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Posts posted by C4M

  1. Ok, after seeing various screens and being informed in my little one I will follow this thread carefully.

    I simply want to understand if there will be the possibility of having important skills, something that will change the style of play of the now stalled metin2.

  2. It seems something surreal on an official level.

    Ymir has not worked on the title since 2012 and has sold all the rights to WebZen, so if he had any Metin2 projects he wanted to implement I don't know how they came out.

    Moreover, they are ideas made on the fly, also seeing the graphic invoice of the skills themselves. (based on how the lycan ones were in beta)

  3. On 3/11/2019 at 1:42 AM, InfinityMetin said:


    Patch Notes 1.0

      Reveal hidden contents


    - Aura of the Sword,Berserker, Strong Body, Fear, Enchanted Armor now can be swiched off.
    - Duration of Aura of the Sword, Berserk, Strong Body, Dragon Strengh, Blessing, Reflection, Swiftness, Attack Up, Enchanted Blade, Enchanted Armor, Fear, Dark Protection, Feather Walks is now 20 minutes.
    - Premium Inventory permanent for all. Premium Inventory purchase from Item Shop has been refunded.

    - Craft’s GUI is now translated in english language too.
    - Mercante Sottobanco: % to craft a Cheque 10kk by Stones reduced from 75% to 35%. Reason: Stone +4 are now stackable.

    - Stone +4: now stackable.
    - Backstep Book: now stackable.
    - Essences (all types): now stackable.
    - Polymorph marbles: now stackable.
    - Silver Bone, Brown Bone, Secret Bone, Burning Bone, Creator’s Rock: now stackable
    - IM Club Chest: Premium Inventory 30d removed.
    - Item Shop Chest: Premium Inventory 30d removed.

    - Curse Book % increased from 4.2 to 5
    - Demon Keepsake % increased from 3.5 to 5.
    - Zelkova Branch % increased from 6 to 6.5
    - Tugys Certificate % increased from 3.5 to 4.

    - All Metin Rock’s cooldown spawn decrased from 900s to 100s.

    - Sir Elleon: Premium Inventory 7d removed.

    Item Shop:
    - Fixed unstonable armors from Item Shop.
    - Fixed unrunable shields/helms/shoes from Item Shop (categories are now changed, they were organized by rune numbers)
    - Premium Inventory 30d removed.

    - Removed the protection that prevented collecting some objects from the group partner.
    - Horse rotation has been improved: Your mount was in the yoga club and is now more agile than ever. When turning on a mount it doesn't feel like you're a truck driver anymore!



    Great step forward but something is missing ..

    A graphic and practical advice for mounts: Change the ostriches, they do not seem suitable to have a fluid gameplay and they are carriers of laag.

    In addition to fixing the various errors in Spider Dungeon 1-2 etc ..

  4. The server itself is good .. but there are many problems on the file side ..
    What do you mean:

    1. Many features that now have 90% of servers here are missing [Biologist facilitated side delivery of items, auto-pickup, infinite skill "duration" etc ...]

    2. The staff seems to ignore the main part of their community [Italian but very toxic] but there are some members who have valid ideas that should really be considered

    3. There is no Community Manager or a reference person who can act as a bridge between players and staff.

    Side gameplay except those system side issues and some bugs dated 2012 seems to be valid and functional so I wish you the best hoping you'll fix the gaps that divide your server among the other over 700 online.

    • Love 1
  5. Wow!

    I saw that the armorings made are currently up to that of level 70.
    Will there be a future update that will also include the latest releases? (From Blue Steel onwards)

    As I am working on a project that is going to improve the negative aspects that are currently on Metin2. (Map graphics, mobs, armor etc.) I am very interested in this work.

  6. Beautiful everything but a couple of spontaneous questions I have to do:

    1. Note that the server is currently open, can I log in to evaluate the gameplay of the game?
    2. Will there be a reset or do the characters remain inside the server? [I hope they are reset]
    3. Is there a TS / Discord server where you can log in to receive support in all the languages you support?
    4. Does your team know all the languages you support and cover the whole day? (obviously taking away lunch and dinner)

    Congratulations again for the project (it's a pity that it is a reopening and this is a sign against you) but I wish you the best.

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