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Posts posted by Incognito

  1. 6 minut temu, tierrilopes napisał:

    pastebin your stl.h

    #ifndef __INC_METIN_II_STL_H__
    #define __INC_METIN_II_STL_H__
    #include <vector>
    #include <string>
    #include <map>
    #include <list>
    #include <functional>
    #include <stack>
    #include <set>
    #ifdef __GNUC__
    #include <ext/functional>
    #ifndef itertype
    #define itertype(v) typeof((v).begin())
    inline void stl_lowers(std::string& rstRet)
    	for (size_t i = 0; i < rstRet.length(); ++i)
    		rstRet[i] = tolower(rstRet[i]);
    struct stringhash       
    	size_t operator () (const std::string & str) const
    		const unsigned char * s = (const unsigned char*) str.c_str();
    		const unsigned char * end = s + str.size();
    		size_t h = 0;
    		while (s < end)
    			h *= 16777619;
    			h ^= *(s++);
    		return h;
    // code from tr1/functional_hash.h
    template<typename T>
    struct hash;
    template<typename _Tp>
    struct hash<_Tp*>
    : public std::unary_function<_Tp*, std::size_t>
    		operator()(_Tp* __p) const
    		{ return reinterpret_cast<std::size_t>(__p); }
    namespace std
    	template <class container, class Pred>
    		void erase_if (container & a, typename container::iterator first, typename container::iterator past, Pred pred)
    			while (first != past)
    				if (pred(*first))
    	template <class container>
    		void wipe(container & a)
    			typename container::iterator first, past;
    			first = a.begin();
    			past = a.end();
    			while (first != past)
    				delete *(first++);
    	template <class container>
    		void wipe_second(container & a)
    			typename container::iterator first, past;
    			first = a.begin();
    			past = a.end();
    			while (first != past)
    				delete first->second;
    	template <typename T> T MIN(T a, T b)
    		return a < b ? a : b;
    	template <typename T> T MAX(T a, T b)
    		return a > b ? a : b;
    	template <typename T> T MINMAX(T min, T value, T max)
    		T tv;
    		tv = (min > value ? min : value);
    		return (max < tv) ? max : tv;
    	template <class _Ty>
    		class void_mem_fun_t : public unary_function<_Ty *, void>
    				explicit void_mem_fun_t(void (_Ty::*_Pm)()) : _Ptr(_Pm)
    				void operator()(_Ty* p) const
    				void (_Ty::*_Ptr)();
    	template<class _Ty> inline
    		void_mem_fun_t<_Ty> void_mem_fun(void (_Ty::*_Pm)())
    		{ return (void_mem_fun_t<_Ty>(_Pm)); }
    	template<class _Ty>
    		class void_mem_fun_ref_t : public unary_function<_Ty, void>
    				explicit void_mem_fun_ref_t(void (_Ty::*_Pm)()) : _Ptr(_Pm) {}
    				void operator()(_Ty& x) const
    				{ return ((x.*_Ptr)()); }
    				void (_Ty::*_Ptr)();
    	template<class _Ty> inline
    		void_mem_fun_ref_t<_Ty> void_mem_fun_ref(void (_Ty::*_Pm)())
    		{ return (void_mem_fun_ref_t< _Ty>(_Pm)); }


  2. Are you protected from receiving API requests? What I mean is this post by Shogun


    This requests does not need AdminPage password to work. Everyone can send a request to your server, in the worst case in a loop, so each second you receive thousands of requests that can really slow down your server. If you work on source code, you can fix it.


    You can fix it without source code.


    @yagokurt if you want fix for old game file send me a PM.

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