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Posts posted by MGA

  1. 11 minutes ago, Shogun said:

    if it works the first time then the problem is with your client, most likely you don't have a valid atlas entry in root.


    The coordinates in the server side atlas and client side must match, just like the map ids

    Yup, problem was with the mapsize in locale/atlasinfo.txt, the map works just fine now.

  2. Found a potential bug in the map, could be happening because of my evironment but nonetheless.

    Steps to reproduce:

    Warp to the map, goto 593 808 coordinates(should be desert part of the map), exit the client,  open client/log back in, the screen is black and u can only see ur character.

    EDIT. Happens on relog also. At those coordonates.


    0110 12:43:13303 :: NOT_FOUND_GLOBAL_POSITION(2491318, 2512799)
    0110 12:43:13303 :: CPythonBackground::SelectViewDistanceNum(int eNum=0) mc_pcurEnvironmentData is NULL
    0110 12:43:13303 :: CPythonBackground::SelectViewDistanceNum(int eNum=0) mc_pcurEnvironmentData is NULL
    0110 12:43:13350 :: CPythonBackground::SelectViewDistanceNum(int eNum=0) mc_pcurEnvironmentData is NULL
    0110 12:43:13953 :: CPythonBackground::SelectViewDistanceNum(int eNum=0) mc_pcurEnvironmentData is NULL
    0110 12:43:14597 :: CPythonBackground::SelectViewDistanceNum(int eNum=0) mc_pcurEnvironmentData is NULL
    0110 12:43:15122 :: CPythonBackground::SelectViewDistanceNum(int eNum=0) mc_pcurEnvironmentData is NULL
    ... Keeps spamming CPythonBackground::SelectViewDistanceNum(int eNum=0) mc_pcurEnvironmentData is NULL

    Let me know if you guys have ran into this also, or if it reproducing for anybody else.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Shogun said:


    Hello in fact this map has nothing but the clientside (folder wom2_map_citadel), as for serverside you only need to create the attr map which you can do in World Editor.

    Meant serverside, yup got it, i'll look into that

  4. Hello everybody, 


    I'm abit new to metin2 stuff, and this map seem to not have any clientside in the rar, can I just use any, from any other map and just change Settings.txt from sv side?


    An installation tutorial might be golden for ppl like me :D 


    Thanks for the release ! 

  5. Hello everybody,


    I'm getting back into metin2 world after a healthy 8 years of break, admittedly my C++ skills have not really improved, I just need something to fall back in my life right now, something that feels "safe" is any can relate and I'll end it here haha.

    I'm making this post in regard to recent times, I see a lot of posts about source files changes,  code modernisation and what not, even some python 3 on client side, which, really made me happy, idk if that's weird but hey .


    Anyway, done with the whining, is there anyone kind enough to recommend me a tested server file  (by this I mean, something "certified" as stable/safe that is opened to the public to be downloaded), on this website that I can pick up and play around with, something that has classic stuff like devils catacombs, to put it blant, something that still looks like metin2. 


    Would be great if it also has in it's readme sme dependencies listed, prerequisites for the OS, libs to be fetched or pkg's to be downloaded. 


    If all this is too much to ask and requires payment, I'm sorry if I took anything for granted.


    PS. Happy holidays everybody, great to see that this game still has some kick in it after all this time!




  6. So, I'm guessing you just need a simple bot to do some action with I assume seleium.webdriver through a proxy server, here's a simple example, all you gotta do is add to chromeOptions, the proxy address, ip_address:port, here's some code:



    Keep in mind that the chromeDriver version has to be the same with ur chrome browser version, that is if you want to use chrome as ur browser.



    from selenium import webdriver
    from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
    chromeOptionsInstance = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
    #Add ur proxy server id, port by
    #Replace the string "YOUR_Ip_Address_Here" with ur proxyServer ip address between quotes like '' in the below dictionary
    #Replace the string "Your_Port_here" with ur proxy server port in the below dictionary
    proxyServer = {'ip_Address':'YOUR_Ip_Address_Here',
    #Create webdriver.Chrome instance, don't forget to add the absolute path to chromedriver.exe for this example
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=r"Ur_ChromeDriver_Absolute_Path\chromedriver.exe", chrome_options=chromeOptionsInstance)
    #Click on Answer this question elem.
    driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a[contains(text(),'Answer this question')]").click()


    In regards of a discrete proxy server, I don't got any, but I suggest using an VPN, does the job, there are alot of these for free on the internet

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