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Posts posted by RestInPeace

  1. Hello company !!
    Any edge I want to apologize for my poor knowledge in English that requires me to use google translate to conmuniquer with you, I'm French but in our community that's not it, in short!
    I have a pretty interesting worries that fills me with astonishment before a small description of the server used:
    -Game 40K + for Windows compiled from source code
    -db 40K + for Windows compiled from source code
    -client 40K + for Windows compiled from source code
    (All this is supeflux but at least you know.)
    The problem is, I added in the IS button on a stock inventory button that is supposed to open a quest, except that here it is, the syslog warns me that the function is fine but the quest will not open , apart from that no error in the SYSERR client and server, I tried by myself before coming to see you, but I confess to being short of ideas, since I have no mistake I will show you the script used.
    uiinventory.py in  folder root :
    	def OpenBourse(self):
    		import event

    constInfo.py in folder game :

    IDQ = 1

    Quest id 1

    quest bourse begin
    	state start begin
    		when button or info with pc.is_gm() begin
    			say_title("Ma Bourse Test")
    				say("Bonjour, " ..pc.get_name().. ", [ENTER]")
    syslog channel 1 :
    Jan 29 18:46:42.421000 :: QUEST ScriptButton pid 3 idx 1
    As you can see, just extremely okay, finally, for my part, if you find an error suceptible keep out the quest to launch I thank you from me back again apologize for my lack of knowledge in English: /
    Ps: I'm not a beginner so I do FUNCTIONING manipulations necessary for the quest.
    Best Regards,
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