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  1. Sounds great, althought i think that people would complain because let's say that Player A has a brother & he's dueling with him. Maybe there's any way to make something that works like ratio, let's say it only raises suspect flags of farming if it's killed within X seconds or if it killed the same person more than X times? Thanks!
  2. That would work, althought im not confortable coding C++ that's why im paying for someone to actually do it.
  3. Hi, Im searching for a system that prevents farming kills. Let's say that i have a quest that gives 50 STR if Player A kills 500 players. Basicly, what people do (it's very common) is: Player A creates a whole bunch of accounts/characters and kills them with their main account - so it's easier to gain that 50 STR bonus. Im looking for something that can prevent this - i know there's something around as i've seen it before. Thanks
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