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The Master Guide on Metin2

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128_icon.png Master Guide

English version of the French Master Guide



  • Once upon a time
    • Introduction
    • Prerequisites
  • Creation & Management of a Metin2 Private Server
    • Introduction
    • Create your Metin2 Private Server
    • Configure & Manage your Metin2 Server
      • Server
      • Client
      • Quests
      • Maps
      • Items
      • Entities
      • Extra
  • Sources of Metin2
    • Introduction
    • Compilation
  • Conclusion


Once upon a time


If you are reading this topic, it's because you too are looking for to create your own private server for our favorite MMORPG! Metin2! With this guide, you will be able to create and modify your Metin2 private server. You can customize it as much as you want!

First of all, a little theory! Some computer fluency is recommended to successfully complete the quest you are leading. Metin2 uses several programming languages, such as LUA, Python, C++, and SQL.

We have, since 2014, the Sources of Metin2, that is to say that with the sources and some knowledge in programming, you will be able to create your own systems, add character classes, add kingdoms and other things! With the sources, you will have complete control over the game! This part is reserved for people with knowledge in programming. The C++ language requires analysis and understanding about the errors and the information that is transmitted by the compiler regardless of the tutorials and shares offered...

Before 2014, we had to use pre-made server files and we had to make classic modifications through the use of diffs... For the most part, the servers all looked the same, a bygone era!

You have the possibility to self-host and install it on your computer if it's efficient. Local use for tests will be recommended, followed by the acquisition of a dedicated server from a host such as OVH, SoYouStart or even Kimsufi for public use with players, for a few euros per month.

This guide will mainly tell you what are the important topics to see first, then some extras to improve your server!


  • Lots of coffee
  • Patience
  • Motivation
  • A lot of time
  • Money

Creation & Management of a Metin2 Private Server


I know you are looking forward to this! Today, you will see on the forum server files with a year of release, keep in mind that the 2014++ server files have the sources of Metin2.

I want to reassure you on one point, for a beginner, it's not necessary to work on the sources of Metin2, the sources should be used only if you want to add and create new systems or fix bugs.

The creation of a Private Metin2 server begins with the emulation of an operating system in addition to yours, FreeBSD. FreeBSD is a UNIX-like operating system, on which most Metin2 servers run. It's the emulation of a second operating system that consumes resources in processor, RAM and storage on the host system (Your computer), it's also possible to run a server natively on Windows.

If you are using a dedicated server, you will install FreeBSD as your main operating system without going through Windows!

Metin2 is composed of two parts, a server part and a client part, the player uses a client to connect to the server part. This is what makes it possible to play online. The server part is also made up of two parts, the game and the database. The files or server files are the set of files which allow Metin2 to function.

This is the hidden content, please

Create your Metin2 Private Server

Configure & Manage your Metin2 Server







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Sources of Metin2


Compiling requires programming knowledge!

Compilation, in computer science, is a work carried out by a compiler which consists in transforming a source code readable by a human into a binary file executable by a computer. For example, the sources of the Metin2 client, compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio, we will give an executable file named: metin2client.exe.

The sources of Metin2, consist of several files whose extensions are respectively .cpp and .h, these files form what is called: the sources. The compilation of these files allows to obtain files: db and the game in a UNIX environment with FreeBSD, a client file: metin2client.exe and tools: worldeditor.exe, dump_proto.exe in a WIN32 environment with Windows...

Compiling is translating human language (Python, C++, Java, etc...) into machine language (Binary), with a tool called a compiler. To compile, we use for example Microsoft Visual Studio (Windows) or Gmake / CLang (FreeBSD).

This is the hidden content, please



With Metin2 Dev, the members who make up this forum, the shares, releases and the tutorials, you are now able to create a Metin2 Private Server. Don't hesitate to share your findings and your ideas to help Metin2 evolve. Have you opened your Metin2 Private Server? Now show us what you can do! Good luck to you ! If you need help, we'll be there to help you in Questions & Answers.



