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Posts posted by SauRRoN

  1. Server Name: Metin2Ranger
    Level maxim:120
    MOD SERVER:PvM Medium/Hard/Easy
    TIPE: Old School-New School .
    Channels Open : 3/4
    ItemShop ! : https://shop.metin2ranger.ro/

    Metin2Ranger was created by a team with decent experience.
    From the first moment you enter the server, you will notice facilities that you will never find on the official server or on other private servers, and that of staying
    you at the same time a unique and unparalleled experience.
    The reduced difficulty will make your experience on our server as comfortable as possible, both in PvM and PvP.
    The server is focused on the "easy pvm farm medium" game method, all evolutions, drop objects and upgrade objects have been modified so that the player can scale his character gradually and without interruptions.

    On the server we have only 2 Kingdoms: Jinno and Shinsoo.

    On the server the maximum level is 120 maximum.
    The last armor on the server is the kings, old weapons such as rinata, desert, etc. will follow.

    On the server we have multi-farm block.
    What does this do?
    Our server allows you to farm with only 2 characters at the same time.
    Scoop of this mechanic is to maintain a balance in trade. but you can continue to connect with all the characters you want.
    When one of your characters has the drop blocked, the icon on the window bar appears with a red X.
    You can block and unlock a character's farm by blocking the icon that will appear in the client.

    Start server:
    At the beginning you will receive all the necessary equipment for a low level: mount, normal pet, equipment and permanent potions that you can use from the first steps.
    The Offline Shop allows you to sell items to other players, even if you are offline or during the game.
    Kashmir Package: By activating it, you can decorate the offline store so that it looks different from other stores.
    Inv.Shop Key : Use a key to unlock a slot in your offline shop to sell more items to more players.

    Search Shop: The shop search system increases commerce on the server, as it allows you to search and buy any item from any shop on the server.

    Events: Our events calendar will show you on which day and at what time the events will take place. The programs are always in "Server Time", which you can find under the mini-map.
    Bonus Event.
    Double Drop on bosses.
    Double drop to metine.
    Double drop at Carti
    Passenger Drop.
    Cooldown reduction for dungeons.
    Catch the king.
    Moonlight chest.
    Search NPC/Tanaka.
    Okay Card books.

    BattlePass: Battle Pass gives you the opportunity to receive rewards for completing missions by completing all of them, you will receive Costume Vouchers, which you can use to buy permanent costumes in the Battle Pass store.

    Costumes: Costumes are something very essential in the server, because they change your appearance and give you additional bonuses to fight against the environment.
    You can add up to 3 bonuses to each costume, weapon skin or hairstyle.

    Biologist: Performing biologist missions has become very important on our server.
    New missions were created and existing ones were modified.
    Biologist's Elixir: Removed the delivery time of the next Biologist crate item.
    Elixir of Exploration: Increases the probability of delivering an item to the biologist by 100.
    Level 30 -- > 30 Defense .
    Level 40 -- > 40 Attack Value.
    Level 50 -- > 5% Strong against monsters.
    Level 60 -- > 4% Strong against bosi or 4% strong against Metine.
    Level 70 -- > 4% Strong against bosi or 4% strong against Metine.
    Level 80 -- > 1,000 PV or 10% Cooldown
    Level 85 -- > 10% Damage Reduction (PvP)
    Level 90 -- > 10% Damage Increase (PvM)
    Level 92 -- > 1,200 HP or 120 Defense or 50 Attack Value.
    Level 94 -- > 1,500 HP or 140 defense or 60 attack value.
    Level 98 -- > 10% Strong against monsters & 10% Resistance to demi-humans.
    Level 100 -- > 10% strong against targets & 10% magic attack value.
    Level 105 -- > 10% strong against bosses & 10% against demi-humans.

    Alchemy: Alchemy is something essential on the server, because its bonuses will not go unnoticed and will help you in the late game.

    Rarity: To distinguish ourselves from the other servers, that's why we implemented the rarity system that will give your object more resistance and increase the basic bonuses.
    All weapons, armor and accessories will have 6 types of rarities.
    Type 1 : Common : Does not increase base bonus : Resistance : Low.
    Type 2: Uncommon : Increases base bonus by 5% : Resistance : Normal.
    Type 3: Rare : Increases base bonus by 10% : Resistance : Good.
    Type 4: Epic : Increases base bonus by 20% : Endurance : Very Good.
    Type 5: Relic : Increases base bonus by 25% : Resistance : Excellent.
    Type 6: Legendary : Increases base bonus by 30% : Resistance : Legendary.
    When your character takes damage or receives an item, it is damaged until it "breaks"
    When an item is broken, bonuses 1-7 will have no effect on the item until it is repaired (*Often can still be used).

