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Posts posted by middleftw

  1. Hello.I tested my server with hamachi and everything works fine.Now I want to use my external ip address to connect to the server.

    I forwarded the following ports in my router: 21, 3306, 11003 (auth), 13001 through 13100. (ch1 is 13001).

    I disabled the firewall on FreeBSD, and I modified the ip address in my serverinfo.py in the client.


    But I cannot connect to the server.I get socket_tcp_bind: tcp_socket: Can't assign requested address in the auth logs.

    I tried adding BIND_IP: external ip    to all my config files (auth, ch1,s_ch1 and special_ch), but I get the same error.


    What is the problem? How can I solve this ? I have to mention that I can connect to the ftp server and to mysql with navicat using the external ip address.


    Edit: Just to give a little more information on how the network interface is configured on the virtual machine.For the IPv4 Gateway I entered (my router's ip address -> it was listed as the Default Gateway in the ipconfig output on windows).For netmask I entered and for the nameserver

    For the inet I put and in the router's port forwarding section I routed the ports to this ip.

    If a type ifconfig on the guest it gives me the correct ip address (


    Edit2: I used Visual Code to search the content of the entire source code of the server for hardcoded ip adresses using regex.Nothing was found.


    But still I cannot connect to the server using the metin client.

  2. Thank you very much for your swift answers.I managed to change the character's position by modifying the database.

    How would I begin the process of fixing the map?

    Or is it better to implement  "Go home if map not exist" ? 

    Do you know any resource/reading material of how to implement  "Go home if map not exist" or any starting tips on implementing it ?


    I think that /warp 137 111 is for the wedding map, but i am not sure.And from my understanding, the wedding map is on channel 99 (again, I might be wrong), and i believe that channel 99 was closed at that moment giving that my virtual machine has only one core.(I believe that a channel runs on a core, but this might also be wrong).


    Please correct me if i'm wrong because I want to learn, and this is only possible by making mistakes.

  3. I have to say that i'm a noob when it comes to metin in general.

    After warping to /warp 137 111 , the client crashed.Now after I log in back and select the same character, it keeps crashing.But if I select a different character everything works.

    Where do I need to look in order to debug this problem ?

    I'm suspecting that the client doesn't have some resource(model/texture/sound or whatnot) but I might be wrong.


    Thank you for you time.

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