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Posts posted by StarSoul

  1. Greetings all, I'm having an issue with getting the server to change the name of an item. In Navicat I can't change or do anything to the Locale_name column in the  item_proto table. I have changed the name of the item in item_names.txt on the server (accessed with WinSCP) but the item in the chat box is still being called the old name. It would be easier to share an image but for whatever reason I can't share images now. I have basically changed "Peach Blossom Juice" into "Peach Potion". When one goes to the crafting window for alchemy/herb potions there is a prompt that appears telling the player "Peach Blossom Juice received". This prompt still says the old name which makes me think the server isn't updating to the new names. How can I fix this?

  2. On 3/29/2023 at 4:23 AM, Ace said:
      Reveal hidden contents



    may the KI can help:

    It's possible that the ArizonaBush_RT_Flowers_01 and 02 assets are not properly imported into the Metin2 World Editor, which is why they appear invisible. Here are a few things you can try to troubleshoot the issue:

    • Check if the assets are properly installed: Make sure that the assets are installed in the correct location and that the files are not corrupt. You can try re-installing the assets to see if that solves the issue.
    • Check the texture settings: Ensure that the textures for the assets are properly linked to the models in the World Editor. Check that the texture settings are set to the correct file type (.dds or .tga) and that the file paths are correct.
    • Check the rendering settings: Make sure that the assets are set to render properly in the World Editor. Check that the assets are not set to render as transparent or that the rendering settings are not set to low quality.
    • Try importing the assets again: If the above steps do not work, try importing the assets again. Make sure that you follow the proper importing procedures and that the assets are properly linked to the textures.

    If none of these steps work, you may need to seek additional help from the Metin2 community or support team.

    Well, I did what I could but I couldn't get these flowers to work. I think they are just corrupted or something. Sorry for such a late response. This whole thing seems just hopeless... 

    • Love 2
  3. Greetings,

    I'm wanting to increase the amount of default space the storeroom allows. Currently, it only has one panel for storage and I want to increase it to 6 panels. How is this done? I'm not a coder, so plain English please when explaining how to do this. Thank you.

    I tried finding some guides but nothing relevant was appearing in my searches. 


  4. Greetings,

    I'm having an issue with the 'ArizonaBush_RT_Flowers_01' and '02'. They appear invisible in the Metin2 World Editor. I can't figure out why. They look better in Speedtree4. They seem to be missing a texture in Speedtree3. I have their textures saved as .dds as well as .tga. Anyone know what is going on?








  5. Greetings,

    I'm trying to replace an existing map with a new one that also includes new trees, objects, and textures. I tried following this but my client would crash when I would try to enter that map. How can I fix this? Feel free to message me on Discord. I really need some help with this. Thank you.

  6. This isn't working for me. I'm trying to just simply view the white version (shaman_chipao1_l_02.dds) of the Shaman dress: shaman_chipao1_l. Pictured below. By default, the texture path is set to the red one but I want to change it to the white one. I'm changing the pathing by double-clicking and changing the "1" to a "2" for the texture name. Then "saving as.." but the resulting .gr2 file still has the old file path with no changes. What is going on?





  7. Greetings,


    I have been working with World Editor for some time now and I have come across a strange issue with the trees. In World Editor they appear just fine, but once they are added to the server, they are replaced with a different tree model or just disappear. Does anyone have an idea as to what is going on here?



    Here is an image from World Editor:




    Here is the same trees in the server:


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