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Posts posted by regal

  1. Hello.

    Recently I bought a serverfile as I want something stable to move my work to.

    While moving staff I encountered a problem with the mob groups(I remember it happened before when I worked with older sources).

    The problem is the regen only spawns the leader of the group(the same happens when I spawn it in game with /group command).

    Regen files and group.txt files shouldn't have any problems as I took the files from my server and they worked perfectly fine there.

    So I suspect that it has to deal with something from the source, but I compared mob_manager.cpp/.h and regen.cpp/.h with my sources and I didn't find differences.

    Any clues on what it could be?

    Thank you,



    Group example
    Group	Summer_beach1		
    	Vnum	6175
    	Leader	beach_leader	115
    	1	beach_monster1	115
    	2	beach_monster2	117
    	3	beach_monster3	119
    Group	Summer_beach		
    	Vnum	6176	
    	Leader	beach_leader	114
    	1	beach_monster1	114
    	2	beach_monster2	116
    	3	beach_monster3	118
    g	822	496	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6176
    g	806	500	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6176
    g	805	524	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6175
    g	764	521	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6175
    g	790	563	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6176
    g	812	570	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6176
    g	835	593	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6175
    g	816	601	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6176
    g	890	597	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6176
    g	767	612	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6175
    g	737	622	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6175
    g	719	653	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6176
    g	690	654	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6175
    g	668	662	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6176
    g	625	671	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6175
    g	619	697	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6176
    g	624	733	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6175
    g	606	765	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6176
    g	661	785	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6175
    g	755	753	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6176
    g	777	714	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6175
    g	567	805	1	1	0	0	25s	100	1	6176


    • Think 1
  2. Hello, I have a game.core issue with my server.

    Every now and then(some time the server runs ok for 2 days for ex), sometimes after 1 day maybe I get a core crash.

    I attached a screen from bt


    If anyone can help me i would be grateful.. maybe someone encountered similar issue


    Desc handshake code from desc.pp


    bool DESC::HandshakeProcess(DWORD dwTime, long lDelta, bool bInfiniteRetry)
    	DWORD dwCurTime = get_dword_time();
    	if (lDelta < 0)
    		sys_err("Desc::HandshakeProcess : value error (lDelta %d, ip %s)", lDelta, m_stHost.c_str());
    		return false;
    	int bias = (int)(dwCurTime - (dwTime + lDelta));
    	if (bias >= 0 && bias <= 50)
    		if (bInfiniteRetry)
    			BYTE bHeader = HEADER_GC_TIME_SYNC;
    			Packet(&bHeader, sizeof(BYTE));
    		if (GetCharacter())
    			sys_log(0, "Handshake: client_time %u server_time %u name: %s", m_dwClientTime, dwCurTime, GetCharacter()->GetName());
    			sys_log(0, "Handshake: client_time %u server_time %u", m_dwClientTime, dwCurTime, lDelta);
    		m_dwClientTime = dwCurTime;
    		m_bHandshaking = false;
    		return true;
    	long lNewDelta = (long)(dwCurTime - dwTime) / 2;
    	if (lNewDelta < 0)
    		sys_log(0, "Handshake: lower than zero %d", lNewDelta);
    		lNewDelta = (dwCurTime - m_dwHandshakeSentTime) / 2;
    	sys_log(1, "Handshake: ServerTime %u dwTime %u lDelta %d SentTime %u lNewDelta %d", dwCurTime, dwTime, lDelta, m_dwHandshakeSentTime, lNewDelta);
    	if (!bInfiniteRetry)
    		if (++m_iHandshakeRetry > HANDSHAKE_RETRY_LIMIT)
    			sys_err("handshake retry limit reached! (limit %d character %s)",
    				HANDSHAKE_RETRY_LIMIT, GetCharacter() ? GetCharacter()->GetName() : "!NO CHARACTER!");
    			return false;
    	SendHandshake(dwCurTime, lNewDelta);
    	return false;


    P.S. : I can pay if needed, king.s.prod on discord. Thank you

  3. It depends.. what serverfile are you using, may I ask? It happened just after you installed a new serverfile? Or it is a long time since you worked with same files and this happened? A lot of files on the internet are pretty.. trashy and they have a lot of bugs from the start, that's why it is important to tell us this first and after we move on. 

