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Everything posted by UNK3N0W7

  1. Good Post I like Good Joob
  2. when I press these buttons the server goes down Messenger , Guild , Group : My sysser : 0422 18:50:12775 :: CreateFromMemoryFile: Cannot create texture 0422 18:51:15460 :: uiWhisper.py(line:86) LoadDialog ui.py(line:2623) GetChild DialogWindow.LoadDialog.BindObject - exceptions.KeyError:reportviolentwhisperbutton 0422 18:51:15460 :: ============================================================================================================ 0422 18:51:15460 :: Abort!!!! My uiWhisper.py : import ui import net import chat import player import app import locale import ime import chr class WhisperButton(ui.Button): def __init__(self): ui.Button.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") def __del__(self): ui.Button.__del__(self) def SetToolTipText(self, text, x=0, y = 32): ui.Button.SetToolTipText(self, text, x, y) self.ToolTipText.Show() def SetToolTipTextWithColor(self, text, color, x=0, y = 32): ui.Button.SetToolTipText(self, text, x, y) self.ToolTipText.SetPackedFontColor(color) self.ToolTipText.Show() def ShowToolTip(self): if 0 != self.ToolTipText: self.ToolTipText.Show() def HideToolTip(self): if 0 != self.ToolTipText: self.ToolTipText.Show() class WhisperDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): class TextRenderer(ui.Window): def SetTargetName(self, targetName): self.targetName = targetName def OnRender(self): (x, y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() chat.RenderWhisper(self.targetName, x, y) class ResizeButton(ui.DragButton): def __init__(self): ui.DragButton.__init__(self) def __del__(self): ui.DragButton.__del__(self) def OnMouseOverIn(self): app.SetCursor(app.HVSIZE) def OnMouseOverOut(self): app.SetCursor(app.NORMAL) def __init__(self, eventMinimize, eventClose): print "NEW WHISPER DIALOG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) self.targetName = "" self.eventMinimize = eventMinimize self.eventClose = eventClose self.eventAcceptTarget = None def __del__(self): print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE WHISPER DIALOG" ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) def LoadDialog(self): try: pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/WhisperDialog.py") except: import exception exception.Abort("WhisperDialog.LoadDialog.LoadScript") try: GetObject=self.GetChild self.titleName = GetObject("titlename") self.titleNameEdit = GetObject("titlename_edit") self.closeButton = GetObject("closebutton") self.scrollBar = GetObject("scrollbar") self.chatLine = GetObject("chatline") self.minimizeButton = GetObject("minimizebutton") self.ignoreButton = GetObject("ignorebutton") self.reportViolentWhisperButton = GetObject("reportviolentwhisperbutton") self.acceptButton = GetObject("acceptbutton") self.sendButton = GetObject("sendbutton") self.board = GetObject("board") self.editBar = GetObject("editbar") self.gamemasterMark = GetObject("gamemastermark") except: import exception exception.Abort("DialogWindow.LoadDialog.BindObject") self.gamemasterMark.Hide() self.titleName.SetText("") self.titleNameEdit.SetText("") self.minimizeButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Minimize)) self.closeButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) self.scrollBar.SetPos(1.0) self.scrollBar.SetScrollEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnScroll)) self.chatLine.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SendWhisper)) self.chatLine.SetEscapeEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Minimize)) self.chatLine.SetMultiLine() self.sendButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SendWhisper)) self.titleNameEdit.