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Posts posted by Asentrix

  1. 2 hours ago, Creo said:

    How can I reset root password at virtualbox freebsd 9.2? I don't remember it

    Just use command passwd I think


    Edit: I think you meant reset not changing, I missunderstood you

    anyway to reset see freebsd faq:



    but in virtualbox you don't have to write "boot -s" to enter single-user mode, you can just enter it by clicking the number beside "Single User Mode" to enter it

  2. about the coordinates, it should be able to be divided by 256


    On 6/28/2020 at 9:42 PM, TMP4 said:

    If the coordinates of the map can't be divided by 256, it will cause a lots of problem. (2600000/256=10156.25 so it will be bad)

    For example the server_attr will be slided, so the block, pvp, water areas will not 100% there where you placed, also if you go to the slide's opposite side you'll get kicked out because there is nothing there according to the server, because it is slided in the other way   

    (This is because the maps are stricted to areas, and 1 area's size is 256x256)




    • Love 2
  3. in ui.py in

    class RadioButton(Button):

    you have:

    	def OnMouseOverIn(self):
    		if self.overFunc:
    			apply(self.overFunc, self.overArgs )
    	def OnMouseOverOut(self):
    		if self.overOutFunc:
    			apply(self.overOutFunc, self.overOutArgs )
    	def SetOverEvent(self, func, *args):
    		self.overFunc = func
    		self.overArgs = args
    	def SetOverOutEvent(self, func, *args):
    		self.overOutFunc = func
    		self.overOutArgs = args

    move them to

    class Button(Window):


    • Love 1
  4. On 8/8/2020 at 10:08 PM, Finnael said:

    Is there a reason to not write the code like this? Am I missing something?



            if s >= 1 and s <= 7 then
                game.drop_item_with_ownership(Vnum ITEM, Quantity)
            elseif s == 8 then


    probably to be different (1 differs from 2 and etc)

    anyway, If I want to do something like that

    I would do it like this:


    quest randdrop begin
    	state start begin
    		when 11505.click begin
    			local randitems = {
    				-- {vnum, count}
    				{27001, 1},
    				{27002, 1}
    			local rndnum = math.random(table.getn(randitems))
    			game.drop_item_with_ownership(randitems[rndnum][1], randitems[rndnum][2])


    • Love 1
  5. Since you already (I guess) know how to add buttons 

    you should create a function in c++ and use that function when someone click the button 

    One of the ways is to make new command in c++ and use that command by net.SendChatPacket in Python in that button(but I don't recommend this way much, just giving an idea)

  6. 41 minutes ago, TMP4 said:

    They actually do since they just copy paste from tutorial. I saw several P server what came to this glitch.

    The quest what contains this is official and from gayF, when they introduced cheque they had this bug too for a couple days :D

    yes, and that's why I posted a fix ?

  7. Hey all,

    easy to fix but I'm releasing because I realized many of servers(and devs) have this problem


    problem description: when you enter decimal number in Won Exchange window (like 1.5) it will be exchanged for 150,000,000 but it will remove 1 won only so you got yang more than you should get.


    after checking some cheque systems (including WLsj24 ones)

    in quests they have check like:

    if ((amount < 1) or (amount >19) or (amount == nil)) then

    and it's true except that check from 1 to 19 includes decimal numbers too

    so if you write 1.5 it will be exchanged to 150,000,000 and only remove 1 Won

    so you should put a check for INT, you can modify it to be:

    if ((amount < 1) or (amount >19) or (amount == nil) or (math.floor(amount) ~= amount)) then

    (if the floor of amount is equal to amount so it's INT, otherwise it's not int)

    Best Regards.

    • Metin2 Dev 1
  8. there's nothing wrong in your modification

    for me I think it's somehow related to encoding (because of notepad++)


    can you try and edit the item_proto by normal notepad? (not ++) and tell us the result? (just to make sure what's causing the problem)




    One last thing ... How can I convert item-proto  from text to Navi-cat

    seems like you're using marty's sama source, 


    1. PROTO_FROM_DB = 1/0 // enable/disable item/mob proto loading from db (otherwise, .txt)
    2. MIRROR2DB = 1/0 // convert .txt protos to .sql ones

    you can adjust it from these 2 options at DB/Conf.txt

  9. Quote


    On 8/28/2014 at 8:47 AM, martysama0134 said:

    Lzo is a data compression algorithm. It compress data and there are no "lzo keys".

    On the other hand, XTEA is a block cipher which uses a 8 byte key to encrypt/decrypt data.

    static DWORD s_adwEterPackKey[] =
    static DWORD s_adwEterPackSecurityKey[] =



    you have to go to EterPack/EterPack.cpp
    search for
    static DWORD s_adwEterPackKey and static DWORD s_adwEterPackSecurityKey
    you'll find them as quoted from MartySama0134
    you have to change these keys (you can use Xtea Keys Generator, Credits: MartySama: 

    This is the hidden content, please


    you'll have output like:


    you have to replace the keys in static DWORD s_adwEterPackKey & static DWORD s_adwEterPackSecurityKey in your eterpack.cpp with the new keys from the generated keys then compile the binary, then change the Hex keys in your Packer [This example uses EterNexus]



    (some packers will require the whole key (enclosed in [ ])
    after that you have to repack the pack folder again (root, locale, etc) with new keys.






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