    Level Pet: In order to provide greater gameplay and more entertainment on the server, we have modified the pet system, so that they can learn a total of up to 15 skills.
    Abilities can be both for PvM and for PvP, so that the evolution of your pet will be very useful, both at the beginning and at the end of the game.
    To increase your pet's abilities you will need to kill bosses and get the book chest with a total of 29 different ability cards.
    You can also increase the duration of your pet, rename it, reset one or more abilities and unlock slots to continue reading more books.

    Switchbot : As good players as we were, we also know that manually changing bonuses is a very tedious task, so we implemented switchbot to make this task easier, with a maximum of 5 items at the same time with a change very fast.

    Dungeon list: Dungeons are something very important in all servers, the help of our system is very simple and will help you check which dungeons are available, depending on your level.
    or remaining cooldown.

    Game options: The options panel has been modified for a better interaction inside it you can find more graphic configuration options, for a better performance.



  2. Server Name: KingWars2
    Maximum level: 120
    Start level: 1
    Open Channel: 1/4
    ItemShop ! :https://new.kingwars2.ro/shop/

    BattlePass will be active soon! !

  3. Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line    Suppression State
    Error    C2440    'initializing' : cannot convert from 'ProcPtr' to 'void (__cdecl *)(std::vector<DWORD,std::allocator<_Ty>> *)'    UserInterface    f:\european2\sursa binary\client\userinterface\default.h    50    

    Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line    Suppression State
    Error    C2439    'M2ProtectApi::m2protectFunc' : member could not be initialized    UserInterface    f:\european2\sursa binary\client\userinterface\default.h    50    

  4. Server Name: KingWars2
    Maximum level: 255
    Start level: 1 (start level has changed to level 2 !!!
    Open Channel: 1/4
    site: http://new.kingwars2.ro/
    Forum: https://new.kingwars2.ro/forum
    Register: https://new.kingwars2.ro/users/register
    Download: https://new.kingwars2.ro/download
    Ranking: https://new.kingwars2.ro/ranking/players
    ItemShop! : https://new.kingwars2.ro/shop/
    At the beginning you receive a gift that offers you full pvm items + full weapons with pgm 50%




    Yang: 1000%
    Last steel evolution: Platosa Storm level 135 bonuses:


    +4000 HP
    3200 Defense
    15% Critical Hit Chance.
    20% Semi-People.
    Last armor evolution 61 / DGA: Ice Plateau level 120 bonuses:


     +4000 HP
     Hard against semi-humans 25% 
     15% chance of critical hit 
     Defense 3000 
    Evolution of armor 48: Plate of Lucifer level 155 bonuses:


    +5000 HP
    Hard against semi-humans 35%
    20% chance of critical hit
    Defense 3000
    Last armor evolution 48: Rhino platter level 255 bonuses:


    +5500 HP
    Hard against semi-humans 40% 
    25% chance of critical hit 
    Defense 300 
    Last armor on sv all Rhino races: image-2021-06-09-151817.png
    Evolutii arma o mana: Lama saishu 255 lvl: saishu.jpg
    Evolutii pumnale: cutite botososel 255 lvl: botosel.jpg
    Desert Weapon It is evolving from the nymph weapon: desertica.jpg
    Neo weapon It is evolving from the nymph weapon: neo.jpg
    Items: 1000%
    Experience: 1000%
    Fierar: 100%
    Fierar-Legendary: 100%
    Permanent cloaks.
    Shop Offline.
    Yang unlimited.
    System suits.
    Skin weapon system.
    Preview system items.
    Belt system.
    Switchbot implemented.
    No 6/7 on the server.
    No modes on the server.
    Race offline shop.
    Render target ON / OFF = Item preview.


