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Posts posted by Kirosachi

  1. Damn, what is wrong? I give solutions for people, and i'm wrong?

    I was want to say: "You, they, them find this "exploit" with illumina.", a lot a people what have illumina have this function in onupdate :D.

    I know, is not related with topic, but from where they find this.

    I was want to say "this is not exploit", and need to change name title, you create confusion ugly for owner's.

    Exist a lot a things like this if you run on onupdate functions what sended packet, so this informations is not new. ^^

    #english #shit

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  2. This is not "exploit", already exist more things like this on communication with packets clientside-serverside, some mistakes from ymir to check something.

    But make a small check for arguments what was sended, and "exploit" is fixed in 3 lines.

    std::string str = argument before sended
    	#define MAX_LEN 50
    	unsigned size;
    	// Choice method to calculation size
    	size = str.size();
    	size = str.length();
    	size = strlen(str.c_str());
    	// Method 1
    	if (size > MAX_LEN)
    		return false;
    	// Method 2
    	if (size > MAX_LEN)
    		ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "std::string str = %s", str.c_str());


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  3. On 8/19/2016 at 1:08 AM, cndr_s said:

    I really do not see the difficult for blocking m2bob. Client argument metamorphic + find pattern in files programs , when m2bob make a dir in directory. 

    That is so funny and really nice idea, good point.

    @Great If you already have finished, send me a pm with link client, i will test.

  4. 4 minutes ago, pewi said:

    christmas songs without christmas time? ;p

    I dont know where you live, but i think in all country exist "tv", and as you can see on all programs speak about christmas and he played a lot a songs for christmas, and also on radio etc. If you live in a cave that's another story, let people enjoy the spirit of Christmas, nobody cares about your opinion on Christmas.Christmas is for everyone, and everyone enjoys it when he wants, you do not like, just have to ignore it and play Metin2 as obsessed.

    Merry Christmas.

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  5. You could do much easier tutorial, such as, for people tot understand:

    @//Add on /common/service.h
    @//1.) Search:
    			int len = snprintf(str + str_len, sizeof(str) - str_len, "%-16s ", d->GetCharacter()->GetName());
    @//2.) Replace with:
    			TMapSetting& map_setting = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().GetMap(d->GetCharacter()->GetMapIndex())->m_setting;
    			int len = snprintf(str + str_len, sizeof(str) - str_len, "%s (%ld,%ld)%-16s", d->GetCharacter()->GetName(),(d->GetCharacter()->GetX() - map_setting.iBaseX)/100,(d->GetCharacter()->GetY() - map_setting.iBaseY)/100,"");
    			int len = snprintf(str + str_len, sizeof(str) - str_len, "%-16s ", d->GetCharacter()->GetName());

    Good release, thanks.

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  6. On 1/14/2015 at 1:19 AM, flygun said:

    how can i change TEXT on button after clicking on it ??

    like : after clicking on summon i want it to be unsummon :/

    Class Button have arguments to SetText for button, so this is:

    	self.btnHorse = self.GetChild("buttonHorse")
    	self.used = 0
    	def AppendTextLine(self, token):
    		if token == 1:
    	def RecvSummon(self):
    		if self.used == 0:
    			self.used = 1
    		elif self.used == 1:
    			self.used = 0
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