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Posts posted by m2Ciaran

  1. 52 minutes ago, fx3206 said:

    Yes, I was already able to place the items at +9 in the trunk that is given at the beginning of each player.

    Now where I am having a bit of conflict is changing the price of the items, for example I already changed the NPC items from the general store within the game but these items have a value of 0 yang.

    gold/shop_buy_price columns in item_proto are what you looking for

  2. 6 hours ago, fx3206 said:

    Again thank you very much @ m2Ciaran,

    Another question that arose recently, I hope you can support me, the question is where I can modify an item so that it is +9, for example a sword, I would like it to be +9 at the beginning.

    at the beginning? I'm not sure if I got it but you should look for apprentice chest in special_item_group and replace id of sword+0 [10] with sword+9 [19]

  3. 1 hour ago, fx3206 said:

    Thank you so much @ m2Ciaran,

    Now another similar question, how can I add new items and their attributes, for example the experience ring, this is not in the database in the list of items, but I would like to add it.

    Sorry for the disturbances.

    Depends on your files and configuration you can do it in item_proto either in player database or text files.

    For an exp ring you'll need to add the new created item vnum to special group in special_item_group with id 10000 and for any other item just edit applytype/applyvalue columns

    • Good 1
  4. Hello.

    You need something like this:

    uiInventory -> def __DropSrcItemToDestItemInInventory

    		elif item.GetUseType(srcItemVID) in self.USE_TYPE_TUPLE:
    			if player.GetItemIndex(dstItemSlotPos) == srcItemVID:
    				self.__SendMoveItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos, 0)
    				self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos)

    uiInventory -> def __IsUsableItemToItem(self, srcItemVNum, srcSlotPos):

    			if item.GetUseType(srcItemVNum) in self.USE_TYPE_TUPLE:
    				return True

    And make sure that USE_TYPE_TUPLE is defined at the beginning of InventoryWindow class:



  5. 10 hours ago, Baltazar said:

    I highly disagree with statement that pserver take everything from official servers. You probably didnt play any poland servers. No hate, but I played many servers and the most boring for me were the ones, which looked like official server.

    Well, i'm Polish. And almost all the updates that were implemented after 2012 are used on many of them (tdd, dss, sash, aura, ui, changelook and so on) let's face the truth ?

    • Love 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Mali said:

    You will hate me but official > any pvp server all day.

    Gameplay is good, but definitely not the way they manage metin nowadays (and we don't know how much % of gameplay comes from gf brains)


    there is reason why almost everything is taken from official to pvp servers 


    21 hours ago, TAUMP said:

    .jpg .png .png .png .png .png .png .png .png .png .png .png .png .png .png .png .png .png .png .png .png .png .png .png .png

    this is probably the most active gf person I've ever seen ?

    • kekw 1
  7. ! I've only used it on my test server !

    This is the hidden content, please

    Set item id under "high_item" event flag to highlight the item name with different color (/e high_item IDOFITEM)


    /drop_simul IDOFMOB AMOUNT




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  8. 	for (int i = 0; i < ITEM_LIMIT_MAX_NUM; ++i)
    		long limitValue = item->GetProto()->aLimits[i].lValue;
    		switch (item->GetProto()->aLimits[i].bType)
    			case LIMIT_LEVEL:
    				if (GetLevel() < limitValue)
    					ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("아이템의 레벨 제한보다 레벨이 낮습니다."));
    					return false;

    I suggest everyone to add this piece of code to avoid players opening (Apprentice) level chest below required level ?

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