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  1. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello everyone. With this tool you will be able to convert XML proto files into self-defined structure of SQL or TXT files. Files contains definitions for default metin2 structure of mob and item protos (includes txt version of mob proto). Now few words about program structure. There are files named like '*ProtoItem' - this is definition of input and result structure. You can define own names for properties in XML files, result SQL columns and indexes for positions in TXT version of protos. XmlAttribute is used to define input data type and name of property in XML file. SqlMapAttribute is used to define database column name or position in TXT file(by ClientProtoIdx property). MobProto & ItemProto classes inherits from abstract classes for specified destiny(client or database). I implemented basic functionallity to convert XML files into SQL, but you can easly implement your own version - it's really flexible. [Hidden Content]
  2. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Poly Marble Shop It's simple system which allows players to buy marbles directly from gui. You can set price for each marble. Remember to set same price in client and server.
  3. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) VIP Boxes Items with VIP packages written in c++. Are available in this day versions: 1, 3, 7, 14 i 30. There are 2 types of this boxes, first which allows player to "give, trade, drop - etc.", and second type which don't allows player to sell, drop, give etc. - you can use them as reward from quest.
  4. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Trade Chat That's new type of chat, which allows your players to send messages like on WoM's Trade Chat.. How to send message on this chat? '$' - simply use dolar sign. You can send messages every 15 seconds.
  5. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Emotions for party By this system your players now are able to start emotion in same time for all party members. When party leader choose emotion then you will see counter like in image bellow. You will able to open emotion menu in System Options. To open emotions menu player have to be a party leader To start emotions all party members must be near party leader. You can simply add new own emotions, change timer lenght, set own emotion name(in menu) or disable some emotions without deleting them. Download & Scan [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  6. In 17.5 GF update with Talismans GF also introduce new type of bonuses - strong against weapons So here's it! I'm not 100% sure about bonuses numbers cuz in my revision i have also other new bonuses. Server Side open service.h and add: #define ENABLE_BONUS_STRONG_AGAINST_WEAPON open length.h, find APPLY_ANTI_PENETRATE_PCT, (or last of urs bonuses) add bellow: #ifdef ENABLE_BONUS_STRONG_AGAINST_WEAPON APPLY_ATTBONUS_SWORD, // 92 APPLY_ATTBONUS_TWOHANDED, // 93 APPLY_ATTBONUS_DAGGER, // 94 APPLY_ATTBONUS_BELL, // 95 APPLY_ATTBONUS_FAN, // 96 APPLY_ATTBONUS_BOW, // 97 #endif open ProtoReader.cpp and find "APPLY_ANTI_PENETRATE_PCT", (or last of urs bonuses) add bellow: #ifdef ENABLE_BONUS_STRONG_AGAINST_WEAPON , "APPLY_ATTBONUS_SWORD" "APPLY_ATTBONUS_TWOHANDED", "APPLY_ATTBONUS_DAGGER", "APPLY_ATTBONUS_BELL", "APPLY_ATTBONUS_FAN", "APPLY_ATTBONUS_BOW" #endif open Battle.cpp and inf int CalcAttBonus find: if (pkAttacker->IsNPC() && pkVictim->IsPC()) { iAtk = (iAtk * CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().GetMobDamageRate(pkAttacker)) / 100; } add bellow: #ifdef ENABLE_BONUS_STRONG_AGAINST_WEAPON if (pkVictim->IsPC()) { LPITEM pkWeapon = pkVictim->GetWear(WEAR_WEAPON); if (pkWeapon) { switch (pkWeapon->GetSubType()) { case WEAPON_SWORD: iAtk += (iAtk * pkAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_ATTBONUS_SWORD)) / 100; break; case WEAPON_TWO_HANDED: iAtk += (iAtk * pkAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_ATTBONUS_TWOHANDED)) / 100; break; case WEAPON_DAGGER: iAtk += (iAtk * pkAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_ATTBONUS_DAGGER)) / 100; break; case WEAPON_BELL: iAtk += (iAtk * pkAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_ATTBONUS_BELL)) / 100; break; case WEAPON_FAN: iAtk += (iAtk * pkAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_ATTBONUS_FAN)) / 