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Dr3Ame3r last won the day on June 20 2018

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About Dr3Ame3r

  • Birthday 12/19/1995


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  1. Glad you've posted this here @ Shogun, people who sell other people's lost nights, anxiety and stress, are just some rats which are trying to escape the Paris canals. Many of them don't even know what they sell, they just install it and that's it, if there's in need of adjustments, pray to god for support, cause the guys who install it, will never know how to fix it. We both know who we're referring to, we hope he will realize what he did and stop being filthy. For those who still want to buy Shogun's services, you're buying support not only the protection, he's one of the best people i know which really know security and the passion behind an operating system. Support means more than anything in this world at the moment. Stay humble
  2. Yeah but this will not work as it will keep the flags in uiaffectshower after one player will kill you, in PVM works fine. How to reproduce: Buff yourself, enable some skills, die from another player's hand, you will see the affectshower still in the left corner of the window but if you rewarp, they disappear. But the bonus isn't there anymore, its removed. On the pvm side it works as a charm.
  3. Tested, it works, but, with a slight little problem, after the loading phase ends (the loadingscreen photos disappear) and it should popup your character, it freezes for about 0.7-1s until it shows entities near you(that happens only 1 time for each client)
  4. Basically, the server has a heartbeat at which it processes the entries in the database, if you kill the process via SSH before the heartbeat finishes, you will lose all your items and progress. Best way is to /shutdown in game then killall in ssh, WITHOUT arguments, only killall cause it will be graceful everytime.
  5. What character set are you using? I can see that "latin5" is used in this case, is this the one you're searching for? I think it needs to comply with the one from common table from database. Best regards, Dr3Ame3r
  6. Hello, Taking in consideration that you've uploaded your src into /src/ ( i can't see anything behind that ) You need to be in the specific directory that contains liblua folder, after that you will be able to create them. Also, you have to build them with gmake/make. Let's say you have /usr/src/game/src/, you have to be in /usr/src/ and do gmake all, after that libs will be created. Best regards, Dr3Ame3r
  7. Depends on th serverfiles you're using, if you're using files that are using SQL "no_TXT", you'll have to comply to that one. Convert your actual txt's into SQL using converters available on the website. Best regards, Dr3Ame3r
  8. Hello, A similar syntax could be "SELECT pid from account as a" 'a' stands for a definition of a table, that syntax is used when a query contains JOINs. We'd like to see your issue or where it comes from. Best regards, Dr3Ame3r
  9. A very kind & helpful person, he fullfilled all of my requests in a fast response time. Also, when he had time he taught me things for free. I fully recommend his services even though some of them are kind of "peppered(expensive)" but everything is fine at the end of the day, you won't have crashes cause of his work, neither timers causing all your dungeons to go crazy.
  10. Upgrading existing packages should fix the issue.. Just run pkg upgrade Also, if it doesn't work, i see that this error occurs only on 12.1, i upgraded to 12.2 and worked. (rich presence lib doesn't work on 12.1)
