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Posts posted by xcrapy

  1. 23 minutes ago, duwen123 said:

    Hello!  ?

    I had your problem too, when I was trying to prepare FreeBSD for the Metin2 server.

    The most important thing when you are missing libs from VPS is not to manually add the libs you need!

    To install the required libs, you will need to run one of the following commands from the Putty console:

    pkg install misc/compat9x


    pkg install compat9x-amd64


    after try this (not necessary):

    cd /usr/ports/misc/compat9x/ && make install clean

    I hope that helped ?

    Optional documentation about compat9x package: click here


    If you fail to solve the problem with the solution offered above, I will leave you a tutorial (copy-paste) from another forum that helped me.

    To follow this tutorial, I strongly recommend that you reinstall your VPS operating system.

    I use FreeBSD 11.0 - 64bit for the VPS where I keep the online server for players, and I compile the sources on FreeBSD 9.2 - 64bit.

    Thus, by installing the necessary libs on VPS, I can use legacy binaries that depend on them.


    The tutorial:

      Reveal hidden contents

    [How To] Prepare FreeBSD for Metin2 (tutorial from 2014, so you might need to search a few thing online for the current year)


    Hi, since many people had troubles with outdated or plain wrong tutorials, I am writing a new one on how to prepare your Metin2 dedicated or VPS to run any kind of Metin2 files.

    The first thing we should do is update our operating system to the latest version:

    freebsd-update fetch install

    Note: If you get a warning about End Of Life, consider upgrading to the most recent supported version (8.4, 9.3 or 10.1). If you have FreeBSD 8.2 for example, you can upgrade to 8.4 with:

    freebsd-update upgrade -r 8.4-RELEASE

    Now we are going to extract or update the ports, depending on whether you extracted them before or not, you have to run either of these commands:

    portsnap fetch extract

    if it's the first time, or:

    portsnap fetch update

    if it's not the first time you download ports.

    Now it's time to install mysql 5.6, the most recent version, as it performs better than the older ones.

    pkg install mysql56-server

    Note: If this command fails for you, you need to install the pkg tool:

    cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg
    make install UPGRADEPKG=1 clean

    Next we add it to start on boot:

    echo "mysql_enable=YES" >> /etc/rc.conf

    And start MySQL server:

    service mysql-server start

    After uploading your database, give the correct permissions and upgrade your tables to the server's version:

    chown -R mysql /var/db/mysql


    Running old files

    Install the compatibility packages to use games compiled for old versions of FreeBSD.

    cd /usr/ports/misc/compat7x
    make install clean

    We can install the compat8x, compat9x, etc. if we need compatibility with those operating systems in a newer version. Library errors are often solved by installing these packages.

    Installing python for qc

    pkg install python


    Kimsufi, SoYouStart and OVH dedicated servers use some custom installation of FreeBSD and will throw an error when trying to run or install MySQL. You need to rebuild the password database to fix it with this command:


    pwd_mkdb -p /etc/master.passwd



    thanks , i already solve it by upgrading from FreeBSD 11.3 to 12 

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