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Brauny chocolate

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Posts posted by Brauny chocolate

  1. Hello,i ask help, to decide and make light to my problems, i truly want an answer which will make my mind open, and understand why choice 1 or 2 or 3

    My dream is to open a server but i can not understand nowdays which type of server ? consider my goal is to achieve 1000 players online and not earn a single money.
    i truly care only of popularity of my server.

    an old hard school?  2008 style ...with no mount , highest level 99,  no grotto of exile , best upgrade black steel armour +9  and level 65 weapons +9.

    or old hard school ? with mount and pet and costumes, higher level 99 , with grotto of exile , best upgrade blue steel armour +9 and sirio +9
    or 2015 hard ? with pet system, shoulder sash , lv 120 and new ymir beta items? and all mount and costumes?

    NO ITEMSHOP based,  itemshop contain only micro transition like  kingdom change , name change and only item that doesnt make different at all

    if do you answer can you please share your reason and why you choice option 1\2 or 3?

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