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.AcceptTarget)) self.titleNameEdit.SetEscapeEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) self.ignoreButton.SetToggleDownEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.IgnoreTarget)) self.ignoreButton.SetToggleUpEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.IgnoreTarget)) self.reportViolentWhisperButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ReportViolentWhisper)) self.acceptButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.AcceptTarget)) self.textRenderer = self.TextRenderer() self.textRenderer.SetParent(self) self.textRenderer.SetPosition(20, 28) self.textRenderer.SetTargetName("") self.textRenderer.Show() self.resizeButton = self.ResizeButton() self.resizeButton.SetParent(self) self.resizeButton.SetSize(20, 20) self.resizeButton.SetPosition(280, 180) self.resizeButton.SetMoveEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ResizeWhisperDialog)) self.resizeButton.Show() self.ResizeWhisperDialog() def Destroy(self): self.eventMinimize = None self.eventClose = None self.eventAcceptTarget = None self.ClearDictionary() self.scrollBar.Destroy() self.titleName = None self.titleNameEdit = None self.closeButton = None self.scrollBar = None self.chatLine = None self.sendButton = None self.ignoreButton = None self.reportViolentWhisperButton = None self.acceptButton = None self.minimizeButton = None self.textRenderer = None self.board = None self.editBar = None self.resizeButton = None def ResizeWhisperDialog(self): (xPos, yPos) = self.resizeButton.GetLocalPosition() if xPos < 280: self.resizeButton.SetPosition(280, yPos) return if yPos < 150: self.resizeButton.SetPosition(xPos, 150) return self.SetWhisperDialogSize(xPos + 20, yPos + 20) def SetWhisperDialogSize(self, width, height): try: max = int((width-90)/6) * 3 - 6 self.board.SetSize(width, height) self.scrollBar.SetPosition(width-25, 35) self.scrollBar.SetScrollBarSize(height-100) self.scrollBar.SetPos(1.0) self.editBar.SetSize(width-18, 50) self.chatLine.SetSize(width-90, 40) self.chatLine.SetLimitWidth(width-90) self.SetSize(width, height) if 0 != self.targetName: chat.SetWhisperBoxSize(self.targetName, width - 50, height - 90) if locale.IsARABIC(): self.textRenderer.SetPosition(width-20, 28) self.scrollBar.SetPosition(width-25+self.scrollBar.GetWidth(), 35) self.editBar.SetPosition(10 + self.editBar.GetWidth(), height-60) self.sendButton.SetPosition(width - 80 + self.sendButton.GetWidth(), 10) self.minimizeButton.SetPosition(width-42 + self.minimizeButton.GetWidth(), 12) self.closeButton.SetPosition(width-24+self.closeButton.GetWidth(), 12) self.chatLine.SetPosition(5 + self.chatLine.GetWidth(), 5) self.board.SetPosition(self.board.GetWidth(), 0) else: self.textRenderer.SetPosition(20, 28) self.scrollBar.SetPosition(width-25, 35) self.editBar.SetPosition(10, height-60) self.sendButton.SetPosition(width-80, 10) self.minimizeButton.SetPosition(width-42, 12) self.closeButton.SetPosition(width-24, 12) self.SetChatLineMax(max) except: import exception exception.Abort("WhisperDialog.SetWhisperDialogSize.BindObject") def SetChatLineMax(self, max): self.chatLine.SetMax(max) from grpText import GetSplitingTextLine text = self.chatLine.GetText() if text: self.chatLine.SetText(GetSplitingTextLine(text, max, 0)) def OpenWithTarget(self, targetName): chat.CreateWhisper(targetName) chat.SetWhisperBoxSize(targetName, self.GetWidth() - 60, self.GetHeight() - 90) self.chatLine.SetFocus() self.titleName.SetText(targetName) self.targetName = targetName self.textRenderer.SetTargetName(targetName) self.titleNameEdit.Hide() self.ignoreButton.Hide() if app.IsDevStage(): self.reportViolentWhisperButton.Show() else: self.reportViolentWhisperButton.Hide() self.acceptButton.Hide() self.gamemasterMark.Hide() self.minimizeButton.Show() def OpenWithoutTarget(self, event): self.eventAcceptTarget = event self.titleName.SetText("") self.titleNameEdit.SetText("") self.titleNameEdit.SetFocus() self.targetName = 0 self.titleNameEdit.Show() self.ignoreButton.Hide() self.reportViolentWhisperButton.Hide() self.acceptButton.Show() self.minimizeButton.Hide() self.gamemasterMark.Hide() def SetGameMasterLook(self): self.gamemasterMark.Show() self.reportViolentWhisperButton.Hide() def Minimize(self): self.titleNameEdit.KillFocus() self.chatLine.KillFocus() self.Hide() if None != self.eventMinimize: self.eventMinimize(self.targetName) def Close(self): chat.ClearWhisper(self.targetName) self.titleNameEdit.KillFocus() self.chatLine.KillFocus() self.Hide() if None != self.eventClose: self.eventClose(self.targetName) def ReportViolentWhisper(self): net.SendChatPacket("/reportviolentwhisper " + self.targetName) def IgnoreTarget(self): net.SendChatPacket("/ignore " + self.targetName) def AcceptTarget(self): name = self.titleNameEdit.GetText() if len(name) <= 0: self.Close() return if None != self.eventAcceptTarget: self.titleNameEdit.KillFocus() self.eventAcceptTarget(name) def