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Posts posted by DarkPhoenix95

  1. Hi,

    A few days ago i tried setting up my files and source on a 11.2 FreeBSD version
    Back then we used 10.1 and everything worked fine

    Compiling worked after a few "fixes" ...
    Now the problem is:
    Logging in worked -> Char select ok (Creating new characters also ok) -> Logging into game -> Kick

    Tried several things, like using the old compiled game file or checking DNS, DB or something. -> Connecting to Old DB Server also successfull

    No Errors in Syserr
    Syslog of Auth:

    Sep  1 23:05:17 :: AUTH_PHASE 0x292afc00
    Sep  1 23:05:17 :: InputAuth::Login : account6(8) desc 0x292afc00
    Sep  1 23:05:17 :: SetLoginKey 796852093
    Sep  1 23:05:17 :: InputAuth::Login : key 796852093:0x77b9718e login account6
    Sep  1 23:05:17 :: QID_AUTH_LOGIN: START 796852093 0x292afc00
    Sep  1 23:05:17 :: Create_Time 0 19700101
    Sep  1 23:05:17 :: Block Time -2 
    Sep  1 23:05:17 :: SetRemainSecs account6 0 type 2
    Sep  1 23:05:17 :: SendAuthLogin account6 key 29
    Sep  1 23:05:17 :: AuthLogin result 1 key 796852093
    Sep  1 23:05:17 :: SYSTEM: closing socket. DESC #16
    Sep  1 23:16:43 :: SYSTEM: new connection from [] fd: 16 handshake 2532404064 output input_len 0, ptr 0x292afc00
    Sep  1 23:16:43 :: Handshake: client_time 0 server_time 1985535
    Sep  1 23:16:44 :: AUTH_PHASE 0x292afc00
    Sep  1 23:16:44 :: InputAuth::Login : account6(8) desc 0x292afc00
    Sep  1 23:16:44 :: SetLoginKey 298603422
    Sep  1 23:16:44 :: InputAuth::Login : key 298603422:0x60ee6676 login account6
    Sep  1 23:16:44 :: QID_AUTH_LOGIN: START 298603422 0x292afc00
    Sep  1 23:16:44 :: Create_Time 0 19700101
    Sep  1 23:16:44 :: Block Time -2 
    Sep  1 23:16:44 :: SetRemainSecs account6 0 type 2
    Sep  1 23:16:44 :: SendAuthLogin account6 key 29
    Sep  1 23:16:44 :: AuthLogin result 1 key 298603422
    Sep  1 23:16:44 :: SYSTEM: closing socket. DESC #16

    Same Sourcecode -> Except new Compiling on 11.2 from 10.1
    Same Game-files and folder structure...

    Client -> Just changed Server-IP no changes else.

    Any idea?

    Willing to pay compensation for a fix via PP or Amazon
    PN or answer in thread

  2. Hi,

    I wanted to open a thread, as I am looking for a guy who has good Python-Experience & also can work/add Stuff in C++

    Since the last few people i paid didn't come online after their done job i wanted to ask for help.

    Right now i have a problem with:

    • "Extra Storage" -System  <- Needs reinstallation and maybe fix because I installed it 2 times and always had the same bug ingame.
    • ClientDesign has a few Bugs. would need adaption and changes.
    • Custom-System with Custom Inventory doesn't Show the right item value. (Quest working but PY-Problems)
    • Maybe few other small stuff

    Prices can be discussed in Skype for example.
    I also would like someone who won't disappear after 1 month, because there might be other small things to fix after.

    Skype can be found in profile. Thank you in advance!


  3. Hi,

    I have a few unfixed issues on my project at the moment including:

    Interface fixes

    • After Char-Switchung you can't use any Keyboard-Keys to navigate trough the characters (or select them with ENTER)
    • Channel Switcher by Lennt (Which i wait for a reply for 4months now) shows no channels. Im unaware of the issue causing this
    • Smaller fixes which I could show directly if coder is interested



    • 7.8. Skill by Lennt - Bug: After installing the System Source-Side all Weapons/Armor have Swords in them (Sword+9-+1) in the first slot.
    • Skill-Coloring system - Add Lycan (which isn't done yet)
    • Nemere/Meleys and Razador adding (Dont have this systems anywhere right now)

    System i need:

    • All Chars shall start in ONE Empire. This map or map-complex can't be left before level 30
    • All chars that are created need to get to that map and quest trough it
    • All Chars should be able to create Groups (so they should be in 1 Empire on this map)
      If possible: every char in the account should be able to have a different empire assigned to them

      Payment after work done.
      If someone doesn't trust me there are serveral guys that can approve my trustworthyness.

