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Posts posted by iLeGiTiMx

  1. Hey.


    Where can i find the array of functions?

    I mean, there is a dumper for all the functions. Example output:

    --- module : background ----
    IsSoftwareTiling - 62F6A0
    EnableSoftwareTiling - 62F1B0
    EnableSnow - 62F160
    GlobalPositionToLocalPosition - 62F560
    GlobalPositionToMapInfo - 62F5E0
    GetRenderShadowTime - 62F3E0
    LoadMap - 62F6C0
    Destroy - 62F130
    RegisterEnvironmentData - 62F800
    SetEnvironmentData - 62F9B0
    GetCurrentMapName - 62F1F0
    GetPickingPoint - 62F340
    BeginEnvironment - 62F120
    EndEnvironment - 62F1E0
    SetCharacterDirLight - 62F9A0
    SetBackgroundDirLight - 62F990
    Initialize - 62F690
    Update - 62FC40
    Render - 62F870
    RenderPCBlocker - 62F8F0
    RenderCollision - 62F8C0
    RenderSky - 62F900
    RenderCloud - 62F8B0
    RenderWater - 62F910
    RenderEffect - 62F8E0
    RenderBeforeLensFlare - 62F890
    RenderAfterLensFlare - 62F880
    RenderCharacterShadowToTexture - 62F8A0
    RenderDungeon - 62F8D0
    GetHeight - 62F2B0
    SetShadowLevel - 62FA50
    SetVisiblePart - 62FB80
    GetShadowMapColor - 62F4F0
    SetSplatLimit - 62FA90
    GetRenderedSplatNum - 62F430
    GetRenderedGraphicThingInstanceNE - 62F400
    SelectViewDistanceNum - 62F920
    SetViewDistanceSet - 62FB20
    GetFarClip - 62F280
    GetDistanceSetInfo - 62F210
    SetBGLoading - 62F960
    SetRenderSort - 62FA10
    SetTransparentTree - 62FAE0
    SetXMasTree - 62FC00
    RegisterDungeonMapName - 62F7C0
    VisibleGuildArea - 62FCD0
    DisableGuildArea - 62F150
    WarpTest - 62FCE0
    --- module : chrmgr ----
    SetEmpireNameMode - 634FC0
    GetVIDInfo - 634260
    GetPickedVID - 634220
    SetShapeModel - 635160
    AppendShapeSkin - 634130
    SetPathName - 635120
    LoadRaceData - 634460
    LoadLocalRaceData - 6343F0
    CreateRace - 6341E0
    SelectRace - 634E60
    RegisterAttachingBoneName - 6345A0
    RegisterMotionMode - 6349F0
    SetMotionRandomWeight - 635050
    RegisterNormalAttack - 634AD0
    ReserveComboAttack - 634D50
    RegisterComboAttack - 634770
    ReserveComboAttackNew - 634DD0
    RegisterComboAttackNew - 634800
    RegisterMotionData - 634920
    RegisterRaceName - 634BA0
    RegisterRaceSrcName - 634C00
    RegisterCacheMotionData - 634680
    SetAffect - 634EA0
    SetEmoticon - 634F60
    IsPossibleEmoticon - 6343A0
    RegisterEffect - 6348B0
    RegisterCacheEffect - 634610
    RegisterPointEffect - 634B40
    ShowPointEffect - 6351D0
    ToggleDirectionLine - 635230
    SetMovingSpeed - 635110
    SetDustGap - 634F20
    SetHorseDustGap - 635010
    RegisterTitleName - 634CF0
    RegisterNameColor - 634A40
    RegisterTitleColor - 634C60
    RegisterAchievement - 6344E0
    RegisterAchievementStage - 634540
    --- module : chr ----
    DismountHorse - 635C50
    MountHorse - 636550
    Destroy - 635C30
    Update - 6370B0
    Deform - 635BA0
    Render - 636880
    RenderCollision - 636890
    CreateInstance - 6359B0
    DeleteInstance - 635BB0
    DeleteInstanceByFade - 635BF0
    SelectInstance - 636930
    HasInstance - 6362F0
    IsEnemy - 636360
    IsNPC - 636420
    IsGameMaster - 6363C0
    IsPartyMember - 636480
    Select - 6368A0
    SetAddRenderMode - 636970
