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  1. Hello people, does anyone here have any idea why the bonus "Blackout Chance" comes in as the letter 'd' instead of 13 in pPlayerItem->aAttr[i].bType ? It messes up the item hyperlink and I can't figure out why it's coming out as 'd' instead of number 13.
  2. Nevermind, I'm blind, the icon is there, in the archive you shared. But I was right with the other thing, the archive uploaded here: [Hidden Content] is not complete ? .
  3. Thanks, yup, the whole code is there in the latest version that you sent from that archive, but the icon is missing ? .
  4. Shouldn't it include the new icon and the code for it then? Since it did in the past.
  5. Can it be because the version that is posted here : [Hidden Content] is not the latest? Cause the code these guys have been posting here doesn't match with the code inside the resource. The github url is no longer valid. I can't find the icon either.
  6. Edit: The actual problem is that everyone in the party can see the party leader, no matter where he is, but the party leader can see other members only if they're close. Also, members can see each other only if they're close to each other. The function GetPartyMemberPosition returns 0 for x and 0 for y once I get a bit far. This of course happens every 3 seconds once it updates. So I guess it's either a problem with this function: bool CPythonPlayer::GetPartyMemberPosition(DWORD dwPID, D3DXVECTOR2* v2Position) { std::map<DWORD, TPartyMemberInfo>::const_iterator it = m_PartyMemberMap.find(dwPID); if (it == m_PartyMemberMap.end()) return false; v2Position->x = it->second.lX; v2Position->y = it->second.lY; return true; } Or the problem is server side, but I can't seem to figure it out.
  7. Hi, added it, everything works except one thing. The party leader can't see the party members on the map if they go too far away, but the party members can see each other and the leader as well, no matter how far they go. Any thoughts on how to fix that?
  8. Thank you. will try it.
  9. I found a script that I should put into locale/blabla/ui/loginwindow.py but the thing is, the login screen is configured by root/intrologin.py and idk how to remove that.
  10. Hello, I downloaded this resource and I have no idea how to implement it into my client. Is there any guide on how to do this? Like an animation with multiple PNGs, a dropdown, etc.
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