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Posts posted by FreZzwe

  1. 13 hours ago, Denizeri24 said:

    The size of the map will not affect the amount of memory. When you reduce the cache clear time, old area are deleted when the player moves away from the area. This way you can even use an 1024x1024 size map.

    Yeah, but how to create with the Worldeditor... that is the Question.
    If i would make the Shadowmap and Minimap, the WE crash at the half process because i can only use the 2-3gb. I can see it in my Task Manager.. the adresset wit >2GB Ram is not the solution


    I make a video



  2. 8 hours ago, Karbust said:

    The biggest map ever map is 16x16, which is 4 times the size of the desert (4x4), why the hell do you want a map 32x32?

    This is a 32 bit application, probably it's running out of memory. 32 bits applications can only use up to 2GB, or 4GB if compiled large addresses aware, which is the default, at least for the client source, which is also a 32 bit application.

    Summing up, don't be crazy and try to build a gigantic map that has absolutely zero use cases on metin2. Even the 16x16 I never saw any server using it...


    thanks for the answer.

    Yeah, I know that the 32 bits make there Problems and i try it with 4GB but I can only make the half of the Map. with 2 GB just 1/4.

    I Know that "KillMoves" make a 27x27 Map a long time ago. 


  3. hello,

    i´m from germany and my english is realy bad... but thats not why i´m open a topic here.


    I search a trusted and good homepage scripter for my Homepage.

    the page : here

    what must be done?

    -The home side (with all functions on it)

    -the ranking (it can be a public script but without bugs and Should be well adapted.

    -the register (same or selfmade)

    -the support ( this page is for seeing all avaible teamler with a link to a email and board profile)

    -the eventlist page (Events should be entered by teamler)

    -the rulepage (just show the rules you can see if you a register.


    i would pay the scripter but he must be trusted because 2 other guys have tried it but they have deceived me.

    thx for reading and helping



    hey, ich suche einen vertrauenswürdigen und guten homepage scripter für meine Seite.

    Die Homepage: hier

    was muss getan werden?

    -Die Startseite (Alle sichtbaren funktionen)

    -Das Ranking ( Es kann ein Publicscript sein ABER ohne Bugs und es sollte dem Homepage Design gut angepasst werden)

    -Die registration (siehe "Ranking" aber eigen gescriptet ist auch gerne gesehen)

    -Die Supportseite ( hier sollen alle Teamler aufgelistet sein. eine Email sowie board Profil verlinkung sollten dabei sein)

    -Die Eventseite  ( Es sollen Events eingetragen werden können)

    -Die Regelwerke ( Hier soll nochmal das Regelwerk eingetragen sein was man bei der registration sieht)

    Ich zahle gerne aber der scripter sollte vertrauenswürdig sein. 2 andere haben mich betrogen die mir weiterempfohlen wurden.



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