OnScroll(self): chat.SetWhisperPosition(self.targetName, self.scrollBar.GetPos()) def SendWhisper(self): text = self.chatLine.GetText() textLength = len(text) if textLength > 0: if net.IsInsultIn(text): chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.CHAT_INSULT_STRING) return net.SendWhisperPacket(self.targetName, text) self.chatLine.SetText("") chat.AppendWhisper(chat.WHISPER_TYPE_CHAT, self.targetName, player.GetName() + " : " + text) def OnTop(self): self.chatLine.SetFocus() def BindInterface(self, interface): self.interface = interface def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink() if hyperlink: if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT): link = chat.GetLinkFromHyperlink(hyperlink) ime.PasteString(link) else: self.interface.MakeHyperlinkTooltip(hyperlink) if "__main__" == __name__: import uiTest class TestApp(uiTest.App): def OnInit(self): wnd = WhisperDialog(self.OnMax, self.OnMin) wnd.LoadDialog() wnd.OpenWithoutTarget(self.OnNew) wnd.SetPosition(0, 0) wnd.Show() self.wnd = wnd def OnMax(self): pass def OnMin(self): pass def OnNew(self): pass TestApp().MainLoop()
  3. UNK3N0W7


    M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) quest lotaria begin state start begin when 20041.chat."Lotaria" begin if 30 > get_global_time() - pc . getqf ( "lottery_last_play" ) then say ("You must wait 30 seconds before repeating the game") return end say_title ( "bet" ) say ("You must wait 30 seconds before repeating the game.") say_reward ("You need: 50.000 Yang") say ("Do you want to continue?") local scelta = select ( "Yes","No" ) if scelta == 1 then if pc . gold >= 50000 then pc . changegold ( - 50000 ) local k repeat say_title ( "bet" ) say ( "Introduces a number 1-20" ) say ("If correspond to the number") say ("elected can win") say ("higher premium50.000.000 Yang!!") k = tonumber(input()) if k == nil then say_title("bet") say("Insere o numero!") local s = select("continue", "cancel") if s == 2 then return end else if k <= 0 then say_title("bet") say("You must enter a positive number!") local s = select("Continue", "Cancel") if s == 2 then return end else if k > 20 then say_title("bet") say("Introduces a number 1-20") local s = select("Continue", "Cancel") if s == 2 then return end else break end end end until false say("number elected: " .. k ) wait () say ("Now we proceed the number") local random_number = tostring(number(1,20)) say("elaborated number: " .. random_number) if random_number == tostring(k) then say ("That lucky, you just win 50kk!") say_reward ("You receive 50.000.000 Yang") pc.changegold ( 50000000 ) else say ("I'm sorry but does not always win!") end end pc.setqf("lottery_last_play" , get_global_time()) return end end end end
  4. Sorry for my double post | My gameoptiondialog :
  5. I stuck the file in my root and start the client goes down
  6. look I stick my file in root, will open the executable and exits the client ..
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjHf2ckHkeo
  8. I have a problem when I click on esc and go to game options, I click and my client closes, went to see my sisser : 0420 12:56:08133 :: CreateFromMemoryFile: Cannot create texture 0420 13:00:32709 :: uiGameOption.py(line:87) __Load_BindObject ui.py(line:2623) GetChild OptionDialog.__Load_BindObject - exceptions.KeyError:salestext_on_button 0420 13:00:32709 :: ============================================================================================================ 0420 13:00:32709 :: Abort!!!! uiGameOption.py line 87 : self.showsalesTextButtonList.append(GetObject("salestext_on_button")) ui.py line 2623 : return self.ElementDictionary[name]
  9. problem solved, I forgot to open the doors of channels on portmap
  10. I'm creating a server no-ip, I use surakopf and went to put my ip server, connect to the server, but now go to the host d failure
  11. UNIX? Do you mean ANSI? ;p Try to use encoding utf8 and character sets eastern european if you go settings->preferences->New Document you will an Unix line.So if you click it, every file with chinese strings that can not be appear, they will be shown now Add me on skype please nurb.cg
  12. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi, Download: [Hidden Content] Virus : [Hidden Content] By : TaiLinGDesignes
  13. My problem is the? the names of the items do not know why
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