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Posts posted by megatixos

  1. Hello guys,

    Over the past weeks iv been coding an intelligent program that will get rid of m2bob 100%, even after any update.. im thinking of selling it... do you guys think it would sell? or servers dont care about m2bob any more? Im on the last stages of production and soon will sell it so i want to hear you if you would buy something as promising as that.

  2. Hi all,

    I was wondering where i can find the file/part of code which handles the TEXT, TEXTTAIL OF mobs. I want to append a Level to it.

    So Current Mob is Mob name like that:


    But i want this:


    I want to add the level in front of mobs names (like users have level in front of their name).

    I don't want the solution, i just want the FILE which has the mob name and i will add it alone if u are too lazy to share code.

    Just a name of file isn't too hard so please help me!


  3. Hi,

    When i right click on acce it does not wear it (it makes the sound of like an item cant be right click, like when you press right click on scroll or something..).

    What i want in simple words:

    The file(s) which is/are responsible for that, JUST a name.. (if not full help :P) OR at least tell me if this is server side problem or client side problem (i can see acce and i have enabled the system).

  4. Hello i have the old costume window without the slot for acce, so when i right click my acce it does not wear it because there is no slot. Could anyone share the files with me?

    I have this:


    But i need this:


    I need all the files that need to make this. no need for explanation, i searched in forum did not found anything helpful, so i appreciate anyone that helps me with a like! :D

  5. Hi,

    If i use my old game core everything is okay, but i wanted to try vanilla core, so everything goes well until i saw that my equipment is on Inventory 3.

    If you right click to wear an armor it does not go into equipment slots, instead it goes into Inventory 3 (but bonus etc are all correct in my stats).. wtf? What does occur this problem? (I use vanilla core).



    Equipment now is now my Inventory 3. Any ideas appreciated.

    NO SYSERR Its not an error.

  6. Hello,

    Today i will show you how to remove the annoying (in my opinion) red pot on every Level up.

    Open char.cpp and find this:

    if (GetLevel() <= 10)
        AutoGiveItem(27001, 2);
    else if (GetLevel() <= 30)
        AutoGiveItem(27002, 2);
    else {
        AutoGiveItem(27002, 2);
        AutoGiveItem(27003, 2);

    Or alternative search for:


    it should lead you to the same spot.

    and just comment, change or delete the whole block according to your needs.

    27001 is the vnum for Red Pot (Small)

    27002 is the vnum for Red Pot (Medium)

    27003 is the vnum for Red Pot (Large)

    So good luck and Like if i helped you!

    • Love 5
  7. Hi

    When i start server error comes:

    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    When i gdb game --> run --> backtrace:

    Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
    [Switching to Thread 29414000 (LWP 100066/game)]
    0x28bfa47f in vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info ()
       from /lib/libcxxrt.so.1
    (gdb) backtrace
    #0  0x28bfa47f in vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info ()
       from /lib/libcxxrt.so.1
    #1  0x2883c0b4 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
    #2  0x288e4380 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
    #3  0x00000000 in ?? ()

    So i guess i am missing or outdated some port.. please someone to share libstdc++.so.6 or tell me what to do..

    Also dont ask me syserr there are no syserrs all clear.

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