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Game Server








Found 6 results

  1. Hello fine people, A little bit of context, recently we have been talking with @ msnas about doing an action upon server closure. Which is what the db/game should be doing by default when it exits MainLoop. However, I noticed that because of the way I shutdown my core, I wasn't receiving the right signal and was exiting the server before I can do any other actions. He then told me that he noticed this issue a long time ago because it was also present for him, only on Windows. Well, after a little bit of digging, I noticed that the signal was simply not handled on a Windows server. So here is a rudimentary (but working) signal management for Windows. I guess you can still rewrite the whole thing using more modern stuff like boost signal. But so far so good. Please not that you should close your db / game using CTRL+C or CTRL+BREAK if you want to gracefully shutdown. As a forced closure (closing the window, shutdown or task manager) would still not allow for the server to properly close, notably because it doesn't give enough grace time. So, here is the fix: Have a nice day!
  2. This tutorial is going to teach you how to compile, run and configure a server on Windows. I needed something like this a few days ago and since it doesn't exist, I decided to make it There is no addition or modification in the source or client (except for small bonuses). 0. Beginning At the end of the topic there will be two links where you will need to download: Client + Server + Source MySQL The client is based on the Metin2 Client fur r40250, I just edited it to have the classic format. Regardless the Server and Client source. 1. The files We will need to download the following files: Visual Studio Community 2019 - In order to compile both the server and the binary, we're going to need this MySQL - Connect and create the database 2. Installing The installation is easy enough for me to consider that I don't need to spend much time on this, however I hope this two pictures will facilitate (more) on what you need to do: Visual Studio Community Note: You actually just need the MSVC v142, C++ CMake, C++ ATL, C++ MFC and C++/CLI for this to work MySQL: Warning: In this tutorial we're going to use Mysql Server 5.7.33 X64 but you can (must) upgrade it to 8.0 2.1 Installing Server / Client / Database Here you need to pay attention because there's a limitation: Warning: You must unzip the file "dev" on C:\ If you don't want, follow the Mali61's topic and you need to create manually the symlinks for each core on the server. This is how it should be. Client: There isn't much to say, in pack/ you already have root and locale_de unpacked but since this is going to be localhost only, you don't need to change nothing on the serverinfo.py Bonus: I translated the client to English, just because Database: 1) Windows Key + R and write services.msc 2) Search for MySQL57 (or the version you installed) and click on Stop Since Im portuguese, yeah 3) Go to directory C:\ProgramData\MySQL 4) In the folder MySQL Server 5.7 (or the version you installed) and in the folder Data, paste the files you previously downloaded and unziped from mysql_dev.rar 5) On services.msc, start the MySQL process Back it again with the portuguese Server: These images are referenced in each core's CONFIG and conf.txt, respectively where the location is on directory C:\dev\2. Server. Warning: Don't forget to change the MySQL's user password! You need to put the same password you had when installing the MySQL. 3. Compile Server / Client Source There is nothing introductory since it is something very simple that you will be able to. Server: It's quite simple, to build the server source, we just need to open the file dev_server.sln which is located in C:\dev\1. Svn\Server\build You can build all at once or separately. Bonus: I linked the files to go to the directory C:\dev\2. Server\share\ so you don't need to c&p multiple times. Client: Same as before, open the dev_solution.sln which is located in C:\dev\1. Svn\Client Since I have a good computer, I enabled the multi-processor compilation option. If your computer is very slow while you are compiling, I suggest you deactivate by going to Properties in all the builds. 4. Starting the Server On the main directory of the server (C:\dev\2. Server) you'll have 2 bat files: start.bat* - As the name says, it will start the server clear.bat - It will clear all the server's logs * I forgot the make it dynamic so if you don't want to have on the C:\dev, you'll need to change the directory. Execute start.bat and it will show up first the db.exe, then auth's game.exe and last channel1's game.exe And there you have it, your server is now online! 5. Debug You can debug by going to Debug -> Start New Instance Bonus: I linked everything so you don't have to worry about anything 5. Credits I like to say that I don't know anything about anything and as such, everything here has its credits. @Mali61 - Client/Server compilable with VS2019 (Server & Client) @Karbust - If it wasn't for him, I couldn't have done this ThatGuyPT - The base was from his Windows Serverfiles 6. FAQ Q: Why didn't you use xampp instead of MySQL? A: At the moment I use MySQL a lot even outside of Metin2, so it makes more sense to me that it be this way. However, it is exactly the same, especially on localhost. Q: Can I migrate the source to FreeBSD? A: Yes, you can! As long as you have cmake configured, you can distribute to FreeBSD and use it there. Q: What is the id and password to enter the game? (I put this question because I know there will be someone asking this) A: You can create an account in the database, but you can use id: admin pw: 123 7. Links dev - mysql_dev All In One (Internal) If you have any questions that I can answer, feel free to write a post here.
