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Posts posted by Germais

  1. I am trying to block the score count of the guild war if a victim is killed with the same ip as the killer.
    I tried to add these lines to these two files but it still counts a kill if i kill my character.


    void CGuildManager::Kill(LPCHARACTER killer, LPCHARACTER victim)
    	if (killer->GetDesc()->GetHostName() == victim->GetDesc()->GetHostName())


    void CWarMap::OnKill(LPCHARACTER killer, LPCHARACTER ch)
    	if (m_bEnded)
    	if (killer->GetDesc()->GetHostName() == ch->GetDesc()->GetHostName())

    What am i missing?

  2. So this hack is quite a problem and i was wondering how would i prevent it.

    Does changing the function names in the client source prevent this? I did try to change most of all Attack functions but still no success.

    What should i do to prevent this hack without having to create a remote thread to find injected dlls?

  3. On 2017-6-5 at 5:50 AM, Braxy said:

    It's posibble, i made it myself, the client send a message from py and writes the message from lua, updated without reboot or so.

    sure, thats easy but... how would you change the senders name to [SERVER]?

    net.SendWhisperPacket(self.targetName, text)
    bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendWhisperPacket(const char * name, const char * c_szChat)
    	if (strlen(c_szChat) >= 255)
    		return true;
    	int iTextLen = strlen(c_szChat) + 1;
    	TPacketCGWhisper WhisperPacket;
    	WhisperPacket.bHeader = HEADER_CG_WHISPER;
    	WhisperPacket.wSize = sizeof(WhisperPacket) + iTextLen;
    	strncpy(WhisperPacket.szNameTo, name, sizeof(WhisperPacket.szNameTo) - 1);
    	if (!Send(sizeof(WhisperPacket), &WhisperPacket))
    		return false;
    	if (!Send(iTextLen, c_szChat))
    		return false;
    	return SendSequence();


  4. So, i like to keep myself updated and i was wondering if it is possible to use visual studio 2017 to compile the Metin2 client.
    Can i use the same external folder for the libraries?

    What do i have to change in order to make it compilable in vs2017?

    Just to note, i have tried once to compile the source code in vs2017 but there were errors such as windows 8.1 sdk not found so i installed it to vs2017 but still there were erros and i gave up.

    Any experts on migrating from vs versions?

  5. Hello comunity, i noticed that some servers, mainly Rubinum, has a system created by Vegas which you recieve a PM from the Server. I really liked this ideia and i would really like to add this feature to my server, My question is if, is it possible to do it from the quest functions? If so, how? game.send_pm(name, buffer)?

    Hmm maybe modifying the CInputMain::Whisper from input_main.cpp but how would i trigger it from the quests? And the name "SERVER" maybe in packet.h?
    char    szNameFrom[CHARACTER_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1];

  6. char_battle.cpp

    	// °ÔÀÓ³» ±âº» Á¦°øµÇ´Â °æÇèÄ¡ º¸³Ê½º
    		// ³ëµ¿Àý ¸Þ´Þ
    		if (to->IsEquipUniqueItem(UNIQUE_ITEM_LARBOR_MEDAL))
    			iExp += iExp * 20 /100;
    		// »ç±ÍŸ¿ö °æÇèÄ¡ º¸³Ê½º
    		if (to->GetMapIndex() >= 660000 && to->GetMapIndex() < 670000) 
    			iExp += iExp * 20 / 100; // 1.2¹è (20%)
    		// ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ °æÇèÄ¡ µÎ¹è ¼Ó¼º
    		if (to->GetPoint(POINT_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS))
    			if (number(1, 100) <= to->GetPoint(POINT_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS))
    				iExp += iExp * 30 / 100; // 1.3¹è (30%)
    		// °æÇèÀÇ ¹ÝÁö (2½Ã°£Â¥¸®)
    		if (to->IsEquipUniqueItem(UNIQUE_ITEM_DOUBLE_EXP))
    			iExp += iExp * 50 / 100;
    		switch (to->GetMountVnum())
    			case 20110:
    			case 20111:
    			case 20112:
    			case 20113:
    				if (to->IsEquipUniqueItem(71115) || to->IsEquipUniqueItem(71117) || to->IsEquipUniqueItem(71119) ||
    						to->IsEquipUniqueItem(71121) )
    					iExp += iExp * 10 / 100;
    			case 20114:
    			case 20120:
    			case 20121:
    			case 20122:
    			case 20123:
    			case 20124:
    			case 20125:
    				// ¹é»çÀÚ °æÇèÄ¡ º¸³Ê½º
    				iExp += iExp * 30 / 100;



    	iRandRange = 4000000;
    	iRandRange = iRandRange * 100 / 
    		(100 + 
    		 CPrivManager::instance().GetPriv(pkKiller, PRIV_ITEM_DROP) + 
    	if (distribution_test_server) iRandRange /= 3;


    • Love 1
  7. My question:

    "When i mount it shows the npc/mount but it dismounts the character right away. Any solutions?"



    So i have been looking around the code and found out that the costume mount was beeing called 2 times when used, "i guess", so i removed some lines in char_item.cpp

    Fix: char_item.cpp


    if (COSTUME_MOUNT == item->GetSubType())
    	quest::CQuestManager::instance().UseItem(GetPlayerID(), item, false);

    Replace with:

    if (COSTUME_MOUNT == item->GetSubType())
    	quest::CQuestManager::instance().UseItem(GetPlayerID(), item, false);

    Make sure you have this line above:

    if (UNIQUE_SPECIAL_RIDE == item->GetSubType() && IS_SET(item->GetFlag(), ITEM_FLAG_QUEST_USE))
    	quest::CQuestManager::instance().UseItem(GetPlayerID(), item, false);

    I'm still testing it out so if there is any problem just reverse it all back. ~edit2



    Everything looks fine! :D


    #EDIT3 - Mount time fix for TXT DB rev40250

    Fix: ride.quest



    Replace with:



    • Love 6
  8. It's been quite a while for now that i can't figure out the cause of this problem,
    As you can see in the gif below, the added bonuses to the sash stay on top of the base bonuses which is a big problem for the certificate of reversal (sash bonus removal), plus it looks ugly.

    Now i've been looking around and it looks like it may be comming from the item_proto itself because when I use my older version of the proto it shows up correctly. I do think it's a problem with the dump_proto, maybe the structure is not right, so I went to check and i think everything looks fine for the sash, besides the only thing that need to be on the item read is COSTUME_ACCE and WEAR_COSTUME_ACCE.

    If anyone askes for it, here is my dump_proto.cpp(http://pastebin.com/XuqV0SXQ), ItemCSVReader.cpp(http://pastebin.com/FQjnrVe4) and here is the structure of my item_proto(http://pastebin.com/sSj9fKdX).


    By the way, I also thought it could be a problem with the uitooltip.py from the client so I went to take a look at everything seems fine...

    Any guesses on the cause feel free to comment, thanks in advance.

  9. Maybe you forgot to change your settings in dragon_soul_refine_settings.py ?

    Here is mine, I also included my dragon_soul_table.txt because you will need it in order to make it work. By the way, my table is set to never fail on class refine and it also contains lycan bonus. You may want to check the table and set it with your settings.

    Here it is,


  10. I think this question is more related to FreeBSD but anyway, why do most people install the metin2 serverfiles in the path /usr/home?

    So I have already done this experience myself, I changed the path to /usr/metin2 and it worked just fine but I still wonder why do everyone or most people put the files at /usr/home?

    Sorry if this is a dumb question ;S

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