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  1. try this... navigate with putty and root user to your metin2 user as assemple = /usr/home/metin2 type in putty: cd /usr/home than chown -R metin2 . <--- there is a dot, you need it than try the other steps with changing user and install.sh And i need the lbs: fetch [Hidden Content] tar Jxpvf lib.tar.gz -C / rm lib.tar.gz its not working for me, fetch link unreachable?
  2. öhm, i`m confused. can i take the DB files without the mysql folder for the connection accs in /var/db/myql ....? and how i log in with metin2 user, i just know the root...
  3. error was the same, than no error but no item, quest dont work. i have reinstall mysql 55 without my.cnf. now, the same... no error and no working quest. i get crazy and i try the quest with the lauling files v3 too, but no error, no working quest Oo maybe, i use crap files ? i dont understand ths all.....
  4. now, i have add a my.cnf at /etc/my.cnf with the code: [client] socket = /tmp/mysql.sock [mysqld] socket = /tmp/mysql.sock no mysql.sock error and quest dont`t work...... i use the invoice files
  5. O.O whuut. questlib.lua, i have open it but there are so much entrys, id/pass? do you mean password and username? maybe, it helped to see my questlib.lua
  6. got no error, i have take a look at my syserr in the DB.... HaveBeen, your quest, the NPC dont take my item, nothing happen. i think, my server hate me
  7. I have finishes the quest, but no item in Mall.
  8. I´m beginner, i have no idea how make that, i have working about 3hours at the quest, and it still don`t work :c please, say it me, how i can make it @Denic Cikiec thx, but don´t work, i have no item in mall and i get no item
  9. it looks as if he had not released any ports and there are many mobs that are not true, the blocks where appropriate, the server later.
  10. Hello metin2dev, i want to write a quest but it dosen`t work. And i`m a bloody beginner... The idea was, take an armor with boni and stones, put this on a NPC and via quest, reading out the boni and stones from the armor and make a new armor with the same boni and stones. The new armor should be put in the ItemShop Mall. So, here my quest, i think its terror
  11. ah, ok, thank you very much : ) btw, i need help by questing, were i can post it? here in Beginner Zone?
  12. I can write a second quest to add more boni to mounts. now i use the offi quest because, my young pets working now too^-^ but, for what is the entry false and true? and how i define the time? i think, if i know that, i´m happy with my seals
  13. yeha, my quest is simple, there i understand all, but the boni dont work.
  14. here is my item_proto entry: vnum="71134" name="È渶¼Òȯ±Ç" locale_name="Rappen-Siegel" type="16" subtype="2" weight="0" size="1" antiflag="33024" flag="9216" wearflag="128" immuneflag="" gold="0" shop_buy_price="0" refined_vnum="0" refine_set="0" refine_set2="0" magic_pct="0" limittype0="0" limitvalue0="0" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="0" applyvalue0="0" applytype1="0" applyvalue1="0" applytype2="0" applyvalue2="0" value0="" value1="0" value2="0" value3="0" value4="0" value5="0" socket0="0" socket1="0" socket2="0" socket3="0" socket4="0" socket5="0" specular="0" socket_pct="0" addon_type="0"/> oh and, i like the offi quest. looks professional^^ can you explain me the line and how can i add a second bon on a mount? oh and by the way, its amazing how you help me. on epvp i get never such support^^
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