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  • Birthday April 11


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  1. That's great! but using "with" in your code can be a convenient approach when you want to vary the SQL query to retrieve different information from a database. This allows you to keep the code more flexible and adaptable to your needs in different situations. If you have more questions or need assistance with specific code, please feel free to ask. I'm here to help!
  2. dae guys! I'll show you a cool MySQL script that can search for clone items in your server's database. This script will help you find and remove any clone items. * just arms with magic damager and natural damanger! WITH itens AS ( SELECT *, md5(CONCAT_WS(',',attrtype0, attrvalue0, attrtype1, attrvalue1, attrtype2, attrvalue2, attrtype3, attrvalue3, attrtype4, attrvalue4)) chaveunica FROM player.item WHERE attrvalue2>0 AND attrvalue3>0 AND `window` not IN ('SAFEBOX','MALL') AND attrtype0 IN (71,72) ), duplicados AS ( SELECT chaveunica,COUNT(*) clones, attrtype0, attrvalue0, attrtype1, attrvalue1, attrtype2, attrvalue2, attrtype3, attrvalue3, attrtype4, attrvalue4 FROM itens GROUP BY attrtype0, attrvalue0, attrtype1, attrvalue1, attrtype2, attrvalue2, attrtype3, attrvalue3, attrtype4, attrvalue4 HAVING COUNT(*)>1 ) ,donos AS ( SELECT a.login,p.last_play,p.name nome, ii.empire,g.name guilda,gm.is_general,pp.locale_name,i.chaveunica hash_,d.clones iguais, i.* FROM itens i LEFT JOIN player.item_proto pp ON pp.vnum=i.vnum LEFT JOIN player.player p ON p.id=i.owner_id LEFT JOIN duplicados d ON d.chaveunica = i.chaveunica LEFT JOIN player.guild_member gm ON gm.pid = p.id LEFT JOIN player.guild g ON g.id = gm.guild_id LEFT JOIN `account`.account a ON a.id = p.account_id LEFT JOIN player.player_index ii ON ii.id = a.id WHERE i.chaveunica IN (SELECT chaveunica FROM duplicados) ) SELECT * FROM donos; AND attrtype0 IN (71,72) is the line that specifies the type of item you're searching for. good lock!
  3. Hi guys! use a mysql editor (HeidSQL or NavCat) and select your ACCOUNT.ACCOUNT table to crate a trigger script. Run this query: CREATE TRIGGER `account_before_update` BEFORE UPDATE ON `account` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN /* TRIGGER WRITED BY [ADM]Arkatuz (Meleb.Net) */ if (LEFT(NEW.password,1)<>'*') then SET NEW.password = PASSWORD(NEW.password); END if; END Now, your can update PASSWORD column directly of the Mysql Editor. Eg.: your put 'mypasswd123' and the trigger crated go crypt to '*DD33176027C486CECB9B6F770756A1C115A1F659'. This is good to help administer your server without external applications to generate passwords. good lock! ^^
  4. sorry my english. let´s program! access your file server with PUTTY; and access the maps folder. something like '/root/metin2/srv1/share/locale/germany/map'. cd /root/metin2/srv1/share/locale/germany/map now... create a file named 'datamaps.sh'. edit datamaps.sh the file must contain the content below: #!