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Dead: DragonLair: Dragon killed by nobody syserr plz help

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hello every one

when kill blue dragon
i have the problem in syserr in channel 1 core 1

SYSERR: Mar 16 18:25:10 :: Dead: DragonLair: Dragon killed by nobody

or any mob kill no any thing (dorp and every thing no working)

my syslog core 1


my setting.lua


-- /goto #??
-- add_goto_info("string_type_name", 0, map_name, x, y)
add_goto_info("a1", 0, 1, 4693, 9642)
add_goto_info("a3", 0, 3, 3608, 8776)
add_goto_info("b1", 0, 21, 557, 1579)
add_goto_info("b3", 0, 23, 1385, 2349)
add_goto_info("c1", 0, 41, 9696, 2784)
add_goto_info("c3", 0, 43, 8731, 2426)
add_goto_info("snow", 1, 61, 4342, 2906)
add_goto_info("snow", 2, 61, 3752, 1749)
add_goto_info("snow", 3, 61, 4918, 1736)
add_goto_info("flame", 1, 62, 5994, 7563)
add_goto_info("flame", 2, 62, 5978, 6222)
add_goto_info("flame", 3, 62, 7307, 6898)
add_goto_info("desert", 1, 63, 2178, 6272)
add_goto_info("desert", 2, 63, 2219, 5027)
add_goto_info("desert", 3, 63, 3440, 5025)
add_goto_info("wedding", 0, 81, 8250, 25)
add_goto_info("three", 1, 64, 4021, 6739)
add_goto_info("three", 2, 64, 2704, 7399)
add_goto_info("three", 3, 64, 3213, 8080)
add_goto_info("milgyo", 1, 65, 5536, 1436)
add_goto_info("milgyo", 2, 65, 5536, 1436)
add_goto_info("milgyo", 3, 65, 5536, 1436)
add_goto_info("skel", 1, 65, 5905, 1108)
add_goto_info("skel", 2, 65, 5905, 1108)
add_goto_info("skel", 3, 65, 5905, 1108)

add_goto_info("trent", 0 , 67, 2887 , 57 )
add_goto_info("trent2",0 , 68, 11199 , 708 )
add_goto_info("sungzi",0 , 114, 9216+250, 0+250 )
add_goto_info("fp1", 0, 115, 10240+82, 1024+235 )
add_goto_info("fp2", 0, 116, 10240+82, 2048+235 )
add_goto_info("fp3", 0, 117, 10240+82, 2048+235 )
add_goto_info("fh1", 0, 118, 11264+250, 1024 + 800 )
add_goto_info("fh2", 0, 119, 11264+250, 2048 + 800 )
add_goto_info("fh3", 0, 120, 11264+250, 3072 + 800 )
add_goto_info("sungzisnow", 0,121, 11520+450, 0+250 )
add_goto_info("fs1", 0, 122, 11776+225, 1024 + 655 )
add_goto_info("fs2", 0, 123, 11776+225, 2048 + 655 )
add_goto_info("fs3", 0, 124, 11776+225, 3072 + 655 )

add_goto_info("sungzidesert", 0,125, 12288+450, 0+250 )
add_goto_info("fd1", 0, 126, 12288+225, 1024 + 655 )
add_goto_info("fd2", 0, 127, 12288+225, 2048 + 655 )
add_goto_info("fd3", 0, 128, 12288+225, 3072 + 655 )

add_goto_info("milgyomid|밀교사원중앙", 0 , 65, 5905,1106 )

add_goto_info("sd3|거미3", 0, 193, 959, 5710)

add_goto_info("dc1|아귀1", 0, 216, 3153 , 12095)
add_goto_info("dc2|아귀2", 0, 216, 3624 , 12078)
add_goto_info("dc3|아귀3", 0, 216, 4444 , 12281)
add_goto_info("dc4|아귀4", 0, 216, 3142 , 12611)
add_goto_info("dc5|아귀5", 0, 216, 3917 , 12927)
add_goto_info("dc6|아귀6", 0, 216, 4375 , 12736)
add_goto_info("dc7|아귀7", 0, 216, 3145 , 13188)

add_goto_info("a4|길드부지1", 0, 4, 2048, 2048)
add_goto_info("b4|길드부지2", 0, 26, 6144, 3840)
add_goto_info("c4|길드부지3", 0, 46, 2560, 8192)

add_goto_info("cape|용두곶", 0, 301, 11043, 17885)
add_goto_info("dawn|효무림", 0, 302, 12263, 16811)
add_goto_info("bay|흑사만", 0, 303, 10869, 16558)
add_goto_info("thunder|뇌성산", 0, 304, 11345, 16546)

add_goto_info("신밀교", 0, 78, 1536, 10496)
add_goto_info("신도염", 0, 75, 4608, 10496)
add_goto_info("신서한", 0, 74, 0 , 10496)
add_goto_info("신승룡", 0, 77, 6144, 10496)

