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Posts posted by raptorcu73

  1. Hello Guys

    First of all im sorry for my bad english

    I have a problem about my client when i play my game after 10-15 minute or i try to take metin or trying farm

    My Client close in second i dont know why can u guys help me for this error.



    Module Name: C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\exaMT2.exe
    Time Stamp: 0x5906ca2d - (null)

    Exception Type: 0xc0000005

    eax: 0x00000937    ebx: 0x00000000
    ecx: 0x7ffffffe    edx: 0xffffffff
    esi: 0x00000937    edi: 0x0019e918
    ebp: 0x0019e8c0    esp: 0x0019e634

    0x005da1ce    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\exaMT2.exe
    0x005cac91    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\exaMT2.exe
    0x0048ff62    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\exaMT2.exe
    0x004abb52    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\exaMT2.exe
    0x004a2be4    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\exaMT2.exe
    0x0049d190    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\exaMT2.exe
    0x0046f35c    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\exaMT2.exe
    0x0046fae0    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\exaMT2.exe
    0x0047297b    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\exaMT2.exe
    0x1e0f2db1    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0f15a4    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0f3b31    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0f2e21    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0f15a4    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0ef190    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0eeb6f    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0f36b7    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0f0921    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0ef190    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0f3b94    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0f2e21    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0f15a4    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0f3b31    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0f2e21    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0f15a4    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0f3b31    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0f2e21    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0f15a4    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0ef190    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0eeb6f    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0f36b7    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0f0921    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0ef190    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e0eeb6f    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e11c59e    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x1e11b036    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\python27.dll
    0x005c08b8    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\exaMT2.exe
    0x005c0a19    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\exaMT2.exe
    0x005c0872    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\exaMT2.exe
    0x004d4987    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\exaMT2.exe
    0x004d4bdb    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\exaMT2.exe
    0x004d4f7b    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\exaMT2.exe
    0x005cd092    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\exaMT2.exe
    0x0097603c    C:\Users\exa\Desktop\m2\exaMT2.exe
    0x76428744    C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL


    Thank You.

  2. Hello

    I Have problem about login interface

    Photo :



    Here's my loginwindow.py :


