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Posts posted by KainAudron

  1. Can anyone provide me with server files (preferably up to date) and a tutorial as to how I can set up a proper metin server for me and max 5 friends.

    Thank you in advance.

    P.S. : I would much love to have the new lycan ( or wolfman ) race and have certain mobs turned into mounts which i saw was possible on certain private servers.

    P.P.S.: I would also be able to pay for this service (but my budget isn't very high since I am just a student)

  2. Where can i find the server files necessary to install a private server for the last update?

    Or where can i get both server files and update files so i can make the update myself?

    Also if someone could also provide me with a tutorial it would make my life easier.


    P.S. : I had a server in the past but i lost those files and no other sites seem to have the files or any sort of guidance to how i can get them.

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