      Please contact via PN to get my Skype adress.

      -> Work via Teamviewer/Anydesk/Remotedesktop is Possible.
  4. Yeah, some maybe work for 1 week after that no support, no updates etc.
    So a steady working and work-proof solution would be appreciated i bought back then from "Metin2BobFixed" aka Frankie...
    That guy just threw in a few bunches of code which were public and his fix was gone after maximum 1 week.
    Would buy, too when the support is provided & for a acceptable price.


    Same for a good encryption against pack opening xD....Didn't find good solutions for that, too.

  5. As you can see it's the same error as before you either have the stuff in another path, or not.
    You miss the attack1_3.wav in the blue_dragon folder.
    This should also be Ymir standard file. As i guess it's from "beran setaou" in grotto of exile

    • Love 1
  6. You mean the Specular...not shinings i guess...

    Uhm you inserted this in let's say shaman_w.msm:

    	Group ShapeData186
    		SpecialPath			"d:/ymir Work/pc/shaman/"
    		ShapeIndex			41999
    		Model				"shaman_dragon.GR2"
    		SourceSkin			"dragon_armor_body.dds"
    		TargetSkin			"dragon_armor_body.dds"
    		SourceSkin2			"dragon_armor_foot.dds"
    		TargetSkin2			"dragon_armor_foot.dds"
    		SourceSkin3			"dragon_armor_hand.dds"
    		TargetSkin3			"dragon_armor_hand.dds"
    		SourceSkin4			"dragon_armor_leg.dds"
    		TargetSkin4			"dragon_armor_leg.dds"

    Then you have in your Item Proto:


    You see the 16 in the End?
    This part needs to be set 0-100  (The higher the brighter it shines).
    Also your weapon needs to have an alpha channel:


    You can check that in Photoshop or other Programs:

    How to make an alpha channel, you need to search.

    I used a armor texture now...but that shouldnt make much of a difference

  7. Well, you would need to make a new animation you can only kind of "CUT" animations in the msa files (duration, smaller) but that wouldnt look smooth
    other ways i dont know

    for example as you use:

    ..\ymir work\pc\warrior\onehand_sword\wait.msa  (or wait.gr2 as the motion is displayed)

    ScriptType               MotionData
    MotionFileName           "d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/onehand_sword/wait.gr2"
    MotionDuration           2.000000

    You could change the Motion duration ...as said wouldnt look smooth... but it would repeat faster

    • Love 1
  8. Hi,
    I purchased a Website/Board PSD from kurlz (here on m2dev).
    I'm happy with the design, but his coder is a incompetent person (nicely said) which deleted me from skype after asking for continuation of the work

    So right now I have a semi-functional PHP Website ...which would need a expansion (or overall complete recode)

    A .psd for a Website, Board & a Patcher

    So right now im looking for someone who could do Website & Board.

    Also for someone who could code me a patcher with that design.

    Skype via Private Message.
    Payment Methods: Paypal.

  9. Hello community,
    today i come with a problem to you ("oh mighty metin-freaks of the ranks of creators...xD")

    Today I tested a bit all characters i have implemented if everything still works as it is intended...
    With Lycan/Wolfman I found a problem:
    When i use a Skill (not skill on horse, tho) like "Shred" or "Indigo Wolf Soul" it get following error

    SKILL_HACK: name=<Playername>, job=4, group=1, motion=6

    Part <Playername> is clear...
    job, i guess is the ability group the character counts too (i'm not sure)
    group, no clue
    motion - changes with every skill level (on M, G or P it is different...)

    I only get that error with wolfman...

    Additional information:

    -> Job was set via the /set NAME job 1 command

    -> PC3 Folder in share/data/pc3 included (thanks to martysama for that already...)

    Anyone already had that error or knows how to fix it?

    Thanks in advance!

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