  11. May i intervene and make you a hypochrite person? He delivered a service that you didn't know how to manage, he stood 20 hours until 7am in the morning to install multilang when i bought it from him, also, continued the next days too. It depends on how you talk with the person, if i was in his posture, i would've blocked you instantly, don't call me, just type your messages. I recommend his services althought he's a busy person, but when he responds, he's polite and a fast worker too
  12. He stood 20 hours until 7am in the morning to install multilang when i bought it from him, also, continued the next days too. It depends on how you talk with the person, if i was in his posture, i would've blocked you instantly, don't call me, just type your messages. I recommend his services althought he's a busy person, but when he responds, he's polite and a fast worker too
  13. void CGraphicTextInstance::Render(RECT * pClipRect) { if (!m_isUpdate) return; CGraphicText* pkText=m_roText.GetPointer(); if (!pkText) return; CGraphicFontTexture* pFontTexture = pkText->GetFontTexturePointer(); if (!pFontTexture) return; float fStanX = m_v3Position.x; float fStanY = m_v3Position.y + 1.0f; UINT defCodePage = GetDefaultCodePage(); if (defCodePage == CP_ARABIC) { switch (m_hAlign) { case HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT: fStanX -= m_textWidth; break; case HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER: fStanX -= float(m_textWidth / 2); break; } } else { switch (m_hAlign) { case HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT: fStanX -= m_textWidth; break; case HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER: fStanX -= float(m_textWidth / 2); break; } } switch (m_vAlign) { case VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM: fStanY -= m_textHeight; break; case VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER: fStanY -= float(m_textHeight) / 2.0f; break; } //WORD FillRectIndices[6] = { 0, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1 }; STATEMANAGER.SaveRenderState(D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA); STATEMANAGER.SaveRenderState(D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA); DWORD dwFogEnable = STATEMANAGER.GetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGENABLE); DWORD dwLighting = STATEMANAGER.GetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING); STATEMANAGER.SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGENABLE, FALSE); STATEMANAGER.SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE); STATEMANAGER.SetVertexShader(D3DFVF_XYZ|D3DFVF_DIFFUSE|D3DFVF_TEX1); STATEMANAGER.SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE); STATEMANAGER.SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG2, D3DTA_DIFFUSE); STATEMANAGER.SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_MODULATE); STATEMANAGER.SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE); STATEMANAGER.SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG2, D3DTA_DIFFUSE); STATEMANAGER.SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_MODULATE); { const float fFontHalfWeight=1.0f; float fCurX; float fCurY; float fFontSx; float fFontSy; float fFontEx; float fFontEy; float fFontWidth; float fFontHeight; float fFontMaxHeight; float fFontAdvance; SVertex akVertex[4]; akVertex[0].z=m_v3Position.z; akVertex[1].z=m_v3Position.z; akVertex[2].z=m_v3Position.z; akVertex[3].z=m_v3Position.z; CGraphicFontTexture::TCharacterInfomation* pCurCharInfo; // Å׵θ® if (m_isOutline) { fCurX=fStanX; fCurY=fStanY; fFontMaxHeight=0.0f; CGraphicFontTexture::TPCharacterInfomationVector::iterator i; for (i=m_pCharInfoVector.begin(); i!