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Posts posted by Susanoo

  1. Hi friends,like i wrinte to title i fu*** love this game and i whant to have my own server but i don't know from where to download the game files or how work thos game.Is a online flash browser game with Naruto caracters amd is a loot of this game on internet but no one tell me the source files.

    This is the game: http://ninja.joyfun.com

    Or exist a hac* for this game to work 100% no survive Pm.Its cheat alown on this forum? If not ignore this mesage,but no delete my post,i will edit.

    The are few games of this type on internet and all are identical so developer work is exclude.I need full source or files of this game.I will thanks forever to theat guy who help me.Thanks

  2. Hi,dev users i need help with some things.

    1.I whant to work to a "baby" server from 0,i need a compatible server files and a client (40k both and if is clean is so much better) with source both or recomand some Sf and client to work with it.Thanks

    2.I need some help to find this system or the name of it,i saw to some servers this bar and i fu** like it :) , i add a screen with  theat bar.Thanks

    image hosting 15mb

  3. Hi,i'm an old player who played SiriusMt2 a few years ago but now i recive an Email from them to sey my account was close.Now i whant to play again with the new updates witch are post on youtube,i have an adress www.siriusmt2.to or www.siriusmt2.com but like how is write in index "Vote for Enter" i vote but nothing change but i found another adress http://www.siriusmt2.to/start.aspxl i press Download or to make new account or to something else and ther redirect my to www.siriusmt2.com .I'm from Romania,its possible they block IP from a country or where is the problem?Thanks for all users who try to help me.

  4. j9yc00.png

    Nume Server: Metin2Krixus

    Canale Deschise: 2

    Nivel Maxim: 250

    Rate: 1000%

    Puncte Status: 127

    Server Hostat: 24/7

    La start primiti o otravita cu Pgm 60,cadou.Pt. a primi acest premiu va rugam sa scrieti pe striga.(Daca este GM-ul online)










    WebSite: http://www.metin2krixus.com

    Forum: http://metin2krixus.com/board/index.php

    Download: http://www.metin2krixus.com/indir.php

    Prezentari Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7AseOa ... e=youtu.be



    Va asteptam cu drag :)

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