    SetBlendRenderMode - 636AA0
    Unselect - 637060
    Hide - 636340
    Show - 637040
    Pick - 636650
    PickAll - 636690
    SetArmor - 636A40
    SetWeapon - 636FF0
    ChangeShape - 635960
    SetRace - 636E10
    SetHair - 636B50
    ChangeHair - 635910
    SetVirtualID - 636FA0
    SetNameString - 636CB0
    SetInstanceType - 636BA0
    SetPixelPosition - 636D10
    SetDirection - 636B10
    Refresh - 636870
    AttachEffectByID - 6356A0
    AttachEffectByName - 635740
    LookAt - 6364F0
    SetMotionMode - 636C50
    SetLoopMotion - 636BF0
    BlendLoopMotion - 6357E0
    PushOnceMotion - 636730
    PushLoopMotion - 6366B0
    GetPixelPosition - 635FE0
    SetRotation - 636E60
    SetRotationAll - 636EF0
    BlendRotation - 635860
    GetRotation - 636240
    GetRace - 6361A0
    GetRaceByVID - 6361E0
    GetName - 635F30
    GetLevel - 635E90
    GetNameByVID - 635F70
    GetLevelByVID - 635ED0
    GetGuildID - 635DD0
    GetProjectPosition - 636090
    GetVirtualNumber - 636290
    GetInstanceType - 635E30
    GetBoundBoxOnlyXY - 635D30
    RaceToJob - 6367B0
    RaceToSex - 636800
    testGetPKData - 637170
    FaintTest - 635C70
    SetMoveSpeed - 636CA0
    SetAttackSpeed - 636A90
    WeaponTraceSetTexture - 6370C0
    WeaponTraceUseAlpha - 637110
    WeaponTraceUseTexture - 637140
    MoveToDestPosition - 636580
    testSetComboType - 6373C0
    testSetAddRenderMode - 637210
    testSetModulateRenderMode - 637410
    testSetAddRenderModeRGB - 6372F0
    testSetModulateRenderModeRGB - 6374F0
    testSetSpecularRenderMode - 6377B0
    testSetSpecularRenderMode2 - 637710
    testRestoreRenderMode - 6371C0
    testSetRideMan - 6375C0
    --- module : effect ----
    RegisterEffect - 638230
    CreateEffect - 638140
    DeleteEffect - 6381F0
    SetPosition - 638300
    RegisterIndexedFlyData - 638270
    Update - 6383E0
    Render - 6382F0
    --- module : event ----
    RegisterEventSet - 63D580
    RegisterEventSetFromString - 63D5D0
    ClearEventSet - 63D290
    SetRestrictedCount - 63D890
    GetEventSetLocalYPosition - 63D320
    AddEventSetLocalYPosition - 63D230
    InsertText - 63D410
    InsertTextInline - 63D470
    UpdateEventSet - 63D990
    RenderEventSet - 63D6B0
    SetEventSetWidth - 63D7B0
    Skip - 63D950
    IsWait - 63D4F0
    EndEventProcess - 63D2E0
    SelectAnswer - 63D6F0
    GetLineCount - 63D370
    SetVisibleStartLine - 63D8F0
    GetVisibleStartLine - 63D3C0
    SetEventHandler - 63D750
    SetInterfaceWindow - 63D810
    SetLeftTimeString - 63D850
    QuestButtonClick - 63D540
    Destroy - 63D2D0
    --- module : eventMgr ----
    Update - 63DA70
    --- module : item ----
    SetUseSoundFileName - 642BF0
    SetDropSoundFileName - 642B20
    SelectItem - 642AC0
    GetItemName - 642140
    GetItemDescription - 642100
    GetItemSummary - 642200
    GetIconImage - 641FB0
    GetIconImageFileName - 642030
    GetIconGenderFileIndex - 641F70
    GetItemSize - 642180
    GetItemType - 642240
    GetItemSubType - 6421C0
    GetIBuyItemPrice - 641EF0
    GetISellItemPrice - 641F30
    IsAntiFlag - 642600
    IsFlag - 642770
    IsWearableFlag - 6429D0
    Is1GoldItem - 6425C0
    GetLimit - 642280
    GetAffect - 641E40
    GetValue - 642560
    GetSocket - 642490
    GetIconInstance - 642090
    GetUseType - 6424F0