    Hide Players OX = ON / OFF
    Change the implemented channel.
    Login interface changed.
    Create changed character.
    Empire character changed.
    Map1 changed all for Christmas.
    Christmas map added + drop set.
    Design NPCs have been changed on the server.
    New mobi added to the server.
    Bearded system implemented on the server.
    System duel = duel with criticism or duel without criticism / penetration etc ..spacer.png

    Online player / staff system.
    Percent HP system = Players as well as mobi.
    Info drop Mobi system implemented.
    Chest View System Implemented on the server.
    Shakes added to the server.
    Sky textures = different textures.
    Top damage system added to the server.
    System info weapons added on the server. = You can see items from the players.
    When someone gives you add to friends it is for 10 seconds.
    Quest in shortcuts = lock exp / unlock exp:spacer.png

    Change equipment added to the server:spacer.png

    Classic pet system can not grow are fixed give bonuses.
    Buffie shaman system everywhere added system.
    Portable mount system = mount is always everywhere as a "CAL"spacer.png

    Title system (give titles bonuses) implemented on the server.
    Special slots + diamonds that give added bonuses on the server.
    There will be more slots for special items that will give bonuses.
    If I remember something I will add more
    Server presentation:spacer.png

    Link to full image: https://metin2.download/picture/va8cl7Kp3i3XHsiXHNjuHxDt3eB24olM/.jpg

    Staff Team:
    [OwN] AcroD
    [GM] Wild 


  5. website server: http://kingwars2.ro/

    itemshop server:http://kingwars2.ro/itemshop/
    When creating the account You will receive fms pgm 55% + poison pgm 50%
    Level 120
    Entry level: 1
    Rate 250% from Monday to Friday
    Saturday, Sunday 350% -400%
    Missions almost any level.
    Multi-language system.
    3 Inventory.
    Portable storage.
    Special Deposit / Stones / Books / Bonuses / Chests etc ..
    Fara 6/7.
    No ways.
    Costume system.
    Weapon skin system.
    Unlimited yang system.
    Portable mount system.
    Pet system.
    Offline Search Shop system as on RO.
    Offline shop system.
    Alchemy system.
    Belt system.
    Scarf system.
    Dungeon Info System.
    Gay system.
    Info drop mobi system.
    Maps changed all over the place.
    Equipment change
    Anti-exp ring.
    Teleportation ring.
    Change the Chs.
    System removes objects / trees / houses from folders.
    Party emoticon system.
    New emotions.
    New emoji.
    Change night / day when you want
    Change language directly instant client + server. !
    Yang Chat Log.
    Daily Reward System.
    You will discover the rest along the way.






  6. Server name: KingWars2

    Open channels: 2/4 (if necessary we open more)
    Maximum level: 99
    Entry level: 1
    Status points: 95
    Website: http://kingwars2.com/
    Experience rate: 40%
    Yang rate: 40%
    Objects rate: 40%
    Blacksmith's rate: Varies
    Server details:
    - the server is a PvM type
    - you have implemented in client switchbot, auto pickup (f6)
    - Securities system
    - Costume system
    - Portable mount system.
    - Scarves system.
    - System belts.
    - Search Shop Offline
    - Yang Unlimited.
    - Shop Offline
    - 4 inventories / 2 inventions open with keys that drop into cls.
    - Skill G / P SS-Cards.
    - Info Drop mobi.
    - Info drop stuff.
    - Portable deposit.
    - New Yang Log.
    - No 6/7
    - No modates
    - No sites on the server.
    - No full sheets on the server.
    - System of stains.
    - All mounts + stains have bonuses.
    - All costumes have bonuses.
    Site: http://kingwars2.com/
    Download: http://kingwars2.com/download
    Register: http://kingwars2.com/users/register
    Forum: http://kingwars2.com/forum/
    Shop: http://kingwars2.com/shop/
    Server Presentation:

    Presentation link:
  7. Server Name: Metin2Evil

    Maximum level: 250
    Open Channels: 2/4
    ItemShop SOON ! :http://metin2evil.com/itemshop/

    Run the autopatcher to change the client in English I recently added the language is not yet complete but has been resolved during the client is translated bonuses and 100% interface in English! at System Options / System Options you can find something with the Language and a button below that writing on it and choose English

    Yang: 1000%
    Objects: 1000%
    Fierar: 100%

    Map of Demonic Forests.
    Moon Cave Map: lvl 150 entry.

    The Halloween event is active.

    Pumpkin Halloween DROP: Marble!
    DROP map of woods: Marble.
    Moon Cave: DROP MARMURA:
    Halloween Costumes + Hairstyles!

    Pet + Mount Halloween add to the drop! .

    The map is Tiffiny called Map Halloween 2019!

