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Everything posted by Coniesan

  1. Hey folks, In this thread I wanna present you a perhaps already known tool I built in 2017 which was improved over the years since then. Many projects already used/using it and now I wanna give everybody the possibility to improve your servers presentation in each and every board. Like many of you I was confronted with the problem having a server presentation in multiple languages and had to put all the images in spoilers for different target group. Depending on how spoilers, or images in them are pre-loaded, this not only makes the pages load heavy, it also runs in the problem of having to change the whole presentation for one forgotten feature, re-slice and many more issues! And here is my solution for this: https://i.l4f.cc/?dir=presentation&id=51&type=gif Full Image Preview Image sliced by script for board/forums Temporary changing language for debugging, testing or demo Magic - changing presentation language permanently Optional Mobile compression for faster loading man page: 1st visit sets the language you get presented by browser language. If your specific language isn't supported, it automatically falls back to a language YOU define (default: english). If an image in a specific language is missing it automatically uses the fallback language. Images get cached after first render/slice process to reduce CPU load Language changes with the "lang_select" parameter are permanent and cross board/forums OPTIONAL: There is a feature to combine an "background" image and "text" image with transparency. (depending on who designs u'r presentation and how YOU wanna handle it!) OPTIONAL: gif animations can have multi language select, too OPTIONAL: gif animations can have a mobile alternative (PNG) image to reduce bandwith OPTIONAL *new*: Gif animations now can be compressed for mobile users Mobile compression can be deactivated Mobile compression rate is variable If you have any further questions or improvements to the current environment, let me know Kind regards Coniesan aka. luki4fun Update 1: Added mobile compression for gif animations Optional animation compression for mobile
  2. Hey @all after some servers asked me to be more like the official wiki (in style) I started to adapt and implement some new features to the wiki back- & frontend to get the results like wanted! As an example I implemented an extended Item-List overview and some performance improvements coming with that! Just check it out and remember: It is a DEMO (style is not set to stone) and some data could be missing or not be shown (cause of non existing maps for example) Metin2 Wiki DEMO have fun exploring it Kind regards
  3. Service is still up2date after some performance optimizations, I've nearly completed the dark mode theme & finished some ideas I had here a small look into the admin area: some changes for item output: here some screens of the commentary system (full BB Code support + own internal [item] & [monster] Tag)
  4. ehm... there is an option for server specific (hardcoded) changes or additional files. So if u created u'r own drop file/system, it's a work of ~5min to implement
  5. Hey @all, A view weeks ago I started to create a V2 of my old Wiki Environment. (It is a monthly payed service, hosted on my own servers) Current features (not detailed): Full Monster/Item Data Displaying Multi-Language System Searching for Monsters/Items Writing Guides (with Monster/Item association) Commentary-System like Reddit (every comment can be commented recursivly) API Login via currently visiting M2-Servers login (no extra registration) (Optional) 3D Peview of all Objects (have to be converted from gr2 into any WebGL compatible format) (Admin) Blacklisting Monsters/Items for easy update handling (Admin) Moderation of written guides (Admin) Moderation of written comments Responsive default design (will be customizable in the future like WordPress) Used Files (example for english [en] language): ./item_list.txt ./item_proto.txt ./mob_proto.txt ./en/item_names.txt ./en/itemdesc.txt ./en/mob_names.txt ./en/item_attr.txt (example below) ./en/map_names.txt (example below) ./icons/[all_icons].png ./locale/cube.txt ./locale/common_drop.txt ./locale/fishing.txt ./locale/group.txt ./locale/group_group.txt ./locale/mob_drop_item.txt ./locale/special_item_group.txt ./locale/map/[all_map_folder] ./locale/map/index DM me for more information Kind regards Coniesan aka. luki4fun Images (using demo server files and only a small preview)
  6. lol sry @all but try this Go to char.cpp (serverside) there u have your "INSERT" Query // Insert char szQuery2[512]; snprintf(szQuery2, sizeof(szQuery2), "INSERT INTO %soffline_shop_npc(owner_id, sign, name, time, x, y, z, mapIndex, channel) VALUES(%u, '%s', '%s', %d, %ld, %ld, %ld, %ld, %d)", get_table_postfix(), GetPlayerID(), c_pszSign, GetName(), iTime, GetX(), GetY(), GetZ(), GetMapIndex(), g_bChannel); DBManager::Instance().DirectQuery(szQuery2); replace it with: // Insert char szSign2[SHOP_SIGN_MAX_LEN+1]; DBManager::instance().EscapeString(szSign2, sizeof(szSign2), c_pszSign, strlen(c_pszSign)); char szQuery2[512]; snprintf(szQuery2, sizeof(szQuery2), "INSERT INTO %soffline_shop_npc(owner_id, sign, name, time, x, y, z, mapIndex, channel) VALUES(%u, '%s', '%s', %d, %ld, %ld, %ld, %ld, %d)", get_table_postfix(), GetPlayerID(), szSign2, GetName(), iTime, GetX(), GetY(), GetZ(), GetMapIndex(), g_bChannel); DBManager::Instance().DirectQuery(szQuery2); the "DBManager::instance().EscapeString()" methode should be default in your db.h So have fun
  7. It looks nice But u have to be careful, cause of Copyright of Nintendo... If you (perhaps) remember, some months ago, someone started a project on kickstarter, for a Minecraft movie! Notch stopped this project after a few hours....!