    DeleteIconInstance - 641DD0
    IsEquipmentVID - 642700
    IsRefineScroll - 6428D0
    IsDetachScroll - 642660
    IsKey - 6427D0
    IsMetin - 642850
    IsStackable - 642960
    CanAddToQuickSlotItem - 641C60
    GetSearchableType - 642450
    GetSearchableItems - 642300
    Update - 642CC0
    Render - 642AB0
    CreateItem - 641CF0
    DeleteItem - 641E00
    Pick - 642A70
    LoadItemTable - 642A30
    --- module : nonplayer ----
    GetEventType - 643BD0
    GetEventTypeByVID - 643C20
    GetLevelByVID - 643CF0
    GetGradeByVID - 643C70
    GetMonsterName - 643DB0
    LoadNonPlayerData - 643E50
    IsFileExist - 643E00
    --- module : pet ----
    ToggleSummon - 645660
    ActivateSlot - 645330
    Evolve - 6453A0
    Mount - 645610
    GetCount - 645380
    GetType - 645530
    IsMounted - 645570
    IsEvolved - 645550
    IsSummoned - 6455C0
    GetLevel - 645410
    GetName - 645450
    GetExp - 6453F0
    GetMaxExp - 645430
    GetTrait - 6454E0
    GetActiveSlot - 6453D0
    GetRole - 6454C0
    SetRole - 645620
    FindPetSlot - 6453B0
    Clear - 645370
    --- module : player ----
    GetAutoPotionInfo - 64E5A0
    SetAutoPotionInfo - 650EE0
    PickCloseItem - 650840
    SetGameWindow - 650F80
    RegisterEffect - 650920
    RegisterCacheEffect - 6508A0
    SetMouseState - 6514B0
    SetMouseFunc - 651410
    GetMouseFunc - 64F680
    SetMouseMiddleButtonState - 651470
    SetMainCharacterIndex - 6513C0
    GetMainCharacterIndex - 64F5D0
    GetMainCharacterName - 64F5F0
    GetMainCharacterPosition - 64F610
    IsMainCharacterIndex - 650090
    CanAttackInstance - 64DE80
    IsActingEmotion - 64FCB0
    IsPVPInstance - 650160
    IsSameEmpire - 650470
    IsChallengeInstance - 64FE70
    IsRevengeInstance - 650420
    IsCantFightInstance - 64FE20
    GetCharacterDistance - 64E610
    IsInSafeArea - 650050
    IsMountingHorse - 6500E0
    IsObserverMode - 650120
    ActEmotion - 64DBF0
    ShowPlayer - 651780
    HidePlayer - 64FC80
    ComboAttack - 64E520
    SetAutoCameraRotationSpeed - 650EA0
    SetAttackKeyState - 650E50
    SetSingleDIKKeyState - 6515D0
    EndKeyWalkingImmediately - 64E530
    StartMouseWalking - 651860
    EndMouseWalking - 64E540
    ResetCameraRotation - 650CA0
    SetQuickCameraMode - 651550
    SetSkill - 651650
    GetSkillIndex - 64FA70
    GetSkillSlotIndex - 64FB60
    GetSkillGrade - 64FA20
    GetSkillLevel - 64FAC0
    GetSkillCurrentEfficientPercentaE - 64F9D0
    GetSkillNextEfficientPercentage - 64FB10
    ClickSkillSlot - 64E4E0
    ChangeCurrentSkillNumberOnly - 64E450
    ClearSkillDict - 64E4B0
    GetItemIndex - 64F090
    GetItemFlags - 64EF00
    GetItemCount - 64EDF0
    GetItemCountByVnum - 64EEB0
    GetItemMetinSocket - 64F460
    GetItemAttribute - 64ED00
    GetISellItemPrice - 64EB00
    MoveItem - 650700
    GetName - 64F6D0
    GetJob - 64F540
    GetRace - 64F930
    GetPlayTime - 64F8F0
    SetPlayTime - 651510
    IsSkillCoolTime - 650540
    GetSkillCoolTime - 64F950
    IsSkillActive - 6504F0
    UseGuildSkill - 6518C0
    AffectIndexToSkillIndex - 64DC30
    SkillIndexToAffectIndex - 6517B0
    GetEXP - 64E7D0
    GetStatus - 64FBC0
    SetStatus - 6516B0
    GetElk - 64E8B0
    GetMoney - 64E8B0
    GetGuildID - 64E9D0
    GetGuildName - 64EA10
    GetAlignmentData - 64E560