    If I understood correctly, you didn't change anything in your proto, you just repacked the original one that came with your files? 

    In that case the problem would be in the files. 

    Please note that some files have the mob/item encryption changed a little bit and they have a custom dump_proto, so you should use the dump_proto that came with your files. 

    Another thing you can try, take the item/mob proto from another serverfile(! just for test) and test it, an official one is preffered. If things are good, then the problem is with the mob proto that you are using right now(it could be also bad encoding). 

    Try to use Excel when editing mob_proto.txt and after you change anything, press save(ctrl + s), it will ask you if you want to keep the same encoding, press yes. It is also more convenient to work with Excel as all the columns are arranged nicely, despite notepad. 

    Maybe you can also post a video and syserr server/client, eventually syslog from server. 

    Best regards, 


    • Love 1
  4. 1. Before you create new coordinates, check that you don't have them already(for example, warp to them in game and see if anything happens)

    2. What version of World Editor do you use? there's a high change that you have a problem with your server_attr.

    I've had these problems before and it was because of coordinates.

    Even if you don't have the exact coordinates in atlasinfo for example, they can overlap with other if they are close to them.

    You should try to remove all maps from map_index, atlas_info, maps.eix/.epk etc etc(leave only map1 and your map) and see if problem persists, like this you can know if it is about map... or coordinates.



  5. Hello, the steps for installing a new monster/NPC in your server as are follows:

    1. Add monster folder in your pack in monster.eix/.epk(or where you have monster data in client).

    !! Attention: You have to check the Texture Path with Granny Viewer and put the monster in that location, otherwise your monster will be white(you cand find more about this in other threads I guess).

    2. Add info in npclist.txt, if the monster will be located in D:/ymir work/monster/my_monster for example, you will just put the vnum and monster's folder name, example:

    249   my_monster

    Where 249 is vnum and my_monster is monster's folder name. You will use TAB to make space between 249 and my_monster.

    If you make a subfolder in D:/ymir work/monster/ you have to add it in npclist.txt too, as follows:

    Let's take this path as an example:

    D:/ymir work/monster/my_collection/my_monster/

    Normally, the game will search for "my_monster.msm" in D:/ymir work/monster/, but if you make a new sub folder you have to tell the game where to search for that in npclist:

    At the top of npclist.txt we will write:

    0    my_monster   my_collection\my_monster

    With this, we tell the game to search for my_monster IN MY_COLLECTION SUB-FOLDER.

    After that, we go little bit down and we put

    249   my_monster.

    Ok, so let' say everything is ok until here... the rest is gonna be pretty easy.

    3. You have to put your monster's data in mob_names/mob_proto;

    !!!! You have to put your monster's folder name in FOLDER category of your monster from mob_proto!

    If it is a NPC or a static thing like a metin stone, it is not needed! otherwise you have to put it!

    Also, you have to put the folder with your monster's data in server in share/data/monster.

    Use dump_proto to make the mob_proto for client too(I assume you use 40k serverfiles) and you are done, I guess..

    If I missed anything, may someone correct me.

    If there is anything you do not understand or you encounter any problem, I would gladly ask.



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  6. Hello everyone!

    So.. I changed in source the skill points, now after level 102 I don't receive any points(because I hate that + and leftover points).

    But.. if I reset my skills, I will receive points according to my level (ex: level 250 - I receive 249 points).

    Where should I change the points after reset also? so that if level is <= 102 the points will be calculated accordingly(each level = 1 point), but if the level is > 102 I will receive 102 skill points, even if I am 250?

    I hope you understood what I want..

    Thank you, have a nice day!

  7. Hello, everyone! :) 

    I hope you have/had a nice day.

    So, I want to spawn a NPC via quest.

