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About rafa23alzira

  • Birthday January 1


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  1. Thanks, after test edit this comment Edit: Thanks Denis, function perfect
  2. Thanks hachiwari, now 2 functions is correct, but in change_money when use the money change in database but no in game, if after use guild.get_gold return the old money.
  3. Hi, i create 2 functions for questlua_guild but no function. My c++ level is -1 First function: guild.get_gold() - For get the gold of guild, no return nothing. int guild_get_gold(lua_State* L) { luaL_checknumber(L, 1); CGuild * pkGuild = CGuildManager::instance().FindGuild((DWORD) lua_tonumber(L, 1)); if (pkGuild) lua_pushnumber(L, pkGuild->GetGuildMoney()); else lua_pushnumber(L, 0); return 1; } Second function: guild.change_money() For change the money of guild, crash server int guild_change_money(lua_State * L) { int gold = (int)lua_tonumber(L, -1); //LPCHARACTER ch = q.GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); CGuild * pkGuild = CGuildManager::instance().FindGuild((DWORD) lua_tonumber(L, 1)); if (gold + pkGuild->GetGuildMoney() < 0) sys_err("QUEST wrong ChangeGold %d (now %d)", gold, pkGuild->GetGuildMoney()); else{ DBManager::instance().Query("UPDATE guild%s SET gold=%d WHERE name = '%s'", get_table_postfix(), gold, pkGuild->GetName()); } return 0; } Game compile perfect. Thanks
  4. Thanks masodikbela, after compile and test write pm to you
  5. Hi all, my question is the next: Is possible create two new functions for quest, pc.get_otherpc_quest_flag and pc.set_otherpc_quest_flag Same pc.getf and pc.setf, but for others players. pc.get_otherpc_quest_flag(namepc,namequest,questqf) pc.set_otherpc_quest_flag(namepc,namequest,questqf,value) Thanks.
  6. Hi metin2dev, i'm search the mode for send variable text/number from client to quest. This is necessary for send opponent id guild to quest Example: def testreturn(self,guildID): return str(guildID) And quest local op = cmdchat("testreturn") chat("The id is "..op.."") Sorry for mi english
  7. Good system, come hai fatto per mettere il livello prima dal nome dal personaggio?
  8. Compile your own client binary or use the fixed version Link for fixed version? Thanks
  9. Hi Vanilla, say function for color (title, reward and others) works like normal say, in ​​white.
  10. Hi, I have tried to find a solution to this error "Do not open file (locale / germany / forkedmapindex.txt)" but I have not found a solution, if anyone can give me an answer would be very gratefully. The file if it is on the route. I tested with multiple files and that is not. Thank you very much. Sorry for my english.
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