=m_pCharInfoVector.end(); ++i) { pCurCharInfo = *i; fFontWidth=float(pCurCharInfo->width); fFontHeight=float(pCurCharInfo->height); fFontAdvance=float(pCurCharInfo->advance); // NOTE : ÆùÆ® Ãâ·Â¿¡ Width Á¦ÇÑÀ» µÓ´Ï´Ù. - [levites] if ((fCurX+fFontWidth)-m_v3Position.x > m_fLimitWidth) { if (m_isMultiLine) { fCurX=fStanX; fCurY+=fFontMaxHeight; } else { break; } } if (pClipRect) { if (fCurY <= pClipRect->top) { fCurX += fFontAdvance; continue; } } fFontSx = fCurX - 0.5f; fFontSy = fCurY - 0.5f; fFontEx = fFontSx + fFontWidth; fFontEy = fFontSy + fFontHeight; pFontTexture->SelectTexture(pCurCharInfo->index); STATEMANAGER.SetTexture(0, pFontTexture->GetD3DTexture()); akVertex[0].u=pCurCharInfo->left; akVertex[0].v=pCurCharInfo->top; akVertex[1].u=pCurCharInfo->left; akVertex[1].v=pCurCharInfo->bottom; akVertex[2].u=pCurCharInfo->right; akVertex[2].v=pCurCharInfo->top; akVertex[3].u=pCurCharInfo->right; akVertex[3].v=pCurCharInfo->bottom; akVertex[3].color = akVertex[2].color = akVertex[1].color = akVertex[0].color = m_dwOutLineColor; float feather = 0.0f; // m_fFontFeather akVertex[0].y=fFontSy-feather; akVertex[1].y=fFontEy+feather; akVertex[2].y=fFontSy-feather; akVertex[3].y=fFontEy+feather; // ¿Þ akVertex[0].x=fFontSx-fFontHalfWeight-feather; akVertex[1].x=fFontSx-fFontHalfWeight-feather; akVertex[2].x=fFontEx-fFontHalfWeight+feather; akVertex[3].x=fFontEx-fFontHalfWeight+feather; if (CGraphicBase::SetPDTStream((SPDTVertex*)akVertex, 4)) STATEMANAGER.DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 2); // ¿À¸¥ akVertex[0].x=fFontSx+fFontHalfWeight-feather; akVertex[1].x=fFontSx+fFontHalfWeight-feather; akVertex[2].x=fFontEx+fFontHalfWeight+feather; akVertex[3].x=fFontEx+fFontHalfWeight+feather; if (CGraphicBase::SetPDTStream((SPDTVertex*)akVertex, 4)) STATEMANAGER.DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 2); akVertex[0].x=fFontSx-feather; akVertex[1].x=fFontSx-feather; akVertex[2].x=fFontEx+feather; akVertex[3].x=fFontEx+feather; // À§ akVertex[0].y=fFontSy-fFontHalfWeight-feather; akVertex[1].y=fFontEy-fFontHalfWeight+feather; akVertex[2].y=fFontSy-fFontHalfWeight-feather; akVertex[3].y=fFontEy-fFontHalfWeight+feather; // 20041216.myevan.DrawPrimitiveUP if (CGraphicBase::SetPDTStream((SPDTVertex*)akVertex, 4)) STATEMANAGER.DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 2); // ¾Æ·¡ akVertex[0].y=fFontSy+fFontHalfWeight-feather; akVertex[1].y=fFontEy+fFontHalfWeight+feather; akVertex[2].y=fFontSy+fFontHalfWeight-feather; akVertex[3].y=fFontEy+fFontHalfWeight+feather; // 20041216.myevan.DrawPrimitiveUP if (CGraphicBase::SetPDTStream((SPDTVertex*)akVertex, 4)) STATEMANAGER.DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 2); fCurX += fFontAdvance; } } // ¸ÞÀÎ ÆùÆ® fCurX=fStanX; fCurY=fStanY; fFontMaxHeight=0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < m_pCharInfoVector.size(); ++i) { pCurCharInfo = m_pCharInfoVector[i]; fFontWidth=float(pCurCharInfo->width); fFontHeight=float(pCurCharInfo->height); fFontMaxHeight=max(fFontHeight, pCurCharInfo->height); fFontAdvance=float(pCurCharInfo->advance); // NOTE : ÆùÆ® Ãâ·Â¿¡ Width Á¦ÇÑÀ» µÓ´Ï´Ù. - [levites] if ((fCurX+fFontWidth)-m_v3Position.x > m_fLimitWidth) { if (m_isMultiLine) { fCurX=fStanX; fCurY+=fFontMaxHeight; } else { break; } } if (pClipRect) { if (fCurY <= pClipRect->top) { fCurX += fFontAdvance; continue; } } fFontSx = fCurX-0.5f; fFontSy = fCurY-0.5f; fFontEx = fFontSx + fFontWidth; fFontEy = fFontSy + fFontHeight; pFontTexture->SelectTexture(pCurCharInfo->index); STATEMANAGER.SetTexture(0, pFontTexture->GetD3DTexture()); akVertex[0].x=fFontSx; akVertex[0].y=fFontSy; akVertex[0].u=pCurCharInfo->left; akVertex[0].v=pCurCharInfo->top; akVertex[1].x=fFontSx; akVertex[1].y=fFontEy; akVertex[1].u=pCurCharInfo->left; akVertex[1].v=pCurCharInfo->bottom; akVertex[2].x=fFontEx; akVertex[2].y=fFontSy; akVertex[2].u=pCurCharInfo->right; akVertex[2].v=pCurCharInfo->top; akVertex[3].x=fFontEx; akVertex[3].y=fFontEy; akVertex[3].u=pCurCharInfo->right; akVertex[3].v=pCurCharInfo->bottom; //m_dwColorInfoVector[i]; //m_dwTextColor; akVertex[0].color = akVertex[1].color = akVertex[2].color = akVertex[3].color = m_dwColorInfoVector[i]; // 20041216.myevan.DrawPrimitiveUP