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On 11/7/2021 at 3:36 PM, ASIKOO said:

128_icon.png Master Guide

English version of the French Master Guide



  • Once upon a time
    • Introduction
    • Prerequisites
  • Creation & Management of a Metin2 Private Server
    • Introduction
    • Create your Metin2 Private Server
    • Configure & Manage your Metin2 Server
      • Server
      • Client
      • Quests
      • Maps
      • Items
      • Entities
      • Extra
  • Sources of Metin2
    • Introduction
    • Compilation
  • Conclusion


Once upon a time


If you are reading this topic, it's because you too are looking for to create your own private server for our favorite MMORPG! Metin2! With this guide, you will be able to create and modify your Metin2 private server. You can customize it as much as you want!

First of all, a little theory! Some computer fluency is recommended to successfully complete the quest you are leading. Metin2 uses several programming languages, such as LUA, Python, C++, and SQL.

We have, since 2014, the Sources of Metin2, that is to say that with the sources and some knowledge in programming, you will be able to create your own systems, add character classes, add kingdoms and other things! With the sources, you will have complete control over the game! This part is reserved for people with knowledge in programming. The C++ language requires analysis and understanding about the errors and the information that is transmitted by the compiler regardless of the tutorials and shares offered...

Before 2014, we had to use pre-made server files and we had to make classic modifications through the use of diffs... For the most part, the servers all looked the same, a bygone era!

You have the possibility to self-host and install it on your computer if it's efficient. Local use for tests will be recommended, followed by the acquisition of a dedicated server from a host such as OVH, SoYouStart or even Kimsufi for public use with players, for a few euros per month.

This guide will mainly tell you what are the important topics to see first, then some extras to improve your server!


  • Lots of coffee
  • Patience
  • Motivation
  • A lot of time
  • Money

Creation & Management of a Metin2 Private Server


I know you are looking forward to this! Today, you will see on the forum server files with a year of release, keep in mind that the 2014++ server files have the sources of Metin2.

I want to reassure you on one point, for a beginner, it's not necessary to work on the sources of Metin2, the sources should be used only if you want to add and create new systems or fix bugs.

The creation of a Private Metin2 server begins with the emulation of an operating system in addition to yours, FreeBSD. FreeBSD is a UNIX-like operating system, on which most Metin2 servers run. It's the emulation of a second operating system that consumes resources in processor, RAM and storage on the host system (Your computer), it's also possible to run a server natively on Windows.

If you are using a dedicated server, you will install FreeBSD as your main operating system without going through Windows!

Metin2 is composed of two parts, a server part and a client part, the player uses a client to connect to the server part. This is what makes it possible to play online. The server part is also made up of two parts, the game and the database. The files or server files are the set of files which allow Metin2 to function.


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Create your Metin2 Private Server

Configure & Manage your Metin2 Server







  • Nothing here... ? 



Sources of Metin2


Compiling requires programming knowledge!

Compilation, in computer science, is a work carried out by a compiler which consists in transforming a source code readable by a human into a binary file executable by a computer. For example, the sources of the Metin2 client, compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio, we will give an executable file named: metin2client.exe.

The sources of Metin2, consist of several files whose extensions are respectively .cpp and .h, these files form what is called: the sources. The compilation of these files allows to obtain files: db and the game in a UNIX environment with FreeBSD, a client file: metin2client.exe and tools: worldeditor.exe, dump_proto.exe in a WIN32 environment with Windows...

Compiling is translating human language (Python, C++, Java, etc...) into machine language (Binary), with a tool called a compiler. To compile, we use for example Microsoft Visual Studio (Windows) or Gmake / CLang (FreeBSD).


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With Metin2 Dev, the members who make up this forum, the shares, releases and the tutorials, you are now able to create a Metin2 Private Server. Don't hesitate to share your findings and your ideas to help Metin2 evolve. Have you opened your Metin2 Private Server? Now show us what you can do! Good luck to you ! If you need help, we'll be there to help you in Questions & Answers.



great post

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