100; break; case WEAPON_BOW: iAtk += (iAtk * pkAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_ATTBONUS_BOW)) / 100; break; } } } #endif in char.cpp find: case POINT_ATTBONUS_DEVIL: // 47 add bellow: #ifdef ENABLE_BONUS_STRONG_AGAINST_WEAPON case POINT_ATTBONUS_SWORD: case POINT_ATTBONUS_TWOHANDED: case POINT_ATTBONUS_DAGGER: case POINT_ATTBONUS_BELL: case POINT_ATTBONUS_FAN: case POINT_ATTBONUS_BOW: #endif find(in CHARACTER::ApplyPoint): case APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER: // 63 add bellow: #ifdef ENABLE_BONUS_STRONG_AGAINST_WEAPON case APPLY_ATTBONUS_SWORD: case APPLY_ATTBONUS_TWOHANDED: case APPLY_ATTBONUS_DAGGER: case APPLY_ATTBONUS_BELL: case APPLY_ATTBONUS_FAN: case APPLY_ATTBONUS_BOW: #endif in char.h find: POINT_RESIST_PENETRATE = 137, add bellow: #ifdef ENABLE_BONUS_STRONG_AGAINST_WEAPON POINT_ATTBONUS_SWORD = 138, POINT_ATTBONUS_TWOHANDED = 139, POINT_ATTBONUS_DAGGER = 140, POINT_ATTBONUS_BELL = 141, POINT_ATTBONUS_FAN = 142, POINT_ATTBONUS_BOW = 143, #endif in cmd_general.cpp find: case POINT_RESIST_SHAMAN: return LC_TEXT("ą«´ç°ř°Ýżˇ %d%% ŔúÇ×"); add bellow: #ifdef ENABLE_BONUS_STRONG_AGAINST_WEAPON case POINT_ATTBONUS_SWORD: return LC_TEXT("Sword resistance: %d%%"); case POINT_ATTBONUS_TWOHANDED: return LC_TEXT("Two Hand resistance: %d%%"); case POINT_ATTBONUS_DAGGER: return LC_TEXT("Dagger resistance: %d%%"); case POINT_ATTBONUS_BELL: return LC_TEXT("Bell resistance: %d%%"); case POINT_ATTBONUS_FAN: return LC_TEXT("Fan resistance: %d%%"); case POINT_ATTBONUS_BOW: return LC_TEXT("Bow resistance: %d%%"); #endif in constants.cpp find: { POINT_RESIST_PENETRATE, }, // APPLY_ANTI_PENETRATE_PCT, 91 add bellow: #ifdef ENABLE_BONUS_STRONG_AGAINST_WEAPON { POINT_ATTBONUS_SWORD, }, { POINT_ATTBONUS_TWOHANDED, }, { POINT_ATTBONUS_DAGGER, }, { POINT_ATTBONUS_BELL, }, { POINT_ATTBONUS_FAN, }, { POINT_ATTBONUS_BOW, }, #endif find: { "MELEE_MAGIC_ATTBONUS_PER", APPLY_MELEE_MAGIC_ATTBONUS_PER }, add bellow: #ifdef ENABLE_BONUS_STRONG_AGAINST_WEAPON { "ATT_BONUS_TO_SWORD", APPLY_ATTBONUS_SWORD }, { "ATT_BONUS_TO_TWOHAND", APPLY_ATTBONUS_TWOHANDED }, { "ATT_BONUS_TO_DAGGER", APPLY_ATTBONUS_DAGGER }, { "ATT_BONUS_TO_BELL", APPLY_ATTBONUS_BELL }, { "ATT_BONUS_TO_FAN", APPLY_ATTBONUS_FAN }, { "ATT_BONUS_TO_BOW", APPLY_ATTBONUS_BOW }, #endif let's go into client source side: open Locale_inc.h and add where you want: #define ENABLE_BONUS_STRONG_AGAINST_WEAPON open packet.h and find: POINT_RESIST_PENETRATE = 137, add bellow: #ifdef ENABLE_BONUS_STRONG_AGAINST_WEAPON POINT_ATTBONUS_SWORD = 138, POINT_ATTBONUS_TWOHANDED = 139, POINT_ATTBONUS_DAGGER = 140, POINT_ATTBONUS_BELL = 141, POINT_ATTBONUS_FAN = 142, POINT_ATTBONUS_BOW = 143, #endif open Itemdata.h and find: APPLY_ANTI_PENETRATE_PCT, //91 add bellow: #ifdef ENABLE_BONUS_STRONG_AGAINST_WEAPON APPLY_ATTBONUS_SWORD, // 92 APPLY_ATTBONUS_TWOHANDED, // 93 APPLY_ATTBONUS_DAGGER, // 94 APPLY_ATTBONUS_BELL, // 95 APPLY_ATTBONUS_FAN, // 96 APPLY_ATTBONUS_BOW, // 97 #endif open PythonItemModule.cpp and find: PyModule_AddIntConstant(poModule, "APPLY_ANTI_PENETRATE_PCT", CItemData::APPLY_ANTI_PENETRATE_PCT); add bellow: #ifdef ENABLE_BONUS_STRONG_AGAINST_WEAPON PyModule_AddIntConstant(poModule, "APPLY_ATTBONUS_SWORD", CItemData::APPLY_ATTBONUS_SWORD); PyModule_AddIntConstant(poModule, "APPLY_ATTBONUS_TWOHANDED", CItemData::APPLY_ATTBONUS_TWOHANDED); PyModule_AddIntConstant(poModule, "APPLY_ATTBONUS_DAGGER", CItemData::APPLY_ATTBONUS_DAGGER); PyModule_AddIntConstant(poModule, "APPLY_ATTBONUS_BELL", CItemData::APPLY_ATTBONUS_BELL); PyModule_AddIntConstant(poModule, "APPLY_ATTBONUS_FAN", CItemData::APPLY_ATTBONUS_FAN); PyModule_AddIntConstant(poModule, "APPLY_ATTBONUS_BOW", CItemData::APPLY_ATTBONUS_BOW); #endif let's go into Dump Proto source: open ItemCSVReader.cpp and find(in string arApplyType[]): "APPLY_ANTI_PENETRATE_PCT", add after: "APPLY_ATTBONUS_SWORD","APPLY_ATTBONUS_TWOHANDED","APPLY_ATTBONUS_DAGGER","APPLY_ATTBONUS_BELL","APPLY_ATTBONUS_FAN","APPLY_ATTBONUS_BOW", let's go into Client root/locale part: open uiToolTip.py and find: item.APPLY_ANTI_PENETRATE_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_ANTI_PENETRATE_PCT, add bellow: item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_SWORD : locale.TOOLTIP_ATTBONUS_SWORD, item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_TWOHANDED : locale.TOOLTIP_ATTBONUS_TWOHANDED, item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_DAGGER : locale.TOOLTIP_ATTBONUS_DAGGER, item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_BELL : locale.TOOLTIP_ATTBONUS_BELL, item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_FAN : locale.TOOLTIP_ATTBONUS_FAN, item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_BOW : locale.TOOLTIP_ATTBONUS_BOW, inside locale folder, open locale_game.txt, add in the end: TOOLTIP_ATTBONUS_SWORD Strong Against Sword +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_ATTBONUS_TWOHANDED Strong Against Two-Handed Weapon +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_ATTBONUS_DAGGER Strong Against Dagger +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_ATTBONUS_BELL Strong Against Bell +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_ATTBONUS_FAN Strong Against Fan +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_ATTBONUS_BOW Strong Against Bow +%d%% SA To use new bonuses please use in you item_proto.txt: APPLY_ATTBONUS_SWORD APPLY_ATTBONUS_TWOHANDED APPLY_ATTBONUS_DAGGER APPLY_ATTBONUS_BELL APPLY_ATTBONUS_FAN APPLY_ATTBONUS_BOW
  7. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Auto Announcements This system allows you to send announcements at chosen time. There are 3 categories of announcements. Hourly Announcements You can set announcements which will appears at chosen minute after every full hour. Special Announcements You can set announcements which appears at chosen time in chosen day. If you want to show messageeveryday in same hour simply set day to EVERYDAY. Special Announcements | from h - to h You can set announcements which appears in chosen by you time intervals(ex. 17:00 - 21:00) 00, 20 and 40 minutes after full hour. Like in preview mode you can set it to EVERYDAY if you want show announcement everyday. By default it support 5 lines of message, but it's configurable. If you want to hide line simply set it to "". Dwonload & Scan [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  8. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Daily Event Winter will come in days so what do you think about daily(or in chosen day) event with Grinch?. Before Grinch spawn game will send 4 notices about time of spawn. After kill daily boss(Grinch in package with map) game will send announcement with info about player who made last hit and kill Grinch. Every participants on this map after kill Grinch will get VIP bonuses for chosen time. Every settings like spawn time, announcement time are easy configurable. If you want fix small bug with displaying time please change this line like bellow: change: ["ANNOUCEMENT_LINE_3"] = "TODAY! About %d:%d he will be on Daily Boss Map."; for: ["ANNOUCEMENT_LINE_3"] = "TODAY! About %02d:%02d he will be on Daily Boss Map."; Announcement and spawn conf: Time in quest dialogs are imported directly from settings in game. If you will set this event only in one day of week then Quest Scroll will hidden in other days. You can simple disable VIP bonuses if you want only drop reward. If you want it only in one day then simply change const value and choose own day. Download & Scan [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  9. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) (Video at the end) Lockpicking is the new system which allows you to train special ability. This ability upgrade your skill of opening new boxes which are on maps(like npc). Every level gives higher chance to open box and probability to get more rewards. To train Lockpicking skill players have to read special books. You can set the level from which players can use this system. Maximum level of skill is 40, but it's configurable. Player can check how many boxes found. System support multilang servers. Missions Additionaly you will get special missions for this sytem, you can easily configure them or add new ones(just add new item to the table). After finished mission player receive reward directly in Quest Scroll. Configuration ItemShop Also you can earn some money from itemshop by this system : ) Magical key rises you chance to open box to 100%, but count of items which you can get from box still depends on skill level. The Key can be used only 10 times. Download & Scan [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
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