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Everything posted by Aveline™

  1. SYSERR: Mar 9 23:07:12.108362 :: main: Failed to Load ClientPackageCryptInfo File(package/) You need to create folder in "/usr/home/game/" SYSERR: Mar 9 23:07:04 :: Start: TABLE_POSTFIX not configured use default it's not error just warning. SYSERR: Mar 9 23:07:06.143685 :: socket_connect: HOST localhost:15000, could not connect. First method : Check mysql files sometime some mysql table crashed and this situation give some errors to you. Another method : Change port 15000. Regards.
  2. You're not extract offical packs with public metin2 files at the moment. no longer metin2 isn't use to .py file for root files. metin2 use to cython technology. So when you're inject m2pythonloader.dll, it's work but m2pythonloader doesn't work with .py files binary give error to you. Regards.
  3. Horse skill max num is 10 and you're make perfect skill. It not bug already there in another game revisions. Regards.
  4. Yes bro his mean, if you married with one bitch and she name write on guildname section. turkish : (moruk seni daha tanımıyorum ama güzel birine benziyosun neyse lavuğun dediği gibi evlendiğinde karının ismi yazarsa loncanın oraya çok fena olur belki yapabiliriz böyle birşey?) Yep I understand him. Thanks for comment.
  5. Hi again. I write something and i finished but i don't test it. PythonTextTailModule.cpp PyObject * textTailRegisterCharacterTextTailMarriage(PyObject * poSelf, PyObject * poArgs) { int iVirtualID; char * text; if(!PyTuple_GetInteger(poArgs,0,&iVirtualID)) return Py_BuildException(); if(!PyTuple_GetString(poArgs,0,&text)) return Py_BuildException(); CPythonTextTail::Instance().RegisterCharacterTextTailMarriage(text,VirtualID,D3DXCOLOR(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); CPythonTextTail::Instance().ShowCharacterTextTail(VirtualID); return Py_BuildNone(); } PythonTextTail.h CGraphicTextInstance* pMarriageNameTextInstance; PythonTextTail.cpp void CPythonTextTail::RegisterCharacterTextTailMarriage(char * text,DWORD dwVirtualID,const D3DXCOLOR & c_rColor) { CInstanceBase * pCharacterInstance = CPythonCharacterManager::Instance().GetInstancePtr(dwVirtualID); if(!pCharacterInstance) return; float fTextTailHeight = CInstanceBase::instance().IsMountingHorse() ? 120.0f : 20.0f; TTextTail * pTextTail = RegisterTextTail(dwVirtualID, pCharacterInstance->GetNameString(), pCharacterInstance->GetGraphicThingInstancePtr(), pCharacterInstance->GetGraphicThingInstanceRef().GetHeight() + fTextTailHeight, c_rColor); CGraphicTextInstance * pTextMarriageInstance = pTextTail->pTextInstance; pTextMarriageInstance->SetOutline(true); pTextMarriageInstance->SetVerticalAlign(CGraphicTextInstance::VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM); pTextMarriageInstance->pMarriageNameInstance = NULL; CGraphicTextInstance *& prMarriageNameInstance = pTextTail->pMarriageNameTextInstance; prMarriageNameInstance = CGraphicTextInstance::New(); prMarriageNameInstance->SetTextPointer(ms_pFont); prMarriageNameInstance->SetOutline(true); prMarriageNameInstance->SetHorizonalAlign(CGraphicTextInstance::HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); prMarriageNameInstance->SetVerticalAlign(CGraphicTextInstance::VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM); prMarriageNameInstance->SetValue(text); prMarriageNameInstance->SetColor(c_TextTail_Guild_Name_Color.r, c_TextTail_Guild_Name_Color.g, c_TextTail_Guild_Name_Color.; prMarriageNameInstance->Update(); m_CharacterTextTailMap.insert(TTextTailMap::value_type(dwVirtualID, pTextTail)); } - How to use to function in binary. import textTail textTail.RegisterCharacterTextTailMarriage(vid,"Husband of " + name) I say again. I don't test it.
  6. Which you're using mysql_query function please paste here. Regards.
  7. if(tostring(namecheck.player_name[1]) == tostring(playername)) then try with this. Regards.
