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Everything posted by Hik

  1. Is it possible to compile with visual studio and then use the compiled files in freebsd? Obviously not by generating an exe file.
  2. Thanks, that was annoying!
  3. Could someone who fixed bug #2 kindly post the solution?
  4. I was familiar with this bug as well as having experienced it. Someone claimed it was due to the random drop when trying to get the key. Thanks for the release !!!
  5. Thank you very much, I will more than gladly replace the code!
  6. In the end i used this: int random_drop(int min, int max) { std::random_device device; std::mt19937 generator(device()); std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(min, max); return distribution(generator); }
  7. Thanks, I followed the code structure you posted ? I get some sort of warning at this line: do you know how to solve? m_pointsInstant.playerSlots-> wDSItemGrid [wCell] = 0; Buffer Overrun: When accessing m_pointsInstant.playerSlots-> wDSItemGrid, the non-write protected size is 1920 bytes, but it is possible to write to wcell.
  8. I think you can also delete passpod, openid, teen packet, vcard, aucion, login_sim etc.
  9. Thanks! I have already entered the code, soon I will try it !!
  10. I think the problem is another: Unfortunately I was unable to solve with the first solution and I fell back on the second: PythonUtils.cpp // Python int too large to convert to C long #define PyLong_AsLong PyLong_AsLongLong #define PyLong_AsUnsignedLong PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong
  11. After compiling, if I try to start the launcher, I get this error: LoginWindow.__LoadScript.LoadObject - <type 'exceptions.OverflowError'>:Python int too large to convert to C long Can you tell me if it depends on my client?
  12. So, I was able to put the reload in and it seems to work perfectly. Unfortunately, however, when I try to buy an item that costs another item, it tells me that I don't have enough yang. UP:FIXED
  13. Thanks, it will definitely be useful
  14. Why? In the comments someone wrote a code to do it, I'll try that.
  15. I hope that in the next update it will also be possible to compile the server sources via visual studio.
  16. I believe there is a problem with this code. The shop_table_ex.txt file is reload but Mali's shop_ex_renewal uses a sql table.
  17. Here it says it updated the code but there is no trace of any reload commands. I had seen the code you quoted.
  18. It is precisely because I cannot see in the src that I ask
  19. With which command does the reload start? /reload p?
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