    RequestAddLocalQuickSlot - 650AE0
    RequestAddToEmptyLocalQuickSlot - 650B60
    RequestDeleteGlobalQuickSlot - 650BC0
    RequestMoveGlobalQuickSlotToLocaE - 650C00
    RequestUseLocalQuickSlot - 650C60
    LocalQuickSlotIndexToGlobalQuickE - 6506B0
    GetQuickPage - 64F910
    SetQuickPage - 651590
    GetLocalQuickSlot - 64F570
    GetGlobalQuickSlot - 64E970
    RemoveQuickSlotByValue - 650A70
    isItem - 651900
    IsEquipmentSlot - 64FFA0
    IsDSEquipmentSlot - 64FF20
    IsCostumeSlot - 64FEC0
    IsValuableItem - 650590
    IsOpenPrivateShop - 650140
    IsBeltInventorySlot - 64FDB0
    IsEquippingBelt - 650000
    IsAvailableBeltInventoryCell - 64FCF0
    GetItemGrade - 64EFC0
    CanRefine - 64E090
    CanDetach - 64DF00
    CanUnlock - 64E300
    CanAttachMetin - 64DCA0
    IsRefineGradeScroll - 650340
    ClearTarget - 64E4C0
    SetTarget - 651710
    OpenCharacterMenu - 650800
    Update - 6518B0
    Render - 650AD0
    Clear - 64E490
    ClearShopSearchResults - 64E4A0
    IsPartyMember - 6502F0
    IsPartyLeader - 6501E0
    IsPartyLeaderByPID - 650270
    GetPartyMemberHPPercentage - 64F7A0
    GetPartyMemberState - 64F880
    GetPartyMemberAffects - 64F710
    RemovePartyMember - 650A30
    ExitParty - 64E550
    GetPartyMemberPID - 64F810
    GetPKMode - 64F6F0
    HasMobilePhoneNumber - 64FC60
    RegisterEmotionIcon - 6509A0
    GetEmotionIconImage - 64E8E0
    SetWeaponAttackBonusFlag - 651750
    ToggleCoolTime - 651870
    ToggleLevelLimit - 651890
    GetTargetVID - 64FC40
    SetItemData - 6511E0
    SetItemMetinSocket - 6512C0
    SetItemAttribute - 650FC0
    SetItemCount - 6510F0
    GetItemLink - 64F150
    SlotTypeToInvenType - 651820
    SendDragonSoulRefine - 650CB0
    GetClosestTargets - 64E6A0
    SendOnClickActorPacket - 650E00
    GetElementPosition - 64E800


    Where can i find this array in the sourcecode?

    Thanks for hints


  2. Hey.


    Today i got banned with one account. Now I have a problem. With a new local/public IP, other mac-address and another HWID I still can´t connect. My account isn´t banned. I can connect, but in loadingscreen it´s lagging and then I am back in loginscreen. With bought VPN it doesn´t lag, it kicks me to login directly.. Here is the syserror:


    0319 18:18:42662 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor_orange.mse) Error
    0319 18:18:42662 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=248, c_szEftAttachBone=Bip01, c_szEftName=D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor_orange.mse, isCache=0) - Error
    0319 18:18:42662 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor_orange2.mse) Error
    0319 18:18:42662 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=249, c_szEftAttachBone=Bip01, c_szEftName=D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor_orange2.mse, isCache=0) - Error
    0319 18:18:42662 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/grau.mse) Error
    0319 18:18:42662 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=261, c_szEftAttachBone=Bip01, c_szEftName=D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/grau.mse, isCache=0) - Error


    What can I do? My friend can connect with my account and can enter the world.

    Thank you in advance.

    Regards :)

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