--/add_goto_info("황무지", 0, 69, 10496, 7168) replaced with sneak
-- /add_goto_info("너슬럭", 0, 70, 8192, 7168) replaced with giant

add_goto_info("신수성", 0, 181, 9728, 1024)
add_goto_info("진노성", 0, 182, 9216, 1536)
add_goto_info("천조성", 0, 183, 9728, 1536)

add_goto_info("길드내부", 0, 150, 7936, 0)

add_goto_info("OX이벤트", 0, 113, 8964, 215)
add_goto_info("em1", 0, 181, 1024+225, 3328+225 )
add_goto_info("em1", 0, 182, 1792+225, 3328+225 )
add_goto_info("em1", 0, 183, 2560+225, 3328+225 )

add_goto_info("heaven|천1", 0, 64, 2842, 8105)
add_goto_info("heaven2|천2", 0, 73, 2418, 12750)
add_goto_info("heaven3|천용", 0, 208, 8192, 10496)

arena.add_map(112, 8534, 101, 8564, 101)
arena.add_map(112, 8584, 101, 8614, 101)
arena.add_map(112, 8534, 155, 8564, 155)
arena.add_map(112, 8584, 155, 8614, 155)

add_goto_info("OXEVENT", 0, 113, 8964, 215)

-- /goto GF special
-- /goto GF Monkey Dungeon
add_goto_info("MDred", 0, 5, 7752, 4482)
add_goto_info("MDyellow", 0, 25, 8521, 4482)
add_goto_info("MDblue", 0, 45, 9289, 4482)
add_goto_info("MDmiddle", 0, 108, 1352, 6532)
add_goto_info("MDexpert", 0, 109, 1353, 7299)
-- /goto GF Guildzone
add_goto_info("GZred", 0, 4, 1355, 49)
add_goto_info("GZyellow", 0, 24, 2215, 103)
add_goto_info("GZblue", 0, 44, 2715, 131)
-- /goto GF sneakfield
add_goto_info("sneak", 0, 69, 10590, 7262)
-- /goto GF Giant
add_goto_info("giant", 0, 70, 8192, 7168)
-- /goto GF SD1
add_goto_info("sd1", 0, 104, 600, 4970)
-- /goto GF SD2
add_goto_info("sd2", 0, 71, 7038, 4625)

add_goto_info("flamed|적룡성", 0, 351, 7777, 6504)

add_bgm_info( 1, "enter_the_east.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(21, "enter_the_east.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(41, "enter_the_east.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info( 3, "back_to_back.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(23, "back_to_back.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(43, "back_to_back.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(63, "open_the_gate.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(69, "open_the_gate.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(70, "open_the_gate.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(67, "a_rhapsody_of_war.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(68, "lost_my_name.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(65, "wonderland.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(61, "mountain_of_death.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(64, "save_me.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(74, "mountain_of_death.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(75, "follow_war_god.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(76, "mountain_of_death.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(77, "save_me.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(78, "wonderland.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(104, "Only_my_battle.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(62, "follow_war_god.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(66, "death_of_landmark.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(107, "monkey_temple.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(108, "monkey_temple.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(109, "monkey_temple.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(114, "last-war2.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(115, "last-war2.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(116, "last-war2.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(117, "last-war2.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(118, "last-war2.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(119, "last-war2.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(120, "last-war2.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(121, "last-war2.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(122, "last-war2.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(123, "last-war2.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(124, "last-war2.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(125, "last-war2.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(126, "last-war2.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(127, "last-war2.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(128, "last-war2.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(181, "last-war2.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(182, "last-war2.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(183, "last-war2.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(216, "catacomb_of_devil.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(71, "Only_my_battle.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(217, "Only_my_battle.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(301, "another_way.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(302, "misty_forest.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(303, "blacksea.mp3", 0.5);
add_bgm_info(304, "mt.mp3", 0.5);

dofile(get_locale_base_path().. "/quest/GFquestlib.lua")


my BlueDragon.lua


BlueDragonSetting = {}

BlueDragonSetting.hp_period = {}
BlueDragonSetting.hp_period[1] = {}
BlueDragonSetting.hp_period[1].min = 98
BlueDragonSetting.hp_period[1].max = 100
BlueDragonSetting.hp_period[1].pct = 0
BlueDragonSetting.hp_period[2] = {}
BlueDragonSetting.hp_period[2].min = 76
BlueDragonSetting.hp_period[2].max = 97
BlueDragonSetting.hp_period[2].pct = 0
BlueDragonSetting.hp_period[3] = {}
BlueDragonSetting.hp_period[3].min = 31
BlueDragonSetting.hp_period[3].max = 75
BlueDragonSetting.hp_period[3].pct = 15
BlueDragonSetting.hp_period[4] = {}
BlueDragonSetting.hp_period[4].min = 0
BlueDragonSetting.hp_period[4].max = 30
BlueDragonSetting.hp_period[4].pct = 30

