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Posts posted by joint4

  1. 3 hours ago, GoldCash said:

    Hi community,
    I have such a pretty tricky problem with locale_string.txt, I need to translate the word into Czech, which means I have to have diacritics in this file. I can easily save this file as UTF8, but the server always takes the original translation, but if I leave it in the EUC-KR encoding, the translation will remain without diacritics..

    Could you help me with this problem?


    Hey there, I had same issue and i managed to solve it by replacing the locale_string.txt with my original one (untouched). After I opened it only with internal notepad made the editing and it worked out, not only cz, but several other languages with diacritics  like tr de it etc... (never use notepad ++ or other editor on locale_string, ONLY use internal winscp editor)

    Edit: oh, one more thing ... dont download the locale_string on your pc/laptop etc, do the editing on server side.

    This is not a fix, but it solve my problem, and I hope it will solve your's as well. 

  2. Greetings community,

    I am back in the Metin2 environment after 8 years of break, and I decided to open a Private Metin2 project,  therefore I am looking for individuals that would like to collaborate with me on a new Metin2 project in order to open a brand new, long life private server (semi new, medium balanced PVM-PVP) . The individuals that would like to join the team need to have experience in gameplay, be serious and to have creative thoughts and idea's. 

    In addition please note bellow some of the request in order to be able to collaborate together:

    -you have played metin2 on at least 4/5 private servers in the last year;
    -you have being in the Metin2 environment for at least 1 year;
    -you need to have at least 20 years old;
    -you need to be sure on the amout of time you cand give to this collaboration;
    -you need to know at least one of the following languages: English, Italian or Romanian;

    You need to know I am looking for collaborators in all areas, please be aware that you will don't get access to any resource/source/DB/files etc., so don't bother to contact me if you have other thoughts;
    So, if interested please feel free to send me a private messagge here or contact me on my Discord. Please do not contact me if you don't meet the above requirements

    Cheers, have a nice day all. 




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