    import uiScriptLocale
    LOCALE_PATH = uiScriptLocale.LOGIN_PATH
    SERVER_BOARD_HEIGHT = 220 + 180
    SERVER_LIST_HEIGHT = 171 + 180
    ROOT = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/"
    window = {
    "name" : "LoginWindow",
    "sytle" : ("movable",),
    "x" : 0,
    "y" : 0,
    "width" : SCREEN_WIDTH,
    "height" : SCREEN_HEIGHT,
    "children" :
    ## Board
    "name" : "bg1", "type" : "expanded_image", "x" : 0, "y" : 0,
    "x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 1024.0, "y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 768.0,
    "image" : "locale/testserver/ui/serverlist.sub",
    "name" : "bg2", "type" : "expanded_image", "x" : 0, "y" : 0,
    "x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 1024.0, "y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 768.0,
    "image" : "locale/testserver/ui/login.sub",
    "name" : "FaceBookButton", "type" : "button", "x" : 30, "y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT-60,
    "default_image" : "locale/testserver/ui/face.sub",
    "over_image" : "locale/testserver/ui/face2.sub",
    "down_image" : "locale/testserver/ui/face2.sub",
    "tooltip_text" : "Facebook Sayfasi",
    ## Check
    "name" : "Show",
    "type" : "thinboard",
    "x" : SCREEN_WIDTH-165,
    "y" : 0,
    "width" : 166,
    "height" : 90,
    "children" :
    "name" : "Neu_Text",
    "type" : "text",
    "x" : 10,
    "y" : 3,
    "vertical_align" : "center",
    "text_vertical_align" : "center",
    "text" : "Game Version: v6.0",
    "name" : "Neu_Edit",
    "type" : "text",
    "x" : 100,
    "y" : 42,
    "width" : 120,
    "height" : 18,
    "name" : "Client_Text",
    "type" : "text",
    "x" : 10,
    "y" : -23,
    "vertical_align" : "center",
    "text_vertical_align" : "center",
    "text" : "Client Version: v6.0",
    "name" : "Client_Edit",
    "type" : "text",
    "x" : 100,
    "y" : 17,
    "width" : 120,
    "height" : 28,
    ## Menu
    "name" : "menu_button",
    "type" : "thinboard",
    'x' : (SCREEN_WIDTH - 204) / 2,
    'y' : (SCREEN_HEIGHT - 100) / 2,
    "width" : 200,
    "height" : 190,
    "children" :
    "name" : "start_button",
    "type" : "button",
    "x" : 10,
    "y" : 17,
    "text" : "Oyunu Baslat",
    "text_color" : 0xffF8BF24,
    "default_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_01.sub",
    "over_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_02.sub",
    "down_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_03.sub",
    "name" : "config_button",
    "type" : "button",
    "x" : 10,
    "y" : 62,
    "text" : "Ayarlar",
    "text_color" : 0xffF8BF24,
    "tooltip_text" : "Oyun ayarlarini acar.",
    "default_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_01.sub",
    "over_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_02.sub",
    "down_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_03.sub",
    "name" : "home_button",
    "type" : "button",
    "x" : 10,
    "y" : 107,
    "text" : "Ana Sayfa",
    "text_color" : 0xffF8BF24,
    "tooltip_text" : "Ana Sayfa'ya yonlendirir.",
    "default_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_01.sub",
    "over_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_02.sub",
    "down_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_03.sub",
    "name" : "quit_button",
    "type" : "button",
    "x" : 10,
    "y" : 152,
    "text" : "Cikis",
    "text_color" : 0xffF8BF24,
    "default_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_01.sub",
    "over_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_02.sub",
    "down_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_03.sub",
    ## VirtualKeyboard
    'name' : 'VirtualKeyboard',
    'type' : 'thinboard',
    'x' : (SCREEN_WIDTH - 564) / 2,
    'y' : SCREEN_HEIGHT - 300,
    'width' : 564,
    'height' : 254,
    'children' :
    'name' : 'key_at',
    'type' : 'toggle_button',
    'x' : 40,
    'y' : 186,
    'default_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_at.tga',
    'down_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_at_dn.tga',
    'over_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_at_over.tga',
    'name' : 'key_backspace',
    'type' : 'button',
    'x' : 498,
    'y' : 186,
    'default_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_backspace.tga',
    'down_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_backspace_dn.tga',
    'over_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_backspace_over.tga',
    'name' : 'key_enter',
    'type' : 'button',
    'x' : 439,
    'y' : 186,
    'default_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_enter.tga',
    'down_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_enter_dn.tga',
    'over_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_enter_over.tga',
    'name' : 'key_shift',
    'type' : 'toggle_button',
    'x' : 86,
    'y' : 186,
    'default_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_shift.tga',
    'down_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_shift_dn.tga',
    'over_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_shift_over.tga',
    'name' : 'key_space',
    'type' : 'button',
    'x' : 145,
    'y' : 186,
    'default_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_space.tga',
    'down_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_space_dn.tga',
    'over_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_space_over.tga',
    'name' : 'key_1',
    'type' : 'button',
    'x' : 40,
    'y' : 24,
    'default_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal.tga',
    'down_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal_dn.tga',
    'over_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal_over.tga',
    'name' : 'key_2',
    'type' : 'button',
    'x' : 80,
    'y' : 24,
    'default_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal.tga',
    'down_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal_dn.tga',
    'over_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal_over.tga',
    'name' : 'key_3',
    'type' : 'button',
    'x' : 120,
    'y' : 24,
    'default_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal.tga',
    'down_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal_dn.tga',
    'over_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal_over.tga',
    'name' : 'key_4',
    'type' : 'button',
    'x' : 160,
    'y' : 24,
    'default_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal.tga',
    'down_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal_dn.tga',
    'over_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal_over.tga',
    'name' : 'key_5',
    'type' : 'button',
    'x' : 200,
    'y' : 24,
    'default_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal.tga',
    'down_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal_dn.tga',
    'over_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal_over.tga',
    'name' : 'key_6',
    'type' : 'button',
    'x' : 240,
    'y' : 24,
    'default_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal.tga',
    'down_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal_dn.tga',
    'over_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal_over.tga',
    'name' : 'key_7',
    'type' : 'button',
    'x' : 280,
    'y' : 24,
    'default_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal.tga',
    'down_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal_dn.tga',
    'over_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal_over.tga',
    'name' : 'key_8',
    'type' : 'button',
    'x' : 320,
    'y' : 24,
    'default_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal.tga',
    'down_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal_dn.tga',
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    'type' : 'button',
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    'default_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal.tga',
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    'x' : 480,
    'y' : 24,
    'default_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal.tga',
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    'default_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal.tga',
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    'name' : 'key_34',
    'type' : 'button',
    'x' : 420,
    'y' : 104,
    'default_image' : 'locale/testserver/ui/vkey/key_normal.tga',
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    'name' : 'key_35',
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    How can i solve this problem ?

    Thank You



  3. 36 minutes ago, xP3NG3Rx said:

    Where did you midify the values? In the database or in the txt proto?


    Thanks for answer

    Im using navicat for editing anything on database


    Thanks Again

    17 minutes ago, Bituse said:

    If your core uses txt files you need to update them there.
    if its sql make sure you save it and reboot .

    Thanks for answer

    I Think my cores uses txt files

    how can i find whats using my cores ?

    Thanks Again



  4. Hello Guys

    I Have a problem about npc item sell price

    When i updated item prices in item proto the changes not affected in game



    Example :


    When i try to sell this item npc gives me 2 yang

    Another example


    When i try to sell 400 m goldbar npc gives me 100 k 

    When i try to sell 50 k goldbar npc gives me 2 yang



    Im using 40k server files

    OS : FreeBSD 10.2
    DB : Mysql 5.5

    How can i solve this problem ?

    Sorry for my bad english its not my first language



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