BlueDragonSetting.hp_damage = {}
BlueDragonSetting.hp_damage[1] = {}
BlueDragonSetting.hp_damage[1].min = 98
BlueDragonSetting.hp_damage[1].max = 100
BlueDragonSetting.hp_damage[1].pct = 0
BlueDragonSetting.hp_damage[2] = {}
BlueDragonSetting.hp_damage[2].min = 76
BlueDragonSetting.hp_damage[2].max = 97
BlueDragonSetting.hp_damage[2].pct = 0
BlueDragonSetting.hp_damage[3] = {}
BlueDragonSetting.hp_damage[3].min = 31
BlueDragonSetting.hp_damage[3].max = 75
BlueDragonSetting.hp_damage[3].pct = 10
BlueDragonSetting.hp_damage[4] = {}
BlueDragonSetting.hp_damage[4].min = 30
BlueDragonSetting.hp_damage[4].max = 0
BlueDragonSetting.hp_damage[4].pct = 20

BlueDragonSetting.hp_regen = {}
BlueDragonSetting.hp_regen[1] = {}
BlueDragonSetting.hp_regen[1].min = 98
BlueDragonSetting.hp_regen[1].max = 100
BlueDragonSetting.hp_regen[1].pct = 0
BlueDragonSetting.hp_regen[2] = {}
BlueDragonSetting.hp_regen[2].min = 76
BlueDragonSetting.hp_regen[2].max = 97
BlueDragonSetting.hp_regen[2].pct = 4
BlueDragonSetting.hp_regen[3] = {}
BlueDragonSetting.hp_regen[3].min = 31
BlueDragonSetting.hp_regen[3].max = 75
BlueDragonSetting.hp_regen[3].pct = 8
BlueDragonSetting.hp_regen[4] = {}
BlueDragonSetting.hp_regen[4].min = 30
BlueDragonSetting.hp_regen[4].max = 0
BlueDragonSetting.hp_regen[4].pct = 12

BlueDragonSetting.Skill0 = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.period = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.period.min = 30
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.period.max = 35
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.damage_area = 50*100
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.default_damage = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.default_damage.min = 4500
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.default_damage.max = 6000
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.damage = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.damage.musa = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.damage.musa.min = 10
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.damage.musa.max = 15
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.damage.assa = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.damage.assa.min = 10
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.damage.assa.max = 15
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.damage.sura = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.damage.sura.min = 10
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.damage.sura.max = 15
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.damage.muda = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.damage.muda.min = 10
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.damage.muda.max = 15
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.gender = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.gender.male = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.gender.male.min = 10
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.gender.male.max = 15
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.gender.female = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.gender.female.min = 10
BlueDragonSetting.Skill0.gender.female.max = 15

BlueDragonSetting.Skill1 = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill1.period = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill1.period.min = 10
BlueDragonSetting.Skill1.period.max = 15
BlueDragonSetting.Skill1.damage_area = 35*100
BlueDragonSetting.Skill1.default_damage = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill1.default_damage.min = 6000
BlueDragonSetting.Skill1.default_damage.max = 9000

BlueDragonSetting.Skill2 = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.period = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.period.min = 35
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.period.max = 45
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.damage_area = 30*100
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.default_damage = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.default_damage.min = 2500
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.default_damage.max = 4000
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.stun_time = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.stun_time.default = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.stun_time.default.min = 1
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.stun_time.default.max = 2
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.stun_time.musa = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.stun_time.musa.min = 1
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.stun_time.musa.max = 2
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.stun_time.assa = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.stun_time.assa.min = 1
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.stun_time.assa.max = 2
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.stun_time.sura = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.stun_time.sura.min = 1
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.stun_time.sura.max = 2
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.stun_time.muda = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.stun_time.muda.min = 1
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.stun_time.muda.max = 2
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.gender = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.gender.male = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.gender.male.min = 1
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.gender.male.max = 2
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.gender.female = {}
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.gender.female.min = 1
BlueDragonSetting.Skill2.gender.female.max = 2

BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone = {}

BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[1] = {}
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[1].vnum = 8031
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[1].effect_type = 1
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[1].val = 25
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[1].enemy = 20110
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[1].enemy_val = 3
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[2] = {}
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[2].vnum = 8032
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[2].effect_type = 2
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[2].val = 25
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[2].enemy = 20111
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[2].enemy_val = 3
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[3] = {}
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[3].vnum = 8033
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[3].effect_type = 3
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[3].val = 20
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[3].enemy = 20112
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[3].enemy_val = 3
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[4] = {}
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[4].vnum = 8034
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[4].effect_type = 4
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[4].val = 10
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[4].enemy = 20113
BlueDragonSetting.DragonStone[4].enemy_val = 3




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