will increase the % of succes of the reading for both the Splinter and the Stone.

    The Antasya Splinter will have 10 minute cooldown succeding or failing; every time you read a Splinter you will pay 100.000 yang.

    The Antasya Stone will have 10 minute cooldown succeding or failing; every time you read a Stone you will pay 1.000.000 yang.

    The Karma you will lose from the reading of the Antasya Stone will be like this:
    10000 Positive Karma , reading 1 stone with succes -5000 Negative Karma = Result in 5000 Positive Karma.
    Es: -10000 Negative Karma, reading 1 stone with succes +5000 Positive Karma Result in -5000 Negative Karma.
    Depending on the type of Karma your trying to grow.

    Thoughts behind this decision:
    in any server where the skills are increased with books, a market imbalance is created linked to the races but even more to the skills. Obviously it is not entirely wrong because the utility of Aura of Sword compared to Feather Walk is anything but equal but we say that it is not even fair that certain classes have to pay exorbitant amounts for the usefulness of their main skill.
    In this way, no one will leave the Antasya Splinter to the ground because they will be useful in every case for every pg and every doctrine.
    It will create a trade of a single item but with a balanced price, all automatically managed by players who will not have any kind of motivation to overestimate the Antasya Splinter.




  2. Discord-Logo.png?fit=788,268&ssl=1

    Official Discord Channel:



    Official Telegram Channel (IT):


    This time we will talk about the much hated Alchemy.
    We have revised completly the system and we have adapted it to our needs.

    The Alchemy will start at lv.75 with the quest "Start the Alchemy" that you can find among the Alchemist's options.

    When you wil lopen the quest you'll have a brief introduction of your character and alchemy, followed by a list:

    • Diamond
    • Ruby
    • Jade
    • Sapphire
    • Garnet
    • Onyx

    You will have to choose 1 type of alchemy to grow with! (personalizing your character)
    When you will have choose you can't change it in a short time but you should wait months(we haven't decided yet how many).

    The choose that you will make will be really important because you'll be able to drop just that type of alchemy stones!

    For example the Diamond Alchemy, who will choose this one will drop only Diamond Shard and all the other Shards (ruby,jade,onyx,garnet,sapphire) can be obtained in those methods:

    1. Trading
    2. Second PG with different Alchemy
    3. Waiting the time for changing the Alchemy

    The alchemy will be really strong and really difficult to make BUT LESS stressfull.
    The Alchemy Shards can be obtained just from the LV.75+
    Bosses and you will need a lot to generate a Rough Crystal.

    When you will get your Rough Crystal you'll be able to upgrade it as a normal item from the Alchemist, the upgrade can fail but the upgrade level will not decrease.

    Items usefull for the upgrade of the Alchemy Crystals:

    1. Green Dragon Been
    2. Blue Dragon Been
    3. Pink Dragon Bean
    4. Cor Cohelo (Matt -> Clear)
    5. Cor Dihamas (Clear -> Flawless)
    6. Cor Hugh (Flawless -> Brilliant)
    7. Cor Antasya (Brilliant -> Excellent)

    Alchemy Bonuses:

    • Diamond: INT- Res Piercing Hit
    • Ruby: STR- Res Critical Hit
    • Jade: HP Absorbed - Res ABI Damage
    • Sapphire: DEX- AVG Damage
    • Garnet: HP - Res AVG Damage
    • Onyx: VIT- ABI Damage

    The insertion and the removal of the Alchemy Crystal won't have any repercurssions, the Crystals will have INFINITY duration, the removal will be 100% safe.


    All the Biologist Quest have been changed for 2 reasons:
    - All the maps are differents
    - The Items name have been adapted to the new monsters

    The Biologist will be the same, just that at every mission ended you will be placed in front of a choice of different bonuses that will characterize your PG permanently and irreversibly.
    All this to create some type of difference between all the.

    The Biologist Quest will start at lv.30 and will end at lv.100 (in the 1st chapter)
    The list with all the Biologist Quest:
    Level 30: The search for
    Orc Tooth (x5) - 0h
    Level 40: The search for Tribe Books (x10) - 0h
    Level 50: The search for Acolyte's Keepsake (x10) - 0h
    Level 60: The search for Spider Eyes (x20) - 1h
    Level 70: The search for Heisenberg Tree Branch (x20) - 2h
    Level 80: The search for Notes of the Leaders (x30) - 4h
    Level 90: The search for Dark Material (x20) e Earth Material (x20) - 12h
    Level 100: The search for Vegetable Resin (x50) - 20h

    Don't be afraid if will be a cooldown time starting from the mission lv.60 will be possible to cancel completly the time thanks to the  "Researcher's Elixir".

