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Posts posted by Navraz

  1.   Hello! I have been looking everywhere on the internet trying to find a market system like this one 

    This is the hidden content, please
    , that also works with offline shops! I want players to be able to directly buy it from the system.  Could any of you guys happen to know or have one? I would highly appreciate it ! 

    • Metin2 Dev 20
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  2.     Hello everyone! I once  again ask for your help, a rather simple problem. I am using Great Offline Shop and blackdragonx61's private shop search system from here : 

    This is the hidden content, please
     , and the problem is that when I try to buying items  using the search shop system from normal shops it works , but when I try from offline shops it doesn't work and it tells me that the shop doesn't exist. Does anyone know how to fix this? 

    Thanks in advance!

    • Metin2 Dev 16
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  3. 5 hours ago, TMP4 said:

    Just make your own quest function:

    int pc_get_costume(lua_State * L)
    	LPITEM item = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr()->GetWear(WEAR_COSTUME_BODY);
    	if (!item)
    		lua_pushnumber(L, 0);
    		lua_pushnumber(L, item->GetVnum());
    	return 1;
    //and add to bottom list
    { "getcostume",		pc_get_costume		},
    //dont forget to add getcostume to questfunctions file in your locale/xy/quest folder...


    I tried it and it works, thank you very much! Do you by any change happen to know if it's possible for me to write one of these functions that counts how many times the player basic attacks? 

  4. Hello!

     I am using the Metin2 Project 2014.1 client and svfile from ASIKOO's guide.  And the browser from the itemshop / mall is using Internet Explorer embedded. 

     I want to embed chromium beacause I want to load webistes that use javascript.  Basically I need a browser that supports html5 .

     There are two older topics on this but neither have an answer or tutorial, and I read somewhere that servers like Aeldra do use more modern browsers.

      I have tried to do it myself , but I can't seem to figure it out, In the source, the pythonapplication scripts use functions such as WebBrowser_Show and void WebBrowser_Move which are present in the original CWebBrowser but aren't in any other sample apps of other browsers I could find. I tried with a CefSharp browser embedded sample app and a WebView2 (Which is Microsoft Edge's and is in c++) browser embedded sample app. But I can't figure out how to add them into the pythonapplication.  Maybe I am looking at it wrong or something.

      Can anybody please help me?  I am sure this is helpful for many other people too!


  5.  Hello guys!

     I am a beginner mt2dev and I need some help

     I wrote an app using python 3.9 and tkinter and I was wondering if it is possible to add it to my metin2 server ? I am using the Metin2 Project 2014.1 client and svfile from ASIKOO's guide.

     The app is a kind of loot sytem. Could it run as a window in game but use my script , similar to the itemshop which uses a webpage?

       Can metin2 use python 3 scripts? Do I need to install it in the client?

       I am not familiar with python2 and reprogramming the whole app without tkinter and using metin2 libraries seems a bit too complicated for me. Especially that I am  a beginner in metin2 development. 

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