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Posts posted by yamano

  1. -Give item to online players
    -Give item to player name
    (Should be possible to edit the item bonus, stones, etc)
    -Ban / Block account for a specific time
    -Start / Stop events
    -Check specific players total played time
    -Teleport player to admin
    -Teleport admin to specific location
    -Teleport player to specific location
    -Spawn boss / mob in a specific location
    (Default locations should be added)
    -Send general message 
    -Send message to a specific player
    -Discord integration: Send message to discord channel + general chat ingame
    -Automatic Events: Send message at x hours / every x minutes

    • Metin2 Dev 1

    Umbra aka Snap! forum banned from Gazduirejocuri.ro
    Umbra aka Snap! forum banned from Blazingfast.io
    Current hosting company: Hostinger.com
    New domain:  metin2.click
    (this is probably the next scamming project he is creating😅)

    Umbra aka Snap! is always moving his shitty forum to different hosting companies.
    I'm always reporting and sending the needed information to this hosting
    companies and they're cancelling this user services. 
    He still continues scamming users and selling copyright protected / illegal related things.
    I'll continue reporting to every single hosting company.

    Most part of the donations in metin2.solutions forum are fake.
    Umbra aka Snap! is creating fake accounts, commenting in his own posts and
    simulating donations so innocent users think it worth to pay for vip.
    I really do not understand why some users are still paying for vip
    in metin2.solutions forum, cause all the content in VIP area 
    is already public in several metin2 forums.
    If you really want to support someone, at least support real and original developers,
    not this bullshit scammers.

    • Metin2 Dev 2
    • Good 3
  3. Hi guys
    Just to alert Metin2 community...

    As you may know, i just "wiped" metin2academy forum and discord!
    Forum: metin2academy.com
    Discord: Metin2Academy Community
    (I'm sorry for all the users i've just banned, but it was for your own good...)

    How everything started?
    Basically this kid is the metin2.solutions / metin2academy.com / r4gaming.com administrator and reseller.
    He recently scammed a lot persons reselling multiple files from other devs (that he claims he is the owner!)
    Some of the files are already leaked / public in different metin2 forums
    and ofc the files do not include what he promesses to clients.

    Basically different than what he said in our conversation:
    -No mysql8 compatibility
    -No freebsd 13.1 vdi
    -No free updates / fixes (Few weeks after he asked 75€ for the updates...)
    -No patcher
    -No website
    -No .vdi password included
    *I only received the files 15 hours after i bought them and they're not as the kid described.
    In short, a complete disorganization...

    After installing everything:
    -Client connects the server and closes with syserr
    -Server with some syserr too
    -Quests not included
    -A lot bugs / backdoors

    When we contacted the kid and told him that this is not ok, he always answered stupidly.
    He told everybody that the updates and bug fixes are for free, then after some time
    he asked 75€ more to his clients for the new updates and fixes!
    Everybody decided to pay and he delivered wrong files full of bugs and more backdoors (basically no fixes)!
    So one more time we contacted him, he told us he was in holidays in Greece and the internet there
    is not good, so he cant upload the entire files with the fixes.
    He told us to wait a few days until he is at home and can upload everything.
    We waited a few days and then he told us: 
    "my laptop drive is gone"
    We all decided to ask for a refund, take print screens of the conversations and 
    report this scammer in metin2 forums so no more users believe this kid.
    He told us if we repeat the word "refund" again, he starts banning users from the private discord.
    So yeah, basically he banned everybody because everybody said that it will ask for refund.
    Seems that Umbra bought the files from NGIX and tried to resell it.
    (NGYX already know Umbra was trying to resell it, so he added bugs / backdoors to the files and didn't sell him the complete and fixed ones)
    This basically looks like a brazilian novel!

    After this, a guy called "[DEV]Paul" published in metin2academy discord:
    "Hi, I am the new founder of the Metin2Academy forum, I bought the whole forum @Umbra 
    no longer have access to the forum. I want to make a great community. Best Regards @everyone"
    wtf?  I mean, this guy it was already part of the team and now just bought the entire forum for a simple amount of 500€?
    Something is wrong here!

    So, here we go...
    I want to make very clear that i only did it to investigate if Umbra was still part of the metin2academy team.
    So basically i decided to investigate if Umbra was or not still in their team and after investigating, upss... 
    It seems that there are to many Umbras in this metin2academy.com forum! (54 registered accounts)
    I'll make some of the information public...
    Download link (Umbra ips, accounts, nicknames, conversations, etc): https://mega.nz/file/5NEhwR6A#c50bHTBIDHN1J69gkEbxvznmFiHU0ABC06AhRm6flHs
    *Print screens of some parts of the conversations are included, so everybody can laugh a little bit.

    Here is some info i've colected from different Metin2 forums (ip sharing accounts)...

    Nicknames: Umbra / Umbra4G / [DEV]Paul / Soft4Win / Sefu / SNap / Paul96 / Capone / Capone96 / Zentoria2Ro /
    Edger / Furia / Furia1996 / DANUT9912 / AditaWoN2 / TANK96 / R4G / Rain / Whiter (50+ nicknames inside the download link)
    Discords: Umbra#6224 / Sefu#8262 / Soft4Win#8262 / [DEV]Paul#8262 / TANK96#4746
    Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/soft4win
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1aa0RG0GaCuuOoReaA7ZeQ / https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6BMDZXHKN9tD05XFuHUI_A
    Skype: Robert Serban / live:rserban1994
    Emails: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]
    Forums: metin2.solutions / metin2academy.com / r4gaming.com 

    I think you all understand this needed to be done!

    *DO NOT DONATE your money to metin2.solutions / metin2academy.com / r4gaming.com (completely erase such forums from your list!)
    And ofc, all the members that paid for VIP can ask for a refund to paypal support.
    (Check paypal sellers and buyers protection info with attention before doing such thing...)
    I really dont know why users paid for VIP in metin2academy forum, cause everything in vip area it is already published in other forums.
    (I have access to more info and even the metin2academy VIP things, in case someone wants it for a better price lmao 😅)

    If you want to send more reports, you can add me.
    Discord: yamano#8344


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