if (CGraphicBase::SetPDTStream((SPDTVertex*)akVertex, 4)) STATEMANAGER.DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 2); //STATEMANAGER.DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, akVertex, sizeof(SVertex)); fCurX += fFontAdvance; } } if (m_isCursor) { // Draw Cursor float sx, sy, ex, ey; TDiffuse diffuse; int curpos = CIME::GetCurPos(); int compend = curpos + CIME::GetCompLen(); __GetTextPos(curpos, &sx, &sy); // If Composition if(curpos<compend) { diffuse = 0x7fffffff; __GetTextPos(compend, &ex, &sy); } else { diffuse = 0xffffffff; ex = sx + 2; } // FOR_ARABIC_ALIGN if (defCodePage == CP_ARABIC) { sx += m_v3Position.x - m_textWidth; ex += m_v3Position.x - m_textWidth; sy += m_v3Position.y; ey = sy + m_textHeight; } else { sx += m_v3Position.x; sy += m_v3Position.y; ex += m_v3Position.x; ey = sy + m_textHeight; } switch (m_vAlign) { case VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM: sy -= m_textHeight; break; case VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER: sy -= float(m_textHeight) / 2.0f; break; } // ÃÖÀûÈ­ »çÇ× // °°ÀºÅؽºÃĸ¦ »ç¿ëÇÑ´Ù¸é... STRIPÀ» ±¸¼ºÇÏ°í, ÅؽºÃÄ°¡ º¯°æµÇ°Å³ª ³¡³ª¸é DrawPrimitive¸¦ È£ÃâÇØ // ÃÖ´ëÇÑ ¼ýÀÚ¸¦ ÁÙÀ̵µ·ÏÇÏÀÚ! TPDTVertex vertices[4]; vertices[0].diffuse = diffuse; vertices[1].diffuse = diffuse; vertices[2].diffuse = diffuse; vertices[3].diffuse = diffuse; vertices[0].position = TPosition(sx, sy, 0.0f); vertices[1].position = TPosition(ex, sy, 0.0f); vertices[2].position = TPosition(sx, ey, 0.0f); vertices[3].position = TPosition(ex, ey, 0.0f); STATEMANAGER.SetTexture(0, NULL); // 2004.11.18.myevan.DrawIndexPrimitiveUP -> DynamicVertexBuffer CGraphicBase::SetDefaultIndexBuffer(CGraphicBase::DEFAULT_IB_FILL_RECT); if (CGraphicBase::SetPDTStream(vertices, 4)) STATEMANAGER.DrawIndexedPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4, 0, 2); int ulbegin = CIME::GetULBegin(); int ulend = CIME::GetULEnd(); if(ulbegin < ulend) { __GetTextPos(curpos+ulbegin, &sx, &sy); __GetTextPos(curpos+ulend, &ex, &sy); sx += m_v3Position.x; sy += m_v3Position.y + m_textHeight; ex += m_v3Position.x; ey = sy + 2; vertices[0].diffuse = 0xFFFF0000; vertices[1].diffuse = 0xFFFF0000; vertices[2].diffuse = 0xFFFF0000; vertices[3].diffuse = 0xFFFF0000; vertices[0].position = TPosition(sx, sy, 0.0f); vertices[1].position = TPosition(ex, sy, 0.0f); vertices[2].position = TPosition(sx, ey, 0.0f); vertices[3].position = TPosition(ex, ey, 0.0f); STATEMANAGER.DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4, 2, c_FillRectIndices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, vertices, sizeof(TPDTVertex)); } } STATEMANAGER.RestoreRenderState(D3DRS_SRCBLEND); STATEMANAGER.RestoreRenderState(D3DRS_DESTBLEND); STATEMANAGER.SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGENABLE, dwFogEnable); STATEMANAGER.SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, dwLighting); if (m_emojiVector.size() != 0) { for (std::vector<SEmoji>::iterator itor = m_emojiVector.begin(); itor != m_emojiVector.end(); ++itor) { SEmoji & rEmo = *itor; if (rEmo.pInstance) { rEmo.pInstance->SetPosition(fStanX + rEmo.x, (fStanY + 7.0) - (rEmo.pInstance->GetHeight() / 2)); rEmo.pInstance->Render(); } } } //±Ý°­°æ ¸µÅ© ¶ç¿öÁÖ´Â ºÎºÐ. if (m_hyperlinkVector.size() != 0) { int lx = gs_mx - m_v3Position.x; int ly = gs_my - m_v3Position.y; //¾Æ¶øÀº ÁÂÇ¥ ºÎÈ£¸¦ ¹Ù²ãÁØ´Ù. if (GetDefaultCodePage() == CP_ARABIC) { lx = -lx; ly = -ly + m_textHeight; } if (lx >= 0 && ly >= 0 && lx < m_textWidth && ly < m_textHeight) { std::vector<SHyperlink>::iterator it = m_hyperlinkVector.begin(); while (it != m_hyperlinkVector.end()) { SHyperlink & link = *it++; if (lx >= link.sx && lx < link.ex) { gs_hyperlinkText = link.text; /* OutputDebugStringW(link.text.c_str()); OutputDebugStringW(L"\n"); */ break; } } } } }
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