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Posts posted by .Xero

  1. I have this problem


    (Screen by BlackPlayer)

    And it opens a quest window with the message :

    " du kannst nicht das siegel wechseln wärend du reitest" (you can not change while you ride)

    I read this thread and dont se a fixx for this or I am purblind.

    €dit: when I make it with pc.mount(vnum) without time then I can mount it but after 1 minute he unmount automatically and the seal is in the slot that is the main problem

  2. I fixxed the problem with the Background from the box.

    ui.py line 2028

    class ThinBoardCircle(Window):
    	LINE_WIDTH = 4
    	LINE_HEIGHT = 4
    	BOARD_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.00)

    the size and the color was wrong from the border

  3. Hello Community

    I search a Binary for DE Client that creates by launching the Client the .iv an .cshybrid files. The Binary creats this files from the packet they get from the Server.


    Ich suche eine Binary die mir die .iv und .cshybrid Dateien anhand der packets die vom Server kommt erstellt. Das würde das ganze entpacken und neu packen ersparen . Ich denke das sowas umsetzbar ist uns hilfreich wäre.

  4. I'd just use GCC 4.8 and ship the necessary libraries (libstdc++, ...) with your released game.

    Using the -rpath Linker-Option you can force the loader to search one of your custom library-paths first, allowing you to leave libmap.conf / ldconfig unchanged.

    The user just needs to place all custom libraries into this directory, which shouldn't be too hard.


    (Obviously I use /usr/local/lib32/metin2 for my libraries)

    [...] -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib32/metin2

    Kind Regards,


    Have you add the -rpath to your CFLAGS or on an other point?


    I have the big problem that when I want to use my gamefile on an other root they dont work.

  5. I have a problem with your SDK. I use Netbeans 8 and I have found on google some threads with post from you with the same problem.


    And I ask you "Do you have a Fixx or a hint for this?"



  6. Vanilla can you make for 2.5 a system like the LibGameSDK from iMer for your gamefile?

    Because I think the Source of your projekt will be nevere release.


    So I ask you "Can you make a system that we can expand the gamefile with functions and that very easy?"

    As functions I meen Features that the Server make it more unique.


    I hope you understand my bad English :P


    • Love 1
  7. ~ vanilla core will become open source soon!~


    Dear dev's,


    I'm gonna make a big change in the vanilla core project. As I find myself with less time to work on such big things, I decided to change it a little bit. There's always the problem with "backdoors" etc.. And I know you don't want to risk your server. And that's why I decided to make it open source. The source code will be released.


    Does this mean that I'll drop the development of vanilla core?

    -> Nope!

    Though the source will be published, I'll continue developing. But now you can contribute, fix bugs etc. and send your solutions there too! So the development will make a bigger boost in the matter of progress. There'll be a "standard" vanilla core that'll receive further updates. Everyone can download the pre-compiled standard version OR the source of the standard version and adapt it to his/her needs.

    I still respect the authors for doing their work. But hindering myself and hindering progress isn't helping anyone.


    Will there be other projects?

    -> Yes!

    Of course I'm planning on doing more projects than before. Your donations just won't be only for the vanilla core, but also for the other projects I'll make in the future. In the past you've helped me a lot and I appreciate your donations which gave me motivation to continue my work. It's always good to see people thanking me for the hard work I've done in the past.

    Anyways, there'll be a few more projects in the future. Expect leftover to be a new server and also I'm planning on creating clean vanilla-compatible serverfiles and a clean 40k vanilla-compatible client. They'll both be shared here of course!

    Also I'm planning on creating other stuff and tools, which will be written mostly in c#. So brace yourselves! It's by far not the end of my projects!

    With the update to 2.4.1 you make your projekt open source or later?

  8. Can Somebody help me?


    I have a problem with the Internal_ip on Vanilla Core 2.3. My Team get Kicked when she connects to the World.

    I have test to start the game with the argument "./game -I 25.x.x.x." but that print an error like "socket_tcp_bind: tcp_socket: Can't assign requested address"


    In the Second Post from this Thread Vanilla wrote



    * Bugfix: internal IP fix; If there are errors left, just set the IP in your CONFIG

    I try it like "INTERNAL_IP: 25.x.x.x" but this still not working.


    My Question is What is the right Config Option for this?

  9. I have a problem. I Use Version 2.3 on my local machine. 

    But I have internal problem. so you wrote



    * Bugfix: internal IP fix; If there are errors left, just set the IP in your CONFIG

    but with which config option?


    Should I just write IP: 25.x.x.x ?

    Nobody knows that? 


    And sry that I post that again but the Message box from Vanilla is Full and on skype there I get no answere :S

    And the internal ip kick is my big problem, so nobody of my team can test the server.

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