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Posts posted by mustlight

  1. I also have this problem I already fixed the problem like you posted but in other files (martysama or others) alchemy item codes are like 115410 -> myth diamond but when i change the function you gave, my code becomes 115411 and i dont get why are they working different

  2. 8 minutes ago, Amun said:

    What you're showing us there is the Weighted CPU usage, not the memory. If you take a moment to look at what you gave us, you can see the cpu spikes when processing the data, then returns to baseline after it's done.


    However, yes, it does add some memory as well. Since it's doesn't just flood the database with updates whenever the player does something, the core is saving some data in memory, which gets cleaned up after a while, when it saves it in the database.


    Edit: A clean core is usually eating about 120mb of ram at baseline and you don't need more than 5(maybe 10)mb per player so, if you do the math(with 10mb per player, which is quite huge), your server should be able to hold at least 400 players.


    Hope it's helpful,

    Good luck

    First of all, thanks for the reply. I have tested my own server with 750+ users and probably because of this problem, game usage gets higher and highter after 15+ hours, game becomes %100 and game starts lagging. (I used 128GB's of ram and 32 cores on machine and still became %100 usage after 15+ hours.) I believe that game usage increase is caused by this. If you have any idea what may have cause this and if you can share with me, i would be really appreciated. I wish you a good life everyone. Have a nice day.

  3. 5 hours ago, covfefe said:

    could be either a memory leak or just a weak server (machine)...my 2 cents

    Ps. have you made any changes recently in the source that you think could be causing this?

    No, i just installed server files and tried it and i saw this problem.

    6 hours ago, Speachless said:

    You need to check what functions are called when you teleport (char.cpp ::WarpSet / intrologin.cpp ::EnterGame). It is probably in EnterGame. However depends also on your machine power. If it's a very weak virtual machine then even something easy may look like uses cpu power more than normal, but it can be actually just a weak cpu.

    I also installed a different files and that files does not have this problem. Also my machine has 4GB's of ram and 4 CPU. I believe its enough for at least for one player.

  4. Hi everyone, i wish you have a great day. I encountered with this nonsense game core. (by the way i am using Martysama 5+ files [i wrote this cuz i asked some people and they said in martysama 5+ files these errors can occur without any reasons.] )

    Firstly, i was teleporting to sohan and i saw my equipped excellent dragon soul has dropped to the ground. I said it was propably something not important to myself and when try to teleport again my game just crashed and i got this exact core and syser. My game core was 500mb (i know it is a lot but when i wrote bt full it was the errors.) I checked this function and i could not find any errors.

    Also when i got this error i checked my syserr and i had this syserr:

    SYSERR: Jan 13 15:47:19 :: EquipTo: EquipTo: invalid wear cell (this: #125460 İşlen wearflag: 712740852 cell: 33)
    SYSERR: Jan 13 15:47:33 :: RemoveFromCharacter: CItem::RemoveFromCharacter: Invalid Item Position
    SYSERR: Jan 13 16:00:03 :: RemoveFromCharacter: CItem::RemoveFromCharacter: Invalid Item Position
    SYSERR: Jan 13 16:00:03 :: RemoveFromCharacter: Item::RemoveFromCharacter owner null

    After this, i tried to teleport more than 150 times and i did not get any game cores also i tried to delete item and sell item. I did not get any errors or cores so far. 

    These were the errors that i got and i did not understand why did this thing happen. Do you have any idea or solution for this?

    Thank you anyone who can help or not. Have a great day.

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