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Remove icon effect +0 -> +9

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Hi! I have a problem with icon effect +0 - > +9 i can't find anywhere this system to remove it. I find it useless.

I searched the whole "client" after tga and I didn't find anything. I also searched the forum and found no identical code line.

For example, vnum 19 does not have in tga that +9, so being at each. How can I eliminate this useless system?


My case: https://metin2.download/picture/PkfNcC5UdYNQnfhpkDyyd0HlBoZLLyDc/.png



Specifically that it's not this system: https://metin2.download/picture/Jfn3B4u4jIKYrIjUH7TQqjBE7oTltOx4/.png

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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Hi mate,


I've never used the system but I found an image trying to find it, so open ui.py and look for something like:



If you still can't find it, let me know on Discord: Amun#3808 and I'll remove it for you..


Good Luck !


Edit: I forgot to tell you to also follow the code into your source(should be in eterPythonLib/PythonWIndowManagerModule.cpp) and get rid of the function from there as well. It doesn't affect keeping the function there but what's the point if you never use it, right ?

Edited by Amun
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2 hours ago, xGetHigh said:


it could be a possibility.


But for you,i think, open the ui.py and delete this



delete from setselect to end the function...i think the last 8 line from that function

Edited by Metin2 Dev
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source client: 

Open eterPythonLib / PythonSlotWindow.h  search and delate or coment:

CGraphicImageInstance * pInstanceLevel;

search now in the same file and delate or coment too:

void SetSlotLevelImage(DWORD dwIndex, CGraphicImage * levelImage);

Now open eterPythonLib / PythonSlotWindow.cpp and search and delate or coment:

Slot.pInstanceLevel = NULL;

Now search and delate or coment:

void CSlotWindow::SetSlotLevelImage(DWORD dwIndex, CGraphicImage * levelImage)
	TSlot * pSlot;
	if (!GetSlotPointer(dwIndex, &pSlot) || !levelImage)
	assert(NULL == pSlot->pInstanceLevel);
	pSlot->pInstanceLevel = CGraphicImageInstance::New();
	pSlot->pInstanceLevel->SetDiffuseColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);


Search and delate or coment:

if (pSlot->pInstanceLevel)
	pSlot->pInstanceLevel = NULL;

search and delate or coment:

if (rSlot.pInstanceLevel)
	rSlot.pInstanceLevel->SetPosition(m_rect.left + rSlot.ixPosition, (m_rect.top + rSlot.iyPosition + rSlot.byyPlacedItemSize*ITEM_HEIGHT) - 32);

Now Open eterPythonLib / PythonWindowManagerModule.cpp and search and delate or coment this:

PyObject * wndMgrSetSlotImage(PyObject * poSelf, PyObject * poArgs)
	UI::CWindow * pWin;
	if (!PyTuple_GetWindow(poArgs, 0, &pWin))
		return Py_BuildException();

	int iSlotIndex;
	if (!PyTuple_GetInteger(poArgs, 1, &iSlotIndex))
		return Py_BuildException();

	char * szImagePath;
	if (!PyTuple_GetString(poArgs, 2, &szImagePath))
		return Py_BuildException();

	if (!pWin->IsType(UI::CSlotWindow::Type()))
		return Py_BuildException();

	UI::CSlotWindow * pSlotWin = (UI::CSlotWindow *)pWin;
	CGraphicImage * pImage = (CGraphicImage *)CResourceManager::Instance().GetResourcePointer(szImagePath);
	if (!pImage)
		return Py_BuildException();
	pSlotWin->SetSlotLevelImage(iSlotIndex, pImage);
	return Py_BuildNone();

now search delate this or coment this:

{ "SetSlotLevelImage",            wndMgrSetSlotImage,                    METH_VARARGS },

 Now compile and go to root.py/ui.py and search and delate or coment this:

####Item level text/icon ###
		if itemNameP>0 and len(itemName)>itemNameP+1:
			if level.isdigit():
				wndMgr.SetSlotLevelImage(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber, ("icon/level/%d.tga"%int(level)))
####Item level text/icon END ###

go to icon and delate folder level.


Nicks: Nazox Krone Nagato Yahiko Yakiro
Proyecto: Trabajando en el.
Compañeros & firma: DreamHQ  - 2009-2015 [Nostalgia]

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