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Posts posted by Starky



    global chat + color empire with chat is by Denis. thx. 

    1) Enable global chat

    Open input_p2p.cpp

    Search : 



    if (!d->GetCharacter() || (d->GetCharacter()->GetGMLevel() == GM_PLAYER && d->GetEmpire() != m_bEmpire))

    Replace with it:



    if (!d->GetCharacter())

    If you use novaline, search:





            if (!d->GetCharacter())



            if(!g_bGlobalShoutEnable && (d->GetCharacter()->GetGMLevel() == GM_PLAYER && d->GetEmpire() != m_bEmpire))


    And replace with it:




    if (!d->GetCharacter())


    2) Add chat functions

    Open input_main.cpp





    if (pinfo->type == CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT)


            const int SHOUT_LIMIT_LEVEL = 15;

            if (ch->GetLevel() < SHOUT_LIMIT_LEVEL)


                ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("외치기는 레벨 %d 이상만 사용 가능 합니다."), SHOUT_LIMIT_LEVEL);

                return (iExtraLen);


            if (thecore_heart->pulse - (int) ch->GetLastShoutPulse() < passes_per_sec * 15)

                return (iExtraLen);


            TPacketGGShout p;

            p.bHeader = HEADER_GG_SHOUT;

            p.bEmpire = ch->GetEmpire();

            strlcpy(p.szText, chatbuf, sizeof(p.szText));

            P2P_MANAGER::instance().Send(&p, sizeof(TPacketGGShout));

            SendShout(chatbuf, ch->GetEmpire());

            return (iExtraLen);


    Replace with it:




    if (pinfo->type == CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT)


            const int SHOUT_LIMIT_LEVEL = 15;

            if (ch->GetLevel() < SHOUT_LIMIT_LEVEL)


                ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("외치기는 레벨 %d 이상만 사용 가능 합니다."), SHOUT_LIMIT_LEVEL);

                return (iExtraLen);


            if (thecore_heart->pulse - (int) ch->GetLastShoutPulse() < passes_per_sec * 15)

                    return (iExtraLen);


            const char* kingdoms[4] = {"|cFF47DA00|H|h[GameMaster]|cFFA7FFD4|H|h","|cFFff0000|H|h[shinsoo]|cFFA7FFD4|H|h","|cFFFFFF00|H|h[Chunjo]|cFFA7FFD4|H|h","|cFF0080FF|H|h[Jinno]|cFFA7FFD4|H|h"};

            char chatbuf_global[CHAT_MAX_LEN + 1];

            int my_level = ch->GetLevel();

            if (gSpecialShout == 1)


                if (ch->GetGMLevel() != GM_PLAYER)


                    if (MasterGhostChat == 1)


                        int len_global = snprintf(chatbuf_global, sizeof(chatbuf_global), "%s : %s",kingdoms[0], buf);




                        if ((MasterColorEmpire == 1) and (MasterLevelChat == 0))


                            int len_global = snprintf(chatbuf_global, sizeof(chatbuf_global), "%s %s : %s",ch->GetName(), kingdoms[ch->GetEmpire()], buf);


                        else if ((MasterColorEmpire == 1) and (MasterLevelChat == 1))


                            int len_global = snprintf(chatbuf_global, sizeof(chatbuf_global), "%s %s [%d] : %s",ch->GetName(), kingdoms[ch->GetEmpire()], my_level, buf);


                        else if ((MasterColorEmpire == 0) and (MasterLevelChat == 1))


                            int len_global = snprintf(chatbuf_global, sizeof(chatbuf_global), "%s [%d] : %s",ch->GetName(), my_level, buf);




                            int len_global = snprintf(chatbuf_global, sizeof(chatbuf_global), "%s : %s",ch->GetName(), buf);






                    if ((PlayerColorEmpire == 1) and (PlayerLevelChat == 0))


                        int len_global = snprintf(chatbuf_global, sizeof(chatbuf_global), "%s %s : %s",ch->GetName(), kingdoms[ch->GetEmpire()], buf);


                    else if ((PlayerColorEmpire == 1) and (PlayerLevelChat == 1))


                        int len_global = snprintf(chatbuf_global, sizeof(chatbuf_global), "%s %s [%d] : %s",ch->GetName(), kingdoms[ch->GetEmpire()], my_level, buf);


                    else if ((PlayerColorEmpire == 0) and (PlayerLevelChat == 1))


                        int len_global = snprintf(chatbuf_global, sizeof(chatbuf_global), "%s [%d] : %s",ch->GetName(), my_level, buf);




                        int len_global = snprintf(chatbuf_global, sizeof(chatbuf_global), "%s : %s",ch->GetName(), buf);






                int len_global = snprintf(chatbuf_global, sizeof(chatbuf_global), "%s : %s",ch->GetName(), buf);


            TPacketGGShout p;

            p.bHeader = HEADER_GG_SHOUT;

            p.bEmpire = ch->GetEmpire();

            strlcpy(p.szText, chatbuf_global, sizeof(p.szText));

            P2P_MANAGER::instance().Send(&p, sizeof(TPacketGGShout));

            SendShout(chatbuf_global, ch->GetEmpire());

            return (iExtraLen);


    3) Add config function

    Open config.cpp




    int gShutdownEnable = 0;


    Add after:




    int gSpecialShout = 0;

    int MasterGhostChat = 0;

    int MasterColorEmpire = 0;

    int MasterLevelChat = 0;

    int PlayerColorEmpire = 0;

    int PlayerLevelChat = 0;


    Next search:






                bool b_value = 0;

                str_to_number(b_value, value_string);

                g_bEmpireWhisper = !!b_value;



    Add after:






                str_to_number(gSpecialShout, value_string);





                str_to_number(MasterGhostChat, value_string);





                str_to_number(MasterColorEmpire, value_string);





                str_to_number(MasterLevelChat, value_string);





                str_to_number(PlayerColorEmpire, value_string);





                str_to_number(PlayerLevelChat, value_string);



    Now open config.h




    extern int gPlayerMaxLevel;

    And add before:




    extern int gSpecialShout;

    extern int MasterGhostChat;

    extern int MasterColorEmpire;

    extern int MasterLevelChat;

    extern int PlayerColorEmpire;

    extern int PlayerLevelChat;

    4) Game CONFIG

    Open your CONFIG game and add:




    special_shout: 1

    gm_ghost_shout: 1

    gm_empire_shout: 1

    gm_level_shout: 1

    player_empire_shout: 1

    player_level_shout: 1





    special_shout - (0/1 Enable special chat functions) - default 0

    gm_ghost_shout - (0/1 Enable GM Ghost chat [GM chat is only [GameMaster] : text]) - default 0

    gm_empire_shout - (0/1 Enable GM empire with chat - only if gm_ghost_shout = 0) - default 0

    gm_level_shout - (0/1 Enable GM level with chat - only if gm_ghost_shout = 0) - default 0

    player_empire_shout - (0/1 Enable empire with player chat) - default 0

    player_level_shout - (0/1 Enable level with player chat) - default 0


    That's all, sorry for my bad english :-)

    Thx : Denis, Domco


    thank you :)

    np... :-)

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