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  1. Hello everyone, you probably noticed that when the structure mob proto are not correct then the client loads almost until the end and then hangs?Recently saw this error, it is time to correct this deficiency. Make the test structure is very simple. search if ((zObj.GetSize() % sizeof(TMobTable)) != 0) { TraceError("CPythonNonPlayer::LoadNonPlayerData: invalid size %u check data format.", zObj.GetSize()); return false; } edit this if ((zObj.GetSize() % sizeof(TMobTable)) != 0) { TraceError("CPythonNonPlayer::LoadNonPlayerData: invalid size: %u check data format", zObj.GetSize()); MessageBox(NULL, "Invalid size TMobTable...", "FatalError", MB_ICONWARNING); exit(0); // close this F*CKING game :3 } Now the structure is checked immediately before character selection.
  2. check the structure mobproto client and dumpproto. see post:
  3. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal )
  4. 2. source / input_main.cpp search CInputMain::AnswerMakeGuild see.. if (ch->GetGold() < 200000) ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "You don't have 200000 yang"); return; if (ch->GetLevel() < 40) ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "You don't have 40lv+ "); return; it's bug.. replace. // 200k yang // if (ch->GetGold() < 200000) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("<Guild> You don't have 200000 yang.")); return; } // 40+ guild // if (ch->GetLevel() < 40) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("<Guild> You don't have 40lv.")); return; } test create guild.
  5. I love you maaan :3
  6. omg....ohh But it is not all code. Original post Mijago [Hidden Content]
  7. Open file Locale.h Edit #include "Locale_inc.h" to #include "Locale_inc_EU2.h"
  8. Fix it. open mainlineSrcsServerlibthecoresrcsignal.c edit RETSIGTYPE checkpointing(int sig) { if (!tics) { sys_err("CHECKPOINT shutdown: tics did not updated."); abort(); } else tics = 0; } to RETSIGTYPE checkpointing(int sig) { if (!tics) { sys_err("CHECKPOINT shutdown: tics did not updated."); } else sys_err("CHECKPOINT shutdown: tics = 0."); }
  9. SyncPosition: Too often SyncPosition Interval Test fix it. game => input_main.cpp search all string. LogManager::instance().HackLog( "SYNC_POSITION_HACK", ch ); example { LogManager::instance().HackLog( "SYNC_POSITION_HACK", ch ); sys_err( "Too often SyncPosition Interval(%ldms)(%s) from Name(%s) VICTIM(%d,%d) SYNC(%d,%d)", tvDiff->tv_sec * 1000 + tvDiff->tv_usec / 1000, victim->GetName(), ch->GetName(), victim->GetX(), victim->GetY(), e->lX, e->lY ); ch->GetDesc()->SetPhase(PHASE_CLOSE); return -1; } and edit. ch->GetDesc()->SetPhase(PHASE_CLOSE); return -1; to //ch->GetDesc()->SetPhase(PHASE_CLOSE); //return -1;
  10. Anybody can help? :s Regards 0323 15:05:31469 :: Unknown packet header: 96, last: 3 81 use client mainline_sg and server mainline or client novaline and server mainline.
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