    I've used the pc.setqf so that after it's spawned when another flag is triggered(kill 100 mobs) the action is stopped.

    The problem is that as I've seen, pc.setqf is PID specific, so another player can spawn another NPC because he doesn't have that flag set yet.

    So, as a another "safety" action, is there any way to check if a specific npc is in a specific map(at least map index)?

    Or.. maybe.. set the flag as general for all PIDS? 

    I tried to play with npc.is_available0() but I think that this function is for other means...

    P.S.: It is for a normal map, not dungeon.. with dungeon functions I think that I would've found a workaround.

    Thank you for taking your time! :D 

  8. Hello everyone! So, I want to make a dungeon but there are little things I couldn't make clear in my mind as I didn't find any specific information for this that could help me. 

    I've seen the big picture of making a dungeon, but for example:

    -everytime I use server_timer I receive error in syserr

    SYSERR: Dec 11 05:42:44 :: _clear_server_timer: LUA PREVENT: Wrong argument on ClearServerTimer!

    Do you know what might be the cause? 

    I use it something like this:

    server_timer("Dungeon_Time", 60*40, d.get_map_index())

    And if the final boss is killed I call

        when Dungeon_Time.server_timer begin
                if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then

    clear_server_timer("Dungeon_Time", get_server_timer_arg())    (I hope that I wrote this correct because I'm writing from phone but I used the functions like I'vd seen in other quests). 

    If I use the simple timer function there is no problem, but still I couldn't find if it is ok to stick to timer as I've seen a lot of quests using the server_timer. 

    Another error I get is:

    SYSERR: Dec 11 05:42:29 :: SetQuestNPCID: cannot reset quest npc id - already running quest [13 TestPlayer]

    Maybe it doesn't have anything to do with the dungeon but I didn't see this error before doing the dungeon, maybe someone knows what could be the problem. 

    Is ok using the quest flag like this? 

    d.setf("Flag1", d.getf("Flag1")+1)
                if d.getf("Flag1") == 150 then

    Do something etc. 

    Is it ok to clear the flag after it's triggered like this:

    d.setf("Flag1", 0) or I'm doing it wrong or there is no need to clear them because they will be cleared automatically? Thank you for the answers, 

    Have a nice day! 

  9. I wonder if the person who voted "poop" ever did anything productive with his life, I could never understand the hate.

    By the way, that is not the right template to use for a Metin2 presentation, it tells me very little about the server itself.

    I should be your guest, so you have to make me want to come into your house.

    That being said, try to make the real deal, show me the action, the content, the systems etc.

    Also, I would love to see metin2 private servers owners come with an ORIGINAL AND NEW story that can lead your path into the gameplay.

    Same story is boring, at least I won't play Metin2 again if it is only about killing monsters and etc, that is boring.

    Bring some story, what happened, what you have to do in this game and why, quests related to the story.. you can do a lot to make things spicy but still everyone choses to keep following the same path and the same boring story.

    (and yes, if you are asking, I'm already working on a different kind of Metin2 server with a story and everything, just the way I think the things should look like).

    Anyway, good luck with your server!

    #Tip: if you use epic music, give some epic scenes(action synced to the music), it's a waste to use it on a book presentation(if you ask me), when you can do so many EPIC things with it :D.

    • Good 1
  10. The  game overall doesn't look that bad, but there are a few things that are looking too much childish, like the bars- exp, health etc.

    You cannot call it metin3, even though graphics are little bit better(it is normal for a game developed these days), some things are still inferior to metin2(like mobs animations).

    I've got no experience with HUD designs(but I know Photoshop in general), still I think that I could've done a better job. It looks like they got it for free.

    I know it might seem that it is all about the gameplay, but if the HUD is bad I'm never gonna try it.

    Someone posted a video with the gameplay above, at 1:35 you can see character's foot going a lot into the ground, I don''t know if that is what a game should be looking like in 2019-2020 lol.

    Other than that, good luck to the team.

    There is still a lot of work to do, but if they listen to the community and consider fixing/adding what the players want, it may come out as a cool game.


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