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Posts posted by AKUROS

  1. Can you help me insert the fix in great's offline shop please?


    I didn't understand what to put in bool CHARACTER :: CanWarp () const


    my char.h define:


    #ifdef OFFLINE_SHOP
    		void			OpenMyShop(const char * c_pszSign, TShopItemTable * pTable, BYTE bItemCount, DWORD days);
    		void			SendShops(bool isGm = false);
    		void			OpenShop(DWORD id, const char *name, bool onboot = false);
    		void			SetPrivShop(DWORD shop_id) { bprivShop = shop_id; }
    		BOOL			IsPrivShop(void)  const { return bprivShop>0; }
    		DWORD			GetPrivShop()  const { return bprivShop; }
    		void			SetPrivShopOwner(DWORD id) { bprivShopOwner = id; }
    		DWORD			GetPrivShopOwner()  const { return bprivShopOwner; }
    		void			DeleteMyShop();
    		DWORD			GetShopTime()  const { return dw_ShopTime; }
    		void			SetShopTime(DWORD time) { dw_ShopTime = time; }
    		void			SetShopSign(const char * name);
    		void			LoadPrivShops();
    		TPrivShop		GetPrivShopTable(DWORD id);
    		void			RemovePrivShopTable(DWORD id);
    		void			UpdatePrivShopTable(DWORD id, TPrivShop shop);
    		void			UpdateShopItems();
    		void			SendShopCost();
    		PSHOP_MAP		m_mapshops;
    		DWORD			bprivShop;
    		DWORD			bprivShopOwner;
    		DWORD			dw_ShopTime;
    		void			StartRefreshShopEvent();
    		LPEVENT			m_pkRefreshShopEvent;
    		void			StartShopEditModeEvent();
    		void			SetShopEditMode(bool val);
    		bool			GetShopEditMode() { return m_bShopEditMode; }
    		void			SetShopEditModeTick();
    		DWORD			GetShopEditModeTick() { return m_dwShopEditModeTick; }
    		LPEVENT			m_pkEditShopEvent;
    		bool			m_bShopEditMode;
    		DWORD			m_dwShopEditModeTick;
    #ifdef GIFT_SYSTEM
    		void			AddGiftGrid(int page);
    		int				AddGiftGridItem(int page, int size);
    		GIFT_MAP		m_mapGiftGrid;
    		LPEVENT			m_pkGiftRefresh;
    		DWORD			m_dwLastGiftPage;
    		void			StartRefreshGift();
    		void			LoadGiftPage(int page);
    		void			RefreshGift();
    		int				GetGiftPages() { return m_mapGiftGrid.size(); }
    		int				GetLastGiftPage() { return m_dwLastGiftPage; }


  2. 2 hours ago, Ikarus_ said:

    try by replacing this:

    if self.interface.BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonUp():  //1357


    with this:

    if self.interface and self.interface.BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonUp():  //1357



    It's strange to got an error where self.interface is None, you should invastigate to find the real case of this.


    Thanks it works!

    how can i find the real problem?


  3. Hi, 

    i have this crash syserr error:


    1101 00:10:34518 :: Traceback (most recent call last):
    1101 00:10:34518 ::   File "game.py", line 1357, in OnMouseLeftButtonUp
    1101 00:10:34518 :: AttributeError
    1101 00:10:34519 :: : 
    1101 00:10:34519 :: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonUp'
    1101 00:10:34519 :: 




    def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self):
    		if self.interface.BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonUp():  //1357
    		if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():
    			attachedType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType()
    			attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex()
    			attachedItemSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber()
    			attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()
    			## QuickSlot
    			if player.SLOT_TYPE_QUICK_SLOT == attachedType:
    			elif player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedType:
    				if player.ITEM_MONEY == attachedItemIndex:
    					self.__PutMoney(attachedType, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex)
    				elif player.ITEM_CHEQUE == attachedItemIndex:
    					self.__PutCheque(attachedType, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex)
    					self.__PutItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex)
    			## DragonSoul
    			elif player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedType:
    				self.__PutItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex)
    			elif player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedType or\
    				player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL_BOOK_INVENTORY == attachedType or\
    				player.SLOT_TYPE_UPGRADE_ITEMS_INVENTORY == attachedType or\
    				player.SLOT_TYPE_STONE_INVENTORY == attachedType or\
    				player.SLOT_TYPE_BOX_INVENTORY == attachedType or\
    				player.SLOT_TYPE_EFSUN_INVENTORY == attachedType or\
    				player.SLOT_TYPE_CICEK_INVENTORY == attachedType:
    				self.__PutItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex)
    			hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink()
    			if hyperlink:
    				if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT):
    					link = chat.GetLinkFromHyperlink(hyperlink)
    				player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_LEFT, player.MBS_CLICK)
    		return True




    def BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self):
    		if not self.wndGuildBuilding:
    		if not self.wndGuildBuilding.IsPreviewMode():
    			return True
    		return False


    Could you help me solve this error? Thanks.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Lufbert said:

    Because as it names said it's "smart". 

    When function execution ends pointer is automatically deallocated and ram is freed (of course only in this simple example with unique_ptr, normally that topic is more complicated for global variables, variables added to vectors etc.).

    That's right! Thanks ❤️

  5. Great offline shop -> 

    This is the hidden content, please



    This is the hidden content, please


    Fix 1:



    Fix 2:



    Fix 3:

    #include "../libgame/include/grid.h"
    // Aratılır.
    #include "../../libgame/include/grid.h"
    //Şeklinde değiştirilir.


            bool block = (shop_max > 0 ? (get_offline_shops_count() >= shop_max): false);
            bool block = (get_offline_shops_count() >= shop_max);
            if (block)
                ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("SHOP_MAP_MAX"));
    // Aratılır. {char.cpp}
            bool block = false;
            if (shop_max > 0)
            if (shop_max == 0)
                block = true;
            else {
                std::auto_ptr <SQLMsg> pkMsg(DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("SELECT map_index from player_shop WHERE channel=%d and status='OK' and map_index=%d", g_bChannel, GetMapIndex()));
                SQLResult* pRes = pkMsg->Get();
                if (pRes->uiNumRows >= shop_max)
                    block = true;
            if (block)
                ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("SHOP_MAP_MAX"));
    // Şeklinde değiştirilir.

    I advise against other systems. They will ask you for money for this shop specially only aesthetically by adding some functions.

    I use this system in my server since 2018.

    • Metin2 Dev 14
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    • Love 3
  6. Hello guys,
    i have a newly opened server and i have a big problem.
    Many players use the dmg hack on my server, most likely the lalaker.
    I have also tried changing packets but the hack continues to work.
    I also followed Rankacito's guide but it gives me problems, when I give mobs swords I don't always deal damage ... without using hacks.

    I also tried to contact svside.com, but I don't like having to use an external library on my server.

    Is it possible that you can't fix this hack?

    Please help me.

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