    - The Researcher's Elixir will be dropped in the "Sawyer Seabed" (spoiler allert)
    - It won't be necessary to have the mission active to drop the items
    - The items
    WON'T BE dropped from every level but just since -15 to a +15 level depending the mob's levels
    - You will not have to drop the stones after delivering all the items

    - The Biologist Zone in each Empire will be better near the Center of the MAP 1 and you will have Baek-Go near the Biologist

    All the rewards for each mission (you will have to choose one or more bonuses):
    Level 30:
    - Movement Speed
    - Defense

    Level 40:
    - Attack Speed
    - Chance of double Yang drop

    Level 50:
    - Defense
    - Attack Value

    Level 60:
    - HP
    - Poison Resistance

    Level 70:
    - AVG Resistance
    - AVG

    Level 80:
    - Strong against Monster
    - Strong against Metin

    Level 90:
    - War Resistance
    - Sura Resistance
    - Ninja Resistance

    - Shamano Resistance

    Level 100:
    - Strong against Half Humans
    - Res vs PG

    Personalizing your Character and making choices is an important aspect in a static game as Metin2, all the bonus are really good so it will differentiate the character for sure!

  4. Mounts

    As I had already anticipated the mounts will be fundamental in Antasya2, they will be practically the animals that you will have to grow and evolve.


    There will be 2 types of mounts, the Special ones and the Power Mounts, the first will be very rare and droppable only in certain events (they will always have a time) the second ones will be more common and will accompany you throughout your adventure in Antasya2 as the horse.


    What is the system of Power Mounts?

    The mounts that can be upgraded are mounts with 3 growth stages: Young, Wild and Valiant.


    The power mounts will always be dropped at the 1st stage: Young.


    The peculiarity of these mounts will be the bonuses they offer, as the bonuses evolve they will increase.


    The upgradable mounts will be the following:


    - Moa: + Attack Value , + Movement Speed

    - Dragor: + Possibility to Drop Item , + Movement Speed

    - Infernal Boar: + Strong against Monsters, + Possibility of EXP Bonus

    - Green Tiger: + Possibility to Drop Yang, + HP

    - Infernal Lion: + Resistance against Monsters, + HP

    - Joe Carrol: + Strong against Monsters, + Critical Hits


    How to upgrade the mounts

    Each upgrade will have requirements.


    Young Mount -> Wild Mount


    - Being Level 35

    - Owning the Middle Horse Lv.11

    You will have to go and talk to the Stable Boy who in addition to the aforementioned requirements will also ask you for a Scroll of Evolution.

    If you meet all the requirements you will receive your Wild Mount.


    Wild Mount -> Brave Mount


    - Being Level 50

    - Possess the Military Horse Lv.21

    You will have to go and talk to the Stable Boy who in addition to the aforementioned requirements will also ask you for a Scroll of Mutation.

    If you meet all the requirements you will receive your Valiant Mount.


    Duration of the mounts


    The mounts will have a different maximum duration for each mount evolution:

    - Young Mount: 3 days

    - Wild Mount: 7 days

    - Valiant Mount: 15 days


    The Power Mounts have a standard 3-day life (Young Mount) that can be increased in several ways:

    - Increasing level (young, wild, valiant) the mount will receive 1 day bonus.

    - The Horse Riding Certificates will allow you to maximize the mount time.

    Eg: if I have 1h remaining of a mount and use the Horse Riding Certificates, the mount will return to its maximum duration (ex. if wild 7 days)

    - The Powersnacks will donate a random period of the following: 3, 5 and 7 days, can be used up to 2 times on the same mount.


    All items useful to the mounts system will be available in the "Cemetery Endsville".








    At the first Log-In you will receive the Medium Horse, lv. 11

    Besides the Medium Horse there will be the Expert Horse and the Baleful Horse.


    Every time you will upgrade your horse, you will need the lower one.


    Expert Horse:

    It can be made at Lv.50 and you will have to deliver a Equine Symbol every hour to the Horse Manager.

    The delivery is 100% and can’t fail.