    Halloween Metin Drop:

    Halloween pumpkin drops to this meth every x2

    For halloween costume M-Black: 1200 Pumpkins.

    For M-White Halloween Costume: 1400 Pumpkins.

    The rest is up to you to discover.

    New moon cave map + UP-URI drops + a new BOSS on the map.

    Moon Boss DROP:
    Drop 3d weapons.
    We have Transmutation on the server system!
    Drop up for evolutions!
    Metin Crystal: Drop costumes with bonuses.
    Join Moon Cave at level 150+!
    The maps are:
    Tigrammi: 90-120
    Taramu Zombilor: 120-150
    Taramu Primaverii: 150-200
    Mormanto Zeiteii: 200-250
    Halloween Map 2019: activate lvl 40 entry.
    Moon Cave Map: activate lvl 150 entry.

    New Update:
    Scarves system:
    Belt system:
    Skin Weapon System:
    Smoke system:
    3d mde weapons system:
    Info Drop Mobi:
    HP Bar mobi:
    Hp bar Players:
    Advanced duel pvp:
    Elixirele was added to the store:
    Portable Biologist:
    Portable Warehouse:
    Shop Offline:
    Night / Day system:
    Portable Ring:
    Bonus status:
    switchbot implemented:
    Save Location:
    Search Shop Offline:
    4 Inventory implemented:
    Automatic information system:
    Custom costumes over 70 on the server now:
    Inventory system of renamed MDs in Euro .Server.
    New Design Map1 .: All.
    Transmutation system added:.
    Prison system solved and reopened. :
    Bug fixes:
    Hundu-UP is doing well now.
    Functional master with pearls for evolution.
    New Evolutionary System At Legendary Iron. :
    New hairdressers customize on the server. ! :
    Emotions system in the group added for those who wish:.
    Automatic Buffets system added:. -> are currently not put on the server so you can get them.
    Monday-Friday: you can do ox instead of other events.

    On the server we have 2 open channels.
    From Hundu-UP take the G-P Skills
    Hundu-UP - You can change millionaire necklace in 500kk yang.
    Hundu-UP - You can take with 4 chivalrous red pearls.
    At Tiffiny you can find maps to grow up to 250

    Monday: 8:00 pm -> Fishing
    Tuesday: 8:00 pm -> PvM
    Wednesday: 8:00 pm -> Metine
    Thursday: 8pm -> HIDE
    Friday: 8:00 pm -> PvM
    Saturday: 8:00 pm -> OX
    Sunday: 8:00 pm -> OX
    The 6/7 bonuses do not have high or low races on our server.


     Link presentation:https://metin2.download/picture/QWG76P7o8MG1AV6xdu9uXtcx5Fi8wxDj/.png

  8. Server name:Metin2Axiom

    Open channels: 1/4
    Maximum level: 250
    Status points: 95
    Do 6/7
    No fashion
    Swichbot on inventory
    Change view bonuses on inventory
    teleportation ring on inventory.
    Lock invent.
    4 inventories implemented.
    Bearded system.
    Info Drop.
    Advanced duel system.
    Team team to the list of friends.
    Night / day at game options.
    Snow at game options.
    Costume system


    New drops + new maps + special upgrades all have drop. everything is made easy on the server.

    Server presentation:https://metin2.download/picture/1tkvDdxK8q4R9oVC2KcJa7VNzaPCqRfJ/.png
    Link presentation:

  9. Server Name : HammerMT2

    Server type: PVP
    MC / IP: Host
    Experience: PVP
    Yang: PVP
    Items: PVP
    Ironmonger: No, all items are put in stores.
    Online Time: 24/24-Host
    Resolved bugs: All discovered.
    Featured Kingdoms: All
    Site of the server: http://www.hammerm2.eu
    Registration: http://www.hammerm2.eu/?page=register
    Client: http://www.hammerm2.eu/?page=descarcare
    Open channels: 1/4
    Maximum level: 255
    Status points: 95
    The server is translated into English.
    There are smoke and bubbles at all armors from +0 to +8.
    Bonuses 6/7.
    Minimum Bonuses: 1000 STR / INT / DEX / VIT; 50 defenses, 100% casting, etc.
    Level 255.
    Some Armor:
    Store weapon:
    +1 spades have different smoke:Incoming more img
    +8 spades have different smoke:Incoming more img
    +0 spades have different smoke:Incoming more img

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