  3. Yo, This may be useful to someone. Preview: Download Software: [Hidden Content]
  4. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) & Download Here ( GitHub ) Hi guys, Today I'm gonna show you how to build enhanceMT server sources on Windows. Read carefully 1. Softwares needed Git : [Hidden Content] CMake : [Hidden Content] Visual Studio (Express) 2013 : [Hidden Content] 2. Get the sources First, create a new folder where you want to checkout the sources then open "Git Bash". A command prompt will open, now you need to go in your folder with the "cd" command. An easy way to do it is to write "cd " (with space after "cd") and drag/drop the folder in the command prompt. The path will be automatically added. Press "Enter". In the command prompt write the following command to checkout the sources from our repo (you need to register here : [Hidden Content] git clone [Hidden Content] Wait until the download is finished then go into the sources folder "Server" : cd Server Finally get the needed headers and libs with the command below : git clone [Hidden Content] 3. Configure the solution with CMake Open CMake and choose the path where the source code is (Server folder) and choose the "Server/build" folder for the "Where to build the binaries" field : Click on "Configure" and choose your compiler (Visual Studio (Express) 2013) then press "Finish" : Finally click on "Generate" to build the solution and check that you don't get any errors : 4. Let's build it ! You'll find the VS solution in the folder "Server/build", open "enhanceMT.sln" with Visual Studio (Express) 2013 : In the menu, choose "Release" mode and click on "Build -> Build solution" (or press F7). When building is done you'll find the "db.exe" and "game.exe" binaries in the folder "Server/build/bin/Release". And that's it ! It wasn't to hard right ? I just want you to remember that enhanceMT is an open source and community project, everyone can work on it. So if you have any suggestions, bugs, fix, etc. just open an issue on GitHub here : [Hidden Content]). Sgt Fatality
  5. So guys today i will u show how to make an "D:" Partition. Maybe anyone needs it for the WorldEditor or anything else that have to do With Metin2 or else, its usefull for anyone maybe. So first we check if u have already a "D:" format on your PC Check any HDD or Mediumdrive have the name "D:" If you have already the following name anywhere with "D:" so do this steps: > "Start + R" and type "diskmgmt.msc" then "OK" > "Rightclick on the D: part" and select "Drive letter and- paths change" > Click on "Change" and select on the List another driveletter like "P" than click on "OK" Otherwise if u dont have any Partition or Mediumdrive with "D:" do that: > "Rightclick on any Partition that have enough Space" then select "minimize Volume" > "1 GB" = "1024MB" so "10 GB" = "10240 MB" > Type on the field how much MB u want to minimize the Partition and click on "Minimize" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Windows 8 User have to do that now => Rightclick on the black free spacefield => New easy Volume Windows 8 User have to do that now => Select "New Partition / Unallocated" => Rightclick => New easy Volume ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > At last click on "OK" and finished => If u want u can change the Fileformat with ur own risk
  6. Today I'm gonna show you how to compile the mainline_released client binary. Tools we will need: VS2008,Visual Studio 2008 SP1 We will need to make two folders on our hard drive for example include_stuff and lib_stuff after that we go to srcnovalineSrcsToolsWorldEditorexterninclude and copy all that things into include_stuff next go to srcnovalineSrcsToolsWorldEditorexternlib and copy all that things into lib_stuff next open srcnovalineSrcsToolsRAD Game Toolsgrannycommongranny_common_2_9_12_0_release.zip go to lib then win32 and copy all that into lib_stuff next go to srcnovalineSrcsExternlib and copy all into lib_stuff after this go to srcnovalineSrcsExterninclude and copy all into include_stuff In VS 2008 go to Tools->Options->Project and Solutions->VC++ Directories=>Select Include files and include there your include_stuff folder then select Library files and include there your lib_stuff files. Finally we did it Select to release mode and press ctrl+shift+b Kind Regards, Denic
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