    Time can’t be diminished in any way.


    Baleful Horse:

    It can be made from Lv.75

    You can receive it after doing 9 Missions, one more difficult than the other.

    The missions will be unlockable thanks to the Horse Misfortune Manual item.


    The missions will be the following:


    1st Mission - "Sneak into the Lair!"

    2nd Mission - "Become a Guardian of the Galaxy"

    3rd Mission - "Greenhouse Effect"

    4th Mission - "Lost 4 8 15 16 23 42"

    5th Mission - "Let the demon be with you ..."

    6th Mission - "... and may your Spirit master it!"

    7th Mission - "Ride as hard as you can!"

    8th Mission - "Defeat the Joe Carroll cult!"

    9th Mission - "Become the Dark Knight of Antasya2"


    The Missions from 1 to 8 will be single missions, which will allow you to pass to the next level and increase your horse, by +1 per mission; instead the Mission n ° 9, the one for the level 30 of the Horse, will not be single but there will be a total of 4 tasks, they will be unlocked one after another and only at the completion of all the tasks will give you the Baleful Horse!


    Every mission will have a cooldown time, the horse will be something final and not everyone can have it. So we decided that every mission will be unlockable every 48 Hours starting from the completion of the mission. If you fail the mission you will still have to wait the 48 Hours. It will be impossible to evade the waiting time.


    The Baleful Horse will not be fundamental in the Game but will be the Final Horse, which will bring you some advantages.


    Advantages bonus:

    - HP, Strong against Metin, Strong against Bosses and Strong against Characters.


    N.B. Bonuses are valid only above the horse and are added to the mounts bonuses.




  6. Here is a list of all the System that will be present at the opening of Antasya2:


    Difficulty of Dungeons
    Almost all the dungeons will have the possibility to choose the difficulty that will be "
    Easy" or "Hard" to allow the single players to keep up with the groups and the others to play in company and please everyone.


    The horse will be of three types, you will start with the
    Middle Horse and then continue within the game and reach the Expert and in addition to this also the Baleful Horse.


    The mounts will be of two types, the special ones and those upgradable, there will be a map used for the drop of the latter and their upgrade, for the special instead will be droppable in several ways.


    We have decided for the moment not to bring the Pet System, but simply the Pet with very useful bonuses that will accompany you from level 1. And others, however, stronger droppable later.


    The missions will play an important role in Antasya2, there will be many and there will also be
    daily missions that will give you some very important prizes.


    The biologist will have a panel of his own, which will simplify your life in any case, however, the position of the biologist will be much closer to the First Maps than before so it will not be a problem to do it back and forth. The biologist starting from the Ice Balls will have a time for the delivery of the items, which will be possible to decrease or eliminate completely.


    Bonus Switcher
    The bonus switcher will be present and will have a single slot for client and the Enchant Item will be available from the shopkeeper at a balanced price.


    Easter Eggs
    Inside Antasya2 will be full of references to everything,
    movies, TV series, anime, general culture, secrets that you will have to discover and that will allow you to receive a prize.


    We have changed the classic method of skill upgrade, currently you will not have to lose days to have a Perfect Skill it will be pretty simple and there will be no distinction of books by race or classes,
    a single item for all races and classes.


    Special Inventory
    The special inventory will help you to be sorted and never have anything out of place and will allow you to always have the necessary space in your normal inventory. The special inventory will be divided into:
    Upgrade Item, General Items, Stones.


    Karma has been revised and studied to have an effective usefulness, in fact it will be possible to choose with a simple mechanism whether to receive
    Positive Karma or Negative Karma. Obviously every grade of Karma will bring certain advantages.


    Daily Reward
    We want users to be consistent and to log in every day to get a prize, in fact daily.


    Item Search
    Antasya2 will be a server focused on the trade so we thought that would be really awesome to have a system that let you
    search and buy whenever and wherever you are.

    No CH or MAP limits.


    Buff System
    This system will allow you to always have a Portable Shaman that will follow you wherever you go. The obtaining method won’t be difficult but tedious and only possible from lv.30.


    You will have many achievements and with attractive prizes, all points earned will be spent in a special shop.


    Alchemy has always been one of those very boring systems, well now it's not like that anymore it's going to be a little bit more limited but more simple in many ways. Soon we will explain in detail everything you need to know about alchemy.