  8. #updated: added "darkstat" as traffic monitor
  9. Try this: env | grep -i shell the output should be: SHELL=/bin/csh But the default output (for normal useres) is: SHELL=/bin/sh Execute this in command line: chsh -s /bin/csh And the prompt will change after su or relogg on the user Like this:
  10. Here I found the complete lib archive on my server: [Hidden Content] Just download and extract it in your lib folder (on i386 I thought it was in /lib) cd /lib fetch [Hidden Content] tar xzvf 64bit_libs.tgz rm 64bit_libs.tgz
  11. I thought, this are the basics you should know if you work with the command line...! You can use almost everything on linux systems, too (some even on windows) If someone have a command, or an other question, how he/she can do anything with command line, I'll in the future add commands and/or ways how to do or deal with it #Edit: Thanks, my mistake, edited it
  12. Hey @ all, I hope a thread like this doesn't exist right now! Introduction: Here u'll find some basics you should know, and some things which makes your life easier! So let's go: First of all, the command-line! If you often uses putty (or s.th. else) it helped me a lot to change the default prompt! Here my favorite: Second thing is the SCP Service! Most of u know "winscp" which is based on the unix scp service! Here some helpful commands: To get all important CPU informations, you can use this: If you wanna know s.th. about your used memory(RAM/SWAP) and so on, you can install "free" (which is a basic command on linux) It's an perl script, so you have to install perl if you doesn't One more thing is the traffic! Kind regards
  13. Hey @ all For that people who are using Debian 6 and Apache could this be very nice! People who are using nginx, you are normaly safe, but if you fuck your configs up, slowloris can be a problem for you, too 1. What is slowloris? Slowloris is a perl script, which allows you to open hundreds of sessions on your webserver and hold them open! So your webserver crashes if it reaches ~700 connections at the same time 2. How to fix it? 1. Download and extract the mod wget ftp://ftp.monshouwer.eu/pub/linux/mod_antiloris/mod_antiloris-0.4.tar.bz2 tar -jxvvf mod_antiloris-0.4.tar.bz2 cd mod_antiloris-0.4/ 2. Install the compile kit: apt-get install gcc apache2-threaded-dev3. compile mod_antiloris /usr/bin/apxs2 -i -c mod_antiloris.c4. import the mod to apache echo "LoadModule antiloris_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_antiloris.so" > /etc/apache2/mods-available/antiloris.load a2enmod antiloris5. restart it /etc/init.d/apache2 restartI hope you enjoy it!Kind regards
  14. @iRemix, no "pkg_add" isn't rly secure, cause it won't compile the mysql files, so if the host uses modified kernels it could be, that the mysql bin doesn't work anymore with this kind of install! @Rumor, please don't give the external mysql users grant option... that's evil and not rly safe! You additionaly shouldn't give the M2 User grant option, cause, FOR WHAT HE SHOULD NEED IT?! Hacking database, if u useing a modified game/db core with evil backdoor functions? And for the Web-server ... I personally am of the opinion, FreeBSD isn't an OS for webhosting... I often had problems cause of missing pkg's or s.th. else... Kind regards
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