  8. I test it it work GT-I9100 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi
  9. quest uppen begin state start begin when 9004.take begin local q = mysql_query("select * from player.player where id = '"..item.get_id().."' LIMIT 1") local data = { ["id"] = math.random(1,200000), ["owner_id"] = pc.get_player_id(), ["window"] = "MALL", ["pos"] = 0, ["count"] = pc.count_item(item.get_vnum()), ["vnum"] = 11971, ["socket0"] = q[1][7], ["socket1"] = q[1][8], ["socket2"] = q[1][9], ["socket3"] = q[1][10], ["socket4"] = q[1][11], ["socket5"] = q[1][12], ["attrtype0"] = q[1][13], ["attrvalue0"] = q[1][14], ["attrtype1"] = q[1][15], ["attrvalue1"] = q[1][16], ["attrtype2"] = q[1][17], ["attrvalue2"] = q[1][18], ["attrtype3"] = q[1][19], ["attrvalue3"] = q[1][20], ["attrtype4"] = q[1][21], ["attrvalue4"] = q[1][22], ["attrtype5"] = q[1][23], ["attrvalue5"] = q[1][24], ["attrtype6"] = q[1][25], ["attrvalue6"] = q[1][26], } say("Such dir eine Rüstung aus!") if(select("80er Rüstung","Abbrechen") == 2) then return else mysql_query("insert into player.item VALUES ('"..data["id"].."','"..data["owner_id"].."','"..data["window"].."','"..data["pos"].."','"..data["count"].."','"..data["vnum"].."','"..data["socket0"].."','"..data["socket1"].."','"..data["socket2"].."','"..data["socket3"].."','"..data["socket4"].."','"..data["socket5"].."','"..data["attrtype0"].."','"..data["attrvalue0"].."','"..data["attrtype1"].."','"..data["attrvalue1"].."','"..data["attrtype2"].."','"..data["attrvalue2"].."','"..data["attrtype3"].."','"..data["attrvalue3"].."','"..data["attrtype4"].."','"..data["attrvalue4"].."','"..data["attrtype5"].."','"..data["attrvalue5"].."','"..data["attrtype6"].."','"..data["attrvalue6"].."') ") end end end end Just a little codes. Regards.
  10. I agree Denic Cikiec. You can make with use to c# or c++. Regards.
  11. quest regenbogen begin state start begin when 50512.use begin local data = { [0] = { [1] = {1,2,3,4,5}, [2] = {16,17,18,19,20}, }, [1] = { [1] = {31,32,33,34,35}, [2] = {46,47,48,49,50}, }, [2] = { [1] = {76,77,78,79,80,81}, [2] = {61,62,63,64,65,66}, }, [3] = { [1] = {106,107,108,109,110,111}, [2] = {91,92,93,94,95,96}, }, ["classNames"] = { [0] = {"Arahan","Partisan","Close"}, [1] = {"Ninja","Archer","Close",}, [2] = {"Black Magic","Mirage","Close"}, [3] = {"Lighting","Dragon","Close"}, }, } say_title("Rainbow Stone:") say("") -- say("Choose your class") local s = select_table(data["classNames"][pc.get_job()]) if(s >= table.getn(data["classNames"][pc.get_job()])) then return end pc.set_skill_group(s) for i = 1,table.getn(data[pc.get_job()][s]),1 do pc.set_skill_level(data[pc.get_job()][s][i],59) end pc.remove_item(50512,1) say_yellow("Your skills are now perfect.. ") end end end Regards.
  12. import os def AppendPathName(pathName): if(pathName == ""): return -1 else: listQuest = [q for q in os.listdir(pathName) if(q.endswith('.quest'))] file = open("quest_list","w+") for i in xrange(len(listQuest)): file.write(listQuest[i] + "n") AppendPathName("/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest") Regards.
  13. it's look nice thanks for share us. I'll use to c++ because c++ fast than lua If i were you Regards.
  14. Are you edit here? Length.h EMPIRE_MAX_NUM = 4, Regards.
  15. Is there any error in syserr? If it's exist, paste here. Regards.
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