    Sashes like alchemy bore a lot and become frustrating after a while, in fact, the system has been modified and made much simpler. There will be no more 4 types of sashes, but only 2.


    We thought that inserting a new currency is a way to vary and encourage players to point to something new and also to allow the retrieval of certain rare and useful objects to everyone.


    Talismans will be a very important item on our server, they will have bonuses and they can be switch, they will have
    200 Upgrade Level and you will only receive one through a quest, the chosen element will not be changeable simply but only through another item.

    The talisman will be a very important item that will characterize your style of play.


    Even the costumes like the Talismans will have a fundamental aspect within the game, even they will in fact have the possibility to be enchanted.

    There will be 2 types, permanent and timed.


    Group Search
    We decided to insert the group search, which will allow anyone to enter a queue and wait for a group to be set up to enter a dungeon.


    In addition to the usual events there will be permanent and automatic every week, without the need for a staffer to activate them. In addition we thought about a new event that will be started 1 time monthly that you will like a lot!


    MAP1 Merak:


  7. Salve, questo è il messaggio che ho inviato al supporto di metin2.it , ve lo inoltro, sperando che qualcuno conosca una soluzione o per lo meno UNA MOTIVAZIONE!
    This is a message that i've sent to the Gameforge support without any replies so i'm sending to u guys:

    Error message:

    I press "Si" and in 5-10 secs comes up this other massage:

    The problems start when I try to open the client

    I'm using a laptot with those specs

    Problem description:
    When I start the game i can go on the selection of the server and the CH, when I press the server the game crash and i see this error (i've to say that i've another problem, all CH have the "..." but i've not a firewall or anything else):

    5-10 second this other message:

    This is the text of the "ErrorLog.exe"
    When I try to start the PatchUpdater i have this other error: EXECUTE_ERROR

    Module Name: D:\GameforgeLive\Games\ITA_ita\Metin2\metin2client.bin
    Time Stamp: 0x564543c2 - (null)
    Time Stamp: 0x564543c2 - (null)

    Exception Type: 0xc0000005
    Exception Type: 0xc0000005

    eax: 0x76923368    ebx: 0x10b9aa38
    eax: 0x76923368    ebx: 0x10b9abb0
    ecx: 0x00000000    edx: 0x0af35990
    ecx: 0x00000000    edx: 0x0af35990
    esi: 0x00000000    edi: 0x00000000
    esi: 0x00000000    edi: 0x00000000
    ebp: 0x12e4ff94    esp: 0x12e4ff8c
    ebp: 0x0ffbff94    esp: 0x0ffbff8c

    0x7692337a    C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll
    0x772c9882    C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll
    0x772c9855    0x0af35990    C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll

  8. Salve, questo è il messaggio che ho inviato al supporto di metin2.it , ve lo inoltro, sperando che qualcuno conosca una soluzione o per lo meno UNA MOTIVAZIONE!
    This is a message that i've sent to the Gameforge support without any replies so i'm sending to u guys:

    Error message:

    I press "Si" and in 5-10 secs comes up this other massage:

    The problems start when I try to open the client

    I'm using a laptot with those specs

    Problem description:
    When I start the game i can go on the selection of the server and the CH, when I press the server the game crash and i see this error (i've to say that i've another problem, all CH have the "..." but i've not a firewall or anything else):

    5-10 second this other message:

    This is the text of the "ErrorLog.exe"
    When I try to start the PatchUpdater i have this other error: EXECUTE_ERROR

    Module Name: D:\GameforgeLive\Games\ITA_ita\Metin2\metin2client.bin
    Time Stamp: 0x564543c2 - (null)
    Time Stamp: 0x564543c2 - (null)

    Exception Type: 0xc0000005
    Exception Type: 0xc0000005

    eax: 0x76923368    ebx: 0x10b9aa38
    eax: 0x76923368    ebx: 0x10b9abb0
    ecx: 0x00000000    edx: 0x0af35990
    ecx: 0x00000000    edx: 0x0af35990
    esi: 0x00000000    edi: 0x00000000
    esi: 0x00000000    edi: 0x00000000
    ebp: 0x12e4ff94    esp: 0x12e4ff8c
    ebp: 0x0ffbff94    esp: 0x0ffbff8c

    0x7692337a    C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll
    0x772c9882    C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll
    0x772c9855    0x0af35990    C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll

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