/bin/sh gecho () { echo -e "\033[32m$1\033[0m"; } cecho () { echo -e "\033[36m$1\033[0m"; } echo "CH INDEX MAP_FOLDER WARP X Y" >LISTARGEM_WARP.TXT clear echo "Script writed by Helio Galvão [Meleb.Net] - Gerar dados dos Mapas" cecho "Aguarde. Gerando lista de informações dos Mapas..." for map in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d | awk '{print substr ($1, 3, 100)}' | awk '{print $1} ') do replace=warp index=$(cat index | grep -w $map | awk '{print $1}') mapa=$(cat index | grep -w $map | awk '{print $2}') warp=$(cat $map/Setting.txt | grep BasePosition | sed "s/BasePosition/${replace}/Ig") if [ -z "$index" ]; then index=0 fi achou=$(cat /root/metin2/srv1/share/conf/CONFIG_CH1_1 | grep -i MAP_ALLOW | grep -w $index ) if [ -n "$achou" ]; then chans=$(echo "[CH1_1]") fi achou=$(cat /root/metin2/srv1/share/conf/CONFIG_CH1_2 | grep -i MAP_ALLOW | grep -w $index ) if [ -n "$achou" ]; then chans=$(echo "$chans[CH1_2]") fi achou=$(cat /root/metin2/srv1/share/conf/CONFIG_CH1_3 | grep -i MAP_ALLOW | grep -w $index ) if [ -n "$achou" ]; then chans=$(echo "$chans[CH1_3]") fi achou=$(cat /root/metin2/srv1/share/conf/CONFIG_CH2_1 | grep -i MAP_ALLOW | grep -w $index ) if [ -n "$achou" ]; then chans=$(echo "$chans[CH2_1]") fi achou=$(cat /root/metin2/srv1/share/conf/CONFIG_CH2_2 | grep -i MAP_ALLOW | grep -w $index ) if [ -n "$achou" ]; then chans=$(echo "$chans[CH2_2]") fi achou=$(cat /root/metin2/srv1/share/conf/CONFIG_CH99 | grep -i MAP_ALLOW | grep -w $index ) if [ -n "$achou" ]; then chans=$(echo "$chans[CH_99]") fi if [ -z "$chans" ]; then chans=[NONE] fi if [ -z "$warp" ]; then warp="warp 0 0" fi echo "$chans $index $map $warp" >>LISTARGEM_WARP.TXT chans= achou= warp= done cat LISTARGEM_WARP.TXT echo "-------------------------------------" gecho "LISTARGEM_WARP.TXT foi Gerado." cecho "Abra o arquivo para consultar as coordenadas dos mapas" cecho "bem como seus index e em quais canais estão instalados." echo "**Você pode importar para uma planilha se preferir." echo "" Note: change paths similar to '/root/metin2/srv1/share/conf/CONFIG_CH1_1' to paths with your CONFIGURATION FILES. set the permission for it chmod 774 datamaps.sh execute. ./datamaps.sh a new one will be generated containing information from the maps, such as: * coordinates: values to use in /warp commands; * index: identification of the map within the system; * active channels: on which CH the map is enabled. Below is an example of the generated file. Very useful to consult and assist in testing. CHANNEL INDEX MAP_FOLDER WARP X Y [NONE] 0 metin2_map_siege_01 warp 102400 332800 [CH1_2] 217 metin2_map_spiderdungeon_03 warp 51200 563200 [NONE] 0 metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass01 warp 1177600 102400 [NONE] 0 metin2_map_battlearena03 warp 768000 230400 [CH_99] 105 metin2_map_t2 warp 6400 0 [CH1_1][CH2_1][CH2_2] 21 metin2_map_b1 warp 0 102400 [NONE] 0 metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass02 warp 1177600 204800 [CH1_3][CH2_2] 66 metin2_map_deviltower1 warp 204800 665600 [CH2_2] 101 metin2_map_resources_zon warp 3200000 51200 [NONE] 0 metin2_map_n_desert_02 warp 307200 1049600 [CH2_2][CH_99] 103 metin2_map_t1 warp 0 25600 [NONE] 0 metin2_map_n_flame_01 warp 588800 614400 [CH1_2] 7 metin2_map_b2 warp 955100 955100 [CH1_3] 351 metin2_map_n_flame_dungeon_01 warp 742400 614400 [NONE] 0 metin2_map_holyplace_ice warp 1484800 0 Note: [NONE] These are maps that have not been installed but the